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The biosphere is a thin layer of air, land, and water on or near the Earth’s surface where living things exist. If the earth was an apple, then the apple’s peel would represent the biosphere.

The biosphere is divided into smaller sections called biomes.

A biome is a large geographical region that has similar types of biotic and abiotic factors.

Biotic factors are living organisms within a biome.

Abiotic factors are non-living parts of a biome.

A biome is a distinct ecological community of plants and animals (biotic factors) living together within a similar climatic region (abiotic factors).

Temperature and precipitation are the main abiotic factors that influence the characteristics and distribution of biomes.

The following factors influence temperature and precipitation.

Latitude Ocean Currents

Elevation Wind

Geographical features also play a role in the formation of biomes.

Plants and animals in a biome depend on one another for survival.

Plants provide food and shelter for animals.

Animals help spread the seeds of plants …

… as well as provide food for animals.

The Earth has eight terrestrial (land-based) biomes.

Tundra Boreal Forest Temperate Deciduous Forest Temperate Rainforest Grassland (Temperate and tropical) Tropical Rainforest Desert (Hot and Cold) Permanent Ice (Polar Ice)
