Cbb Training Session 1



Training session 1 on Web 2.0 concepts for Realty Professionals and Loan Officers at Coldwell-Banker Burnet in Edina, Minnesota.

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Using Web 2.0 @ CB-Burnet

Robyn Lingen & Kevin Eisler

Designwrite Studios

Web 2.0 is the perceived second generation of web development and design, that aims to facilitate communication, data sharing, interoperability, and collaboration on the World Wide Web.

It does not refer to an update to any technical specifications, but rather to changes in the ways companies and their customers utilize the Web.

It began after the bursting of the dot-com bubble in the fall of 2001, and led to the development and evolution of web-based communities, hosted services and applications such as social-networking sites, video-sharing sites, wikis, blogs, and folksonomies.


It’s changed the nature of the web, and perhaps the way we live.

Web 2.0 doesn't have a hard definition but rather, a gravitational core that is in effect a set of principles and practices

that tie together a veritable solar system of sites demonstrating those principles.


1. Web as a platform

2. Harnessing collective intelligence

3. Data is the power

4. End of the “Software Release Cycle”

5. Lightweight Programming Models

6. Software Above the Level of a Single Device

7. Rich User Experiences

Source: Tim O’Reilly, oreilly.com


No longer is the Web a part of the packaged, proprietary market share paradigm of doing business.

• broken open for free perusal and use

• organized as an individual sees fit

• fair game for revision, changes and enhancements

• a venue for cooperation and shared knowledge

Businesses that harness the web to their advantage tend also to embrace one or more of the principles that seem to govern Web 2.0.

The interplay of data in the Web 2.0 sphere calls for a level of openness and honesty not previously embraced. This may very well be the crux of the revolution, and underscores the need to both understand Web2.0 concepts and utilize them thoughtfully and with intention.


What do we want to know?

• Understand social media as part of Web 2.0

• Understand Web 2.0 as part of a marketing strategy

• Understand the best practices of Web 2.0

• Understand how to use social media and Web 2.0 to your advantage

Understanding the process…

• Content– CEO of the Web– Differentiation

Understanding the process…

• Content (CEO)

• Enabler– COO of the Web– Right tech for


Understanding the process…

• Content (CEO)

• Enabler (COO)

• Social Media– Sales Team of the

Web– Distributor

Understanding the process…

• Content (CEO)

• Enabler (COO)

• Social Media (Sales Team)

• Feedback– Comment Box of the

Web– Initiates smart changes

Web 2.0 and marketing

• Business objectives are most important

• Different channel than Web

• Tactics are part of a strategy