Applying nanotechnology in_medicine group b




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Applying nanotechnology in Medicine


21st century’s problem

• Some drugs like cancer therapy have harsh side effects. Numerous people experience hair loss, vomiting and dizziness as a side effect.

• The poor or the people from the third country who have to walk too far to reach the nearest hospital to be treated cannot receive the privilege of modern highly advanced medical technology.

Solution to the problem

• Using nanomedicine to deliver the drugs to an appropriate cells that need to be treated.

• Using nanorobot to check the pa-tient’s health condition constantly and also to protect our body against pathogens.


Existing drugs

Diffuse component in all body

It brings harsh side effect

Drug delivery

• Drug encapsulation : encapsulate drugs to protect them during transit in the body. Encapsulation include liposomes and polymer(PLA, PLGA)

• Functional drug carriers : Nanostructure can be controlled with a drug. Attract specific cells and release their payload when required. (Appropriate nanostruc-ture : Fullerenes, Dendrimers, nanoshells)

Nano Drugs

It released in the blood steam & get in-formation about it

Tissue re-

place-ment & repair



Surgical Aids


• Nanodevices that will be used for the pur-pose of protecting our body from the pathogens.

• The main element is Carbon ; diamond / fullerene because of the strength and chemical inertness.

• Diamond coating is the way to avoid being attacked by the host’s immune system.

• Carbon is indeed outstandingly biocompat-ible with living cells.

Nano motors

• Potent Engine– ATP ase Motor• it is strongest motor of molecular motors

– One hundred million motors can fit on the end of the pin

Fuels for nanorobots

• Catalytic reaction• Laser light

When it becomes reality…

• Respirocytes : A mechanical artificial RBC

• Collottocytes : Artificial mechanical platelets

• Microbivores : Artificial mechanical phagocytes

• Vasculoid : A personal nanomedical appliance to replace human blood

HOW does this invention impact soci-ety

• Nano robot will became smaller and smaller

• Medicine with it will cure more diseases• We might don’t have to go to hospital any

more. • We can get all of treatment with Nano ma-

