ASP.Net MVC 4 [Part - 2]



explain the features of ASP.Net MVC 4 like unit testing, layouts, Ajax,.. etc

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MVC 4.0Part 2



Contents MVC & Unit Testing

Exception Handling & MVC

Routing & MVC

Navigation Structure & MVC

Apply Style to MVC Web Application


MVC & Caching

MVC & Unit Testing

Unit Testing Introduction

Unit test is a procedure that instantiates a component that you have written, calls one aspect of the functionalities of the component and checks that the component responds correctly according to the design.

The test checks individual aspects of your code without relying on database servers, network connections and other infrastructure.

Multiple unit tests can be performed for a single class and even for a single method in a class.

Unit Test Phases Arrange the test creates an instance of the class that it will test and other required

objects to complete the test

Act the test runs the functionality that it must check

Assert the test checks the result against the expected result if the result matches what was expected the test passes otherwise the test fail

Assert Act Asser


Loosely Coupled Application Loosely coupled application is one in which each component requires few or no details of

the other components of the system.

Loosely coupled components are essential for thorough unit testing because classes that deal with real data, such as data from a database, can be easily be replaced with classes that deal with test data.

Other benefits, loose coupling makes it easier to replace simple components with more sophisticated ones

A loosely-coupled application is easy to test because you can make tests simpler by replacing a fully functional instance of a class with a simplified instance that is specifically designed for the test

Use Interfaces for Loosely Coupled

This creates loose coupling because you need not specify a class in code. Instead, you can specify any implementation of a particular interface.

Loose Coupling means reducing dependencies of a class that use a different class directly. In tight coupling, classes and objects are dependent on one another. In general, tight coupling is usually bad because it reduces flexibility and re-usability of code and it makes changes much more difficult and impedes testability etc.

Loose Coupling in a MVC Application

because of its separation of concerns into model, controllers, and views. Models are simple to test because they are independent classes that you can instantiate and configure during the arrange phase of a test. Controllers are simple classes which you can test but it is complex to test controllers with in-memory data, rather than using a database. To test controllers with in-memory data, you create a test double class, also known as a fake repository.

Using Constructors to Specify a Repository During a unit test, call a controller constructor that takes an instance of the

repository interface as a parameter. At other times, the MVC controller factory will call the controller constructor without any parameters.

An IoC container is a framework you can add to your application that instantiates classes. You must configure the IoC container so that it can identify the kind of object to create when the application expects a specific interface.

By using an IoC container, you avoid the need to create two constructors for controller classes. During tests, you can instantiate the test double and pass it to the controller constructor. At other times, the IoC container instantiates the actual Entity Framework context and passes it to the controller constructor

Mocking Frameworks

By using a test double or mock object to supply test data, you can test your code in isolation from other classes and from the infrastructure elements such as databases and network connections on which the application will Rely You can create test doubles by manually coding their instantiation, setting their properties, and populating collections. Such test doubles are known as manual mock objects. instead of creating mock objects manually with your own code, you can use a mocking framework to automate this work. A mocking framework automatically creates mock object by using the interfaces that you specify.

A mocking framework enables you to specify irrelevant properties and methods in a given test. When the framework creates a mock object for your test, it creates stubs for the irrelevant properties and methods. A stub is a simple implementation with little code.

Unit Testing for MVC controller Examples Tests to check the correct action result is returned from a controller action. This

includes information about the action result, such as the testing the correct view is returned for a view result.

Test the view data returned by a controller

Tests to check if the view model is what you expected. If you have a strongly typed view which expects class foo and you pass class bar to your view model, your code will compile, would result in a runtime error like the one shown below. and how to test whether or not one controller action redirects you to a second controller action

Exception Handling & MVC

Exception & Exception Handling an exception, which is an object that you can use to diagnose and resolve the error.

The exception contains information that you can use to diagnose the problem. Exceptions that are not handled in your code will cause the web application to halt and an error message to be displayed to the user.

Exception Handling

Exception Handling in MVC In MVC controllers, there are two methods to catch exceptions

the OnExceptionmethod.

the [HandleError]annotation.

OnExceptionmethod [HandleError]annotation

The OnExceptionmethod is defined on the base Controllerclass, so you can override it in any MVC controller. When you override the OnExceptionmethod in a custom controller, MVC runs the method whenever an exception arises and is not handled in a try/catchblock

Using the [HandleError]annotation, you can use an attribute on individual action methods or on the controller class itself, in which case the the [HandleError]annotation catches errors in any action. When you use the [HandleError] annotation without properties, any exceptions are caught and sent to an MVC view called Error.cshtml

Custom Error Mode To configure custom errors, add the <customErrors>element to the web.config file.

This element must be a child of the <system.web>element.

Off:Unhandled errors are displayed on the default ASP.NET error page.

On: Unhandled errors are displayed in the page you specify in the defaultRedirectattribute.

RemoteOnly: In this mode, unhandled errors are displayed differently for browsers on remote computers and browsers on the web server. In a production site, all browsers are remote and errors are displayed in the page that you specify in the defaultRedirectattribute. In development situations, the developer often browses to the site on the local computer. When an error occurs, the developer is directed to the default ASP.NET error page, which includes debugging information such as the stack trace. Use the RemoteOnlymode on development

Logging Exception in MVC

Create a custom base controller class for your web application. This class inherits from the System.Web.Mvc.Controllerbase class.

In your custom base controller class, override the OnException()method. Place you error logging code in this method.

When you create controllers, inherit from your custom base controller class instead of System.Web.Mvc.Controller.

Routing & MVC

Routing A route is an object that parses a requested URL, and it determines the controller

and action, to which the request must be forwarded. Such routes are called incoming routes. HTML helpers also use routes when they formulate links to controllers and actions. Such routes are called outgoing routes.

Routing does not operate on the protocol, server, domain, or port number of a URL but only on the directories and file name in the relative URL

Default Route

The default route examines the first three segments of the URL. Each segment is delimited by a forward slash.

The first segment is interpreted as the name of the controller. The routing engine forwards the request to this controller. If a first segment is not specified, the default route forwards the request to a controller called Home.

The second segment is interpreted as the name of the action. The routing engine forwards the request to this action. If a second segment is not specified, the default route forwards the request to a controller called Index.

The third segment is interpreted as an ID value, which is passed to the action as a parameter. The parameter is optional, so if a third segment is not specified, no default value is passed to the action.

Add Custom Routes Every MVC web application has a Route Table object in which routes are stored, in

the Routes properties. You can add routes to the Routesproperty, by calling the MapRoute()method.

In the Visual Studio project templates for MVC 4, a dedicated RouteConfig.cscode file exists in the App_Startfolder. This file includes the RouteConfig.RegisterRoutes()static method, where the default route is added to the RouteTableobject. You can add custom routes in this method. The Global.asax.csfile includes a call to RouteConfig.RegisterRoutes() in the Application_Start()method, which means that routes are added to the routing table whenever the MVC application starts.

Precedence of Routes

Routes are evaluated by the routing engine in the order with which they are added to the Route Table. Routes collection. If a route matches, the routing engine uses it and does not evaluate any later route in the collection. If a route does not match, the routing engine ignores it and evaluates the next route in the collection. You can add the most specific routes first

The route named "Default" matches any request, including those with no relative URL. This default route should be the last that you add to the Route Table.Routes collection. If the routing engine evaluates this route, the route is always used. Any routes added after the default route are never used

Navigation Structure & MVC


A navigation structure is a logical hierarchy of webpages, which enables users to browse to the information that interests them

Top menus. Often placed at the top of the page or immediately

beneath the application branding, top menus link to the

main areas of your web application

Tree Views. A tree view is a hierarchical menu that can display many items in multiple levels

in your web application.

Breadcrumb Trails. Often presented as a horizontal sequence of links across the top of

a webpage, a breadcrumb trail shows the

current page and its parents in all the higher levels of the


Footer menus. The page footer is often not visible

when a user arrives on a page

MVC Site Map Provider The MVC Site Map Provider is a provider designed to work with MVC controllers and actions. It

presents the information architecture that you can configure in a simple XML file. This hierarchy is completely independent of the model, controllers, and actions in your applications although you can build links to them. The provider also includes HTML helpers, which you can use in views to render menus, tree views, and breadcrumb trails.

The MVC Site Map Provider is the only site map provider that allows you to specify a controller and action for every item in the site map

Install it using MVCSiteMapProvider using NuGet Package

You should configure the MVC Site Map Provider, by adding elements to the web.config file in the root folder of your MVC web application. When you install the site map provider, the NuGet package adds a <siteMap>element to the <system.web>section of this file.

MVC Site Map File

Add Navigation Controls to Views

Apply Styles to MVC Web Application

Layouts Layouts allow you to define a common style template, and then apply it to all the views in

a web application. The functionality of layouts is similar to that of the master page in a traditional ASP.NET web application. You can use layouts to define the content layout or logic that is shared across views.

You can define multiple layouts in an ASP.NET MVC 4 application, and each layout can have multiple sections. You can define these sections anywhere in the layout file, even in the <head>section of the HTML in the layout file.. Sections allow you to output dynamic content as part of the final response.

you can build a common module or a shared view. A shared view that helps to store the application logic is called a layout. ASP.NET MVC 4 includes features that help simplify the process of creating and using layouts.

Layouts (2)

the @RenderBody() method indicates to the rendering

engine where the content of the view is placed.

The MenuBarparameter in the RenderSection()helper method specifies the name

of the section that you want to render in the

layout. The requiredparameter is

optional; it allows you to determine if the section you render is required.

Linking View & Layouts


AJAX While developing web applications, to update individual sections in the page, you

may need to reload the entire webpage. Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX)in ASP.NET MVC 4 allows partial page updates, to help update sections of a webpage, without reloading the entire page.

Partial page updates use AJAX technologies to help update individual sections of a webpage, during postback.

AJAX & MVC To implement partial page updates, you need to create a view, called a partial

view, that includes only the section that you need to update.