Apache Ambari - What's New in 1.4.2




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© Hortonworks Inc. 2013

Apache Ambari


December 2013


© Hortonworks Inc. 2013

What’s New in Ambari 1.4.2

• Move masters (NN, SNN, JT, RM)• HBase multi-master• More Host Controls• Simplified local repo setup

• For a complete list of changes:https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/AMBARI/fixforversion/12325016

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Moving Masters

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• Move master components to different hosts– NameNode– SecondaryNameNode– TaskTracker (Hadoop 1)– ResourceManager (Hadoop 2)

• Move individual NameNodes in Hadoop 2 HA configuration

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HBase Multi-Masters

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• Add multiple HBase Masters

• During Cluster Install– Assign >1 HBase Masters

• Post Cluster Install– Add HBase Master to a host

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More Host Controls

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• Start/Stop All host components

• Delete host

• Add Clients to existing host

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Simplified Local Repository Setup

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• Provide Repository Base URL during Install

• No more editing Stack XML files!

• Host Checks will confirm that repository is accessible

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Other Changes

• Removed automatic “Smoke Test” on Service “Start”–Only occurs on “Start All”

• New User Settings: Background ops dialog “off”

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Learn More

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Resource Location

Apache Ambari Project Page http://ambari.apache.org

Mailing Lists http://ambari.apache.org/mail-lists.html

Ambari Wiki https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/AMBARI

Ambari JIRA https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/AMBARI
