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Arran is a 11 year old boy who will be perfect to play the role of our protagonist.

He looks young, and therefore we will be able to use him to portray a vulnerable protagonist in our production.


MISS GREGORYMiss Gregory will be playing the role of the teacher.

She is suitable for the role because her job is a teacher, and therefore she will be realistic.

This is similar to the film ‘Full Metal Jacket’ where the director hired a drill sergeant to play the role of the drill sergeant in the opening scenes. As a result of this people have said the opening to Full Metal Jacket is one of the most effective opening sequences.


Mrs Loe will be playing the role of the mother.

She is suitable for the role, as she looks like a realistic mother and she is the correct age.


Mr Loe will be playing the role of the Psychiatrist.

He is suitable for the role as he is the required age, and looks professional, contributing to the realism of the trailer.


The Nurse will be our back up actor. Since this is her actual job she could be useful for realism.

She is also very accessible, since she works out our location which is the medical room.


Mr Berry is playing the role of a doctor.

He is the suitable age. He is an accurate representation of an educated professional, and therefore will be perfect for the role of the doctor.
