Cassy\'s Stupid Microsoft Office Project


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The term “Lucid dreaming” means dreaming while

knowing that you ARE dreaming!

It usually begins in the midst of a dream when the dreamer realizes that the

experience is not occurring in physical

reality.. …but is a dream.

However, becoming lucid in a dream is likely to increase the extent to which you can

deliberately influence the course of events.

Lucidity is not synonymous with dream control. It is possible to be lucid and have

little control over dream content, and conversely, to have a great deal of control without being explicitly aware that you are

dreaming.- - -

People often ask, "Why should I want to have lucid dreams? What are they good for?“…

The Answer?

…And, who wouldn’t enjoy that?

You are restricted only by your ability to imagine and

conceive, not by laws of physics

or society.

Indeed! Most herbs, vitamins, amino acids, and minerals help you

dream more and recall dreams better. …They may even bring upon lucid

dreams! -Examples of Herbs-Valerian, Mullein, Licorice Root,

Jasmine, Honeysuckle, Bee Pollen, Hops, Mimosa, Lavender,

Passionflower, Chamomile, Rose, Cinnamon, Marigold, Nutmeg, Peppermint, Holly, Yarrow and


Lucid dream

induction technique

s help focus

intention and

prepare a critical mind.

The two essentials of learning lucid dreaming are:

Motivation AND Effort

Note: Although most people report

occasional spontaneous lucid

dreams, they rarely occur without intending it.

Experiment and Observe

[Lucid dreaming is easier than

you may think]

Fact: A common problem for beginners is remaining in the dream after becoming Lucid.

>Becoming too excited that you are

dreaming, wakes you up right away-

There are many reasons for being excited, but it will only work against

your goal. You need to suppress that


>If your dream show signs of ending:

You might want to try other commands like: - “Increase lucidity

now!”- “Create visuals now!”- “Stay calm!”

>Your behavior strongly influences your experience in both worlds.

>Lucid dreams can be signposts for how you can make your waking

reality more exciting and enjoyable.

+Concluding that they are not dangerous!

(As a matter of fact lucid dreams can be inspirations for how to act and improve

in reality).

> You might want to try to find out how conscious you are, make sure that the logical part of your brain is functioning

and that all your senses are working.

> You need to remember your intent, do some

math tasks, recall a few things from your life, what time it is,

what date it is, where you are and

stuff like that. Look around you and observe things.

Make sure that you are in a dream, not in “hypnagogic” imagery.

[Remember: All senses should be working including tactile feelings]

> Discover ENDLESS possibilities!> Do WHATEVER your mind

desires!> YOU have the ability to control what happens!

Presentation Made by: Cassandra Douglas
