AWS Lambda with ClaudiaJS


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Serverless WithLambda, NodeJS and ClaudiaJS

AWSome Meetup on 31st of October

Hi, I’m Riza


“A new cloud compu!ng trend that changes the way you think about wri!ng and maintaining applica!ons.”

Tomasz Janczuk

Chief Architect for Webtasks at Auth0

“The essence of the serverless trend is the absence of the server concept during so"ware development.”

Tomasz Janczuk

Chief Architect for Webtasks at Auth0


Amazon Lambda

Google Func!ons

Azure Func!ons

GOTO; Conf 2017

"For 400.000 ac!ve user we have paid $0.53 for Lambda. Now, beat that with your hos!ng cost!"

Gojko Adzic from MindMup

Designing for the Serverless Age


I’m sold!


But I Love’em

Especially this

Don’t you worry

*Fully-managed your serverless architecture

*Required to use CloudForma"on

*Build-in support for CI/CD workflows

* Golang-based framework

* Deployment op"mized

* Concurrent for quick deploy

* Deployment u"lity, not a framework

* Extensions for new features

* unit-test Lambda func"ons

“Serverless is like ice cream. It’s nice to talk about it, but

much be"er to try out.”

The Casts

A Serverless Host

Deployment Library



The Architecture

First Act...Ac!on!!

$ vim ~/.aws/credentials

[default] aws_access_key_id = YOUR_ACCESS_KEY aws_secret_access_key = YOUR_ACCESS_SECRET

Second Act...Install Claudia

$ npm install -g claudia

Third Act...Write our service

$ mkdir claudia-icecream-shop $ cd claudia-icecream-shop $ npm init $ npm install aws-sdk claudia-api-builder $ vim index.js

Third Act...Write our service

const ApiBuilder = require('claudia-api-builder') const AWS = require('aws-sdk') const api = new ApiBuilder() const dynamoDb = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient()

const TABLENAME = 'icecreams'

Third Act...Write our service'/icecreams', request => { const params = { TableName: TABLENAME, Item: { icecreamid:, name: } } return dynamoDb.put(params).promise() }, { success: 201 } )

Third Act...Write our service

api.get('/icecreams', request => { return dynamoDb .scan({ TableName: TABLENAME }) .promise() .then(response => response.Items) })

module.exports = api

Fourth Act...Setup DynamoDB

$ mkdir policy

$ vim policy/dynamodb-policy.json

Fourth Act...Setup DynamoDB

{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Action": [ "dynamodb:DeleteItem", "dynamodb:GetItem", "dynamodb:PutItem", "dynamodb:Scan" ], "Effect": "Allow", "Resource": "*" } ] }

Fourth Act...Setup DynamoDB

Fourth Act...Setup DynamoDB

$ aws dynamodb create-table --table-name icecreams --attribute-definition \ AttributeName=icecreamid,AttributeType=S \ --key-schema \ AttributeName=icecreamid,KeyType=HASH \ --provisioned-throughput \ ReadCapacityUnits=1,WriteCapacityUnits=1 \ --region ap-southeast-1 \ --query TableDescription.TableArn --output text

Fi"h Act...Time for deploy

$ claudia create --region ap-southeast-1 \

--api-module index --policies policy

Fi"h Act...Time for deploy


"lambda": {

"role": "ice-cream-shop-executor",

"name": "ice-cream-shop",

"region": "us-east-1"


"api": {

"id": "your-service-id",

"module": "index",

"url": “https: //xxx.execute-api.ap-"



$ curl -H "Content-Type: application/json"

-X POST -d

‘{“icecreamId”:”123","name":"chocolate"}' \

https: //xxx.execute-api.ap-

Sixth Act...Trying it out

Sixth Act...Trying it out

$ curl https: //xxx.execute-api.ap-

[{“icecreamId”: 123, “name”: “chocolate”}]

Seventh Act...Some updates

$ claudia update

That’s Pretty much it!Now go, you deserve some ice cream!

