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AP 8232

AP 8222


ExEcutIvE SummARyEvery day, more workers are using more mobile devices to stay connected to the people and information they need to get the job done fast — and right. At the same time, mobile applications are becoming bandwidth-heavy: video calls are replacing voice calls and today’s data applications are often rich with multimedia. As a result, there are more devices and more traffic constantly pressuring the performance of the enterprise wireless LAN. And these trends are further exacerbated by Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policies, where one employee may carry two or three Wi-Fi-enabled devices.

With Motorola’s new 802.11ac access point family, the AP 8200 Series, your customers are equipped to accommodate the growing number of mobile devices as well as increasing mobile application complexity. These access points leverage 802.11ac, also known as fifth generation Wi-Fi, to provide a wireless performance boost capable of delivering data at desktop speeds — up to four times the speed of 802.11n. Yet, the access points also support a 2.4 GHz radio to ensure backward compatibility with every Wi-Fi-enabled mobile device in your customer’s environment today.

At launch, the AP 8200 Series 802.11ac portfolio consists of two products:

• AP 8232 modular Access Point. Designed for general enterprise use, the AP 8232 features a dual 802.11ac/802.11n radio for an easy upgrade path to 802.11ac. The access point features a unique modular design where customers can snap on up to two different USB application modules at a time. The AP 8200 Series family of modules includes 3G/4G/LTE redundant backhaul, a dedicated intrusion detection and a “green” environmental light sensor. Your customers get a multi-function access point that supercharges their WLAN with a new level of capacity, new level of performance and new level of flexibility.

• AP 8222 Access Point. The AP 8222 delivers blazing fast Wi-Fi wireless access in public and customer-facing environments. Its internal

antennas and sleek and sophisticated housing blend right into the most design-conscious public areas. Whether your customers need to serve shoppers in a retail store, hotel guests or patients and their visitors in a hospital, the AP 8222 delivers Wi-Fi speeds up to four times the speed of 802.11n, improving scalability —making it even easier to sale your network to support bandwidth heavy applications and more users.

unmAtchEd BAndwIdth foR unmAtchEd nEtwoRk And APPlIcAtIon PERfoRmAncE With Motorola’s 5th generation 802.11ac access points, your customer’s WLAN can support an unprecedented number of users and applications — including voice and video — allowing them to confidently deploy BYOD initiatives as well as empower new workgroups with mobile devices and new mobile applications. As they add users and increase the volume of data travelling over the WLAN, they get the peace of mind that comes from knowing their network is ready and waiting. And support for both 5 GHz and 2.4 GHz radios means the AP 8222 and AP8232 also support all the legacy 802.11a/b/g/n clients already in place today. Your customers don’t need to worry about upgrading every device to 802.11ac right away.

Platform highlights for the AP 8222 and AP 8232 include:

• Dual radio 802.11.ac and 802.11n

• 3 spatial stream 3x3 MIMO for maximum throughput

• Support for both legacy and emerging Power Over Ethernet (PoE) standards, allowing your customers to get the advantages of 802.3at — more power for the device — without requiring the upgrade of wired network infrastructure.

• Load balancing, pre-emptive roaming and rate scaling

• Gap-free security (plug-in intrusion detection module for AP 8232; one radio can be used for intrusion detection for AP 8222)

• Can be used in stand-alone mode or centrally managed from NOC

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Product overview/Benefits


IntRoducIng wIng 5.5: thE lAtESt dIStRIButEd ARchItEctuRE fRom motoRolAWith the emergence of 802.11n, Motorola innovated a paradigm shift to address the needs of a new wireless era. WiNG 5 WLAN distributes intelligence throughout the network so that traffic can flow directly, without bottlenecking at the wireless controller or burdening the wired network. And the WiNG 5 solution enforces QoS, security and mobility services for all traffic, even when it doesn’t go through the controller, which is unique to our solution.

Enabling QoS, security and mobility at the access points also provides a higher level of network survivability and more flexibility on how the network is architected and deployed. Customers will get more network capacity, more resilience, more flexibility and a better quality of experience. And because fewer wireless controllers are needed, the solution delivers all these benefits at less cost.

The AP 8222 and AP 8232 are part of our WiNG 5 family of WLAN infrastructure. They are “network aware”, able to work in concert with all other Motorola WiNG 5 controllers and access points to define the route that will enable the fastest and most robust path for every transmission. The access points can be deployed in standalone mode, or can be adopted by our controllers for easy centralized management. No matter how many access points and controllers your customers need, or where in the world they are located, they can deploy, monitor, troubleshoot and manage them all from a single location.

WiNG 5.5 offers support for 802.11ac, along with many new features that provide major benefits to your customers. Following is an overview of the most important features.

• content caching: With video now a commonplace application, enterprises need a means to protect WLAN networks from the performance degradation that can occur as a result of video applications. With WiNG 5.5, customers can cache video content to enable video applications that won’t impact network performance. The WiNG 5.5 operating system offers highly configurable content caching on Motorola’s NX Series controllers, which offer a half a terabyte drive with a definable cache. Content can be cached either at headquarters or locally. Two modes are available: policy and adaptive

PARtnER BRIEf AP 8222/AP 8232

–– Policy–mode. Policies are highly configurable. For example, if a store rolls out a new ‘How-to’ video for shoppers or a new training video for employees, those videos can be loaded on the store’s local drive, where requests to view will not impact bandwidth. Videos can be loaded in the store itself, or in the event the store does not have local IT support, IT can load the video from a remote location.

–– Adaptive–mode.–The intelligent Adaptive mode searches the cache first whenever a video is requested. In the event it is not available, once the video is downloaded, customers can determine if they want to save that video for a pre-determined period of time, such as a day or a week. In addition, a white-listing functionality allows customers to specify where content can and cannot originate from — for example, a rule might state that any video from YouTube is acceptable, while content from a small website should never be cached. This allows the caching function to adapt to whatever content is being viewed at the time, while still protecting the network against content from questionable sources.

• content caching analytics: This feature makes content caching even more valuable. All the requests for video content from any mobile device are captured and sent to the NX Series controller — either the NX4500/NX6500 in the local location or the NX9500 in the NOC. This information allows IT to determine the type of content users are requesting and the related bandwidth requirements, which in turn helps hone content caching rules to better protect network performance and maximize the value of the content caching feature. These valuable analytics can reveal that videos need to be saved in the cache longer, or cache space needs to be increased on certain days (such as Saturday and Sunday in a retail store).

• one view management: WiNG 5.5 provides rich hierarchical management of the entire network. For example, a retailer can start with a macro view to see all stores, all NX Series controllers and their adopted access points and drill down into a specific store as well as a specific access point in that store. In addition, controllers can adopt controllers. For example, the NX9500 in the NOC can adopt an NX4500/NX6500 controller in a store, providing

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Product overview/Benefits


complete remote control over every piece of WLAN infrastructure in the network from the NOC. The NX9500 can control the local NX4500/NX6500 local controllers as well as all the access points connected to those local controllers.

• virtual machine (vm) management: Hypervisor is integrated into the NX Series of controllers, providing a virtualized environment that is available for hosting Virtual Machines. With WiNG 5.5, not only can you host VM-based applications — from a firewall, voice gateway and WAN optimization to a POS — but you can also manage them from a single centralized location. For example, if a retailer is running a POS system on a VM in the NX Series, that POS application can be deployed in hundreds of stores with the literal press of a button, instead of requiring a person to physically purchase and set up the POS system in the many individual stores — a potential saving of hundreds if not thousands of IT hours. In addition, while each VM has its own management interface, WiNG 5.5 provides the APIs required to feed the data from those individual management systems into WiNG 5.5, with just a simple configuration. Now, instead of trying to aggregate the data across systems manually, it is automatically aggregated for IT, providing a single pane of glass into the entire network. The result? A substantial decrease in equipment costs and management time, and a substantial increase in network management simplicity.

whAt IS 802.11Ac? As the fifth generation Wi-Fi, 802.11ac is a faster and more scalable version of 802.11n. It’s designed to counter the explosion of mobile devices and increased bandwidth demands by delivering higher levels of Wi-Fi that are on par with Gigabit Ethernet. In essence, 802.ac provides a very high data rate by using a much wider spectrum; it’s twice as fast as 802.11n and three streams will deliver speeds up to 1.2 Gbps.

Existing 802.11 Wi-Fi standards operate in the 2.4 GHz band (802.11b and 802.11g), the 5 GHz band (802.11a), or both 2.4 and 5 GHz (802.11n). 802.11ac operates strictly in the 5 GHz. The 5 GHz band is typically cleaner, without the interference common at 2.4 GHz, including older Bluetooth devices, cordless phones, and microwave ovens. 802.11ac is backwards compatible with other 802.11 technologies (i.e. 802.11n) that operate in the 5 GHz band.

PARtnER BRIEf AP 8222/AP 8232

From a business perspective, 802.11ac offers the following benefits:

• Significant improvements in the effective number of clients supported by an access point

• A better experience for each client, as well as more bandwidth available to support more simultaneous video streams

• Faster downloads with low-lag Gigabit speeds

On a technical level, key enhancements supported by 802.11ac include:

• Wider channels: Increased from the maximum of 40 MHz in 802.11n to 80 MHz and even 160 MHz (optional) for an increase of speeds of 117 percent and 333 percent, respectively

• Improved modulation resulting in increased bandwidth/capacity

• Multiuser MIMO (to be available in the second phase of 802.11ac): MU-MIMO allows an access point to send multiple frames to multiple clients at the same time over the same frequency spectrum (much like a wireless switch).

• Beamforming to increase the effective range/coverage

thE mARkEt oPPoRtunItyFollowing is an assessment of the market, as well as the product positioning by market application, company size and more.

wlAn PASSES $4B In AnnuAl REvEnuE1

According to Infonetics Research, worldwide WLAN grew 4 percent quarter over quarter to 1.1B in quarterly revenue — propelling 2012 to a new annual high. This marks the third year of 20 percent annual growth.

Compared with sales of wireline network gear, the WLAN market is a bright spot in the networking market, achieving record sales despite lingering economic concerns. Infonetics attributes this growth to the usual wireless demand drivers: more wireless devices, BYOD and mobility.

In addition, Infonetics reported that revenue outgrew AP shipments in CY12, indicating a shift to higher end equipment. Annual AP shipments have doubled in the past five years.

The following section is sourced from Infonetics Research, Wireless LAN Equipment and WiFi Phones Market Size, Share, and Forecasts: 4Q12. February 2013.


RkEt oPPo


Ity Target M



tARgEt cuStomER: PRoSPEct tItlESTarget customers for the AP 8222 and AP 8232 include early adopters of 802.11ac technology and early customers across verticals looking to upgrade their WLAN from legacy 802.11a/b/g networks. During the sale process, you can expect to work with several key players:


– CIO and Director of IT


– VP Operations




As shown in Figure 1, Independent AP shipments fell 14 percent in an otherwise growing market, marking a shift toward centrally managed WLAN architecture. Interactive APs grew 34 percent over the same time frame. Note that the AP 8200 Series access points are highly flexible — they can stand alone, self manage in small numbers as well as report to a central management resource.

thE mARkEt foREcASt foR 802.11AcWhile 802.11n began as a niche product in 2009 (and less than half of the access points sold in 2010 supported 802.11n), the standard has become mainstream today. In 4Q12, nearly 90 percent of the access points sold supported 802.11n.

According to Infonetics, 802.11ac will begin nibbling away at 802.11n’s dominance in 2014. And assuming a similar growth trajectory as seen with 802.11n, 802.11ac could account for more than 60 percent of AP shipments by 2017 [Figure 2].

The AP 8200 Series 802.11ac portfolio is ideal for this transitioning environment. A dual 802.11ac/802.11n radio offers an easy upgrade path to 802.11ac for early adopters of 802.11ac. And customers looking to upgrade their access points from 802.11b/g are free to leverage the portfolio’s 802.11n support today, knowing that they already have the infrastructure in place to move to the higher speeds of 802.11ac at any point.

PARtnER BRIEf AP 8222/AP 8232

Quarterly Annual

category metric 4Q11 3Q12 4Q124Q12 vs.


4Q12 vs. 4Q11

cy11 cy12 yoy

Independent APs

Units 512,097 415,805 350,062 -16% -32% 1,979,787 1,709,256 -14%

Revenue $68 $54 $57 7% -16% $264 $325 -11%

Interactive APs

Units 1,277,559 1,767,510 1,786,503 1% 40% 4,858,557 6,496,565 34%

Revenue $475 $605 $602 0% 27% $1,729 $2,240 30%

figure 1: wlAn Equipment units and Revenue by Product type Revenue shown in uS$ millions


tIER 2: 20%



(1,000+ EMPLOYEES)



mARkEt oPPoRtunIty By comPAny SIzE


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Ity Target M



PARtnER BRIEf AP 8222/AP 8232

tARgEt mARkEt And APPlIcAtIonS

figure 2: Access Points by technology type



t Shi


ts (%








cy11 cy12 cy13 cy14 cy15 cy16 cy17

.11a/b/g .11n .11ac


vERtIcAl mARkEt AP 8222 AP 8232


• Very high capacity and high speed guest connectivity for video applications

• Integrated security and location services• Aesthetically appealing• Secure BYOD• Voice and video transport

• Very high speed connectivity and capacity for video• Integrated security and location services• Secure BYOD• Voice and video transport • Optional modules for Green Operations• Video surveillance and analytics• Dedicated 24x7 WIPS for PCI


• Very high speed connectivity and capacity for conference room, auditoriums, venues

• Integrated security and location services • Aesthetically appealing

• Very high speed connectivity and capacity • Conference room; auditoriums; venues; integrated• Security and location services


• Very high speed connectivity and capacity for large hospitals for imaging and video apps

• Integrated security and location services • Patient and guest Wi-Fi access; secure BYOD; voice and

video transport

• Very high speed connectivity and capacity for large hospitals for imaging and video apps

• Optional modules for 24x7 WIPS for HIPAA• Patient and guest Wi-Fi access with secure BYOD, voice and video

transportation & logistics


• Very high speed connectivity for manifest and route planning download

• Optional modules for Video surveillance and video analysis• Optional modules for Ambient sensing


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Ity Target M




dIScount cAtEgoRy

AP 8232 confIguRAtIonS

AP-8232-67040-WR3-stream 802.11ac Access Point. External antenna, modularity enabledNon-US (International version)

1F $1345

AP-8232-67040-EU3-stream 802.11ac Access Point. External antenna, modularity enabledDomain: ETSI (EU version)

1F $1345

AP-8232-67040-US3-stream 802.11ac Access Point. External antenna, modularity enabledDomain: FCC (U.S. version)

1F $1345

AP 8222 confIguRAtIonS

AP-8222-67030-WR3-stream 802.11ac Access Point. Internal antennaNon-US (International version)

1F $1245

AP-8222-67030-EU3-stream 802.11ac Access Point. Internal antenna Domain: ETSI (EU version)

1F $1245

AP-8222-67030-US3-stream 802.11ac Access Point. Internal antennaDomain: FCC (U.S. version)

1F $1245

AP 8232 And AP 8222 AccESSoRIES

AP-PSBIAS-2P3-ATR Single port 802.3at PoE Power Injector 1F $99

BuSInESS PRoPoSItIonThis section outlines the investment required to sell the AP 8222 and AP 8232, the revenue opportunities associated with hardware and accessories, as well as the incremental revenue opportunities associated with enhanced services.

youR InvEStmEntThe investment required by Motorola business partners to sell the AP 8222 and AP 8232 is summarized in the following chart:

thE mAny REvEnuE oPPoRtunItIESThe following chart provides a complete list of the available configurations and pricing for the 802.11ac access point family.

For a complete list of available configurations, please refer to Solution Builder.

Integration and enhanced services revenueLeveraging your services portfolio with Motorola’s Enterprise Mobility Services as part of the complete solution provides you with a significant opportunity to earn more revenue and increase your profit margin. Motorola’s flexible services are structured to allow for a seamless lifecycle model, fostering complete customer satisfaction and reduced overall service delivery costs. In addition, they deliver ongoing support and maintenance post deployment, helping to ensure maximum uptime and peak system performance for your customers. If you do not offer these services yourself, you have an opportunity to leverage and resell Motorola’s Enterprise Mobility Services to help ensure your customers get the services they need — when and where they need them.

Your own experience, coupled with industry research shows that customers are more likely to select service plans when they’re bundled up front with a hardware quote as part of a complete solution. As our partner in selling Motorola products, it can benefit you, as well as your customer, to include Motorola’s exceptional services into each sale. There’s no better way to give your customers total service peace of mind by helping to ensure their investment is protected.

PARtnER BRIEf AP 8222/AP 8232

dEScRIPtIon APPRoxImAtE coSt

Motorola Sales Tools Available at no cost

Certification Costs None

Demo Units Available for purchase








kEy SEllIng PoIntSFollowing are the top three messages, plus the key features and benefits that set Motorola Solutions’ AP 8200 Series 802.11ac portfolio apart from its competitors.

toP thREE kEy PRoduct AdvAntAgES foR thE AP 8200 SERIES

1. Enables a seamless upgrade path to 802.11ac, while supporting legacy clients: With the AP 8232/ AP 8222 5th generation 802.11ac Wi-Fi access points, your customers can support more mobile devices, more wireless applications and today’s bandwidth heavy video and multimedia rich applications — all with blazing speed. The next generation 1.3Gbps 802.11ac radio provides the bandwidth to support an unprecedented number of users and applications at up to four times the speed of 802.11n. And the second 802.11n radio provides an easy upgrade path to 802.11ac by ensuring support for all the mobile devices in use in your customer’s business today — 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz.

2. the right architecture to support significant increase in bandwidth: The AP 8222 and AP 8232 are part of our WiNG 5 family of WLAN infrastructure, enabling your customers to reap all the benefits of 802.11ac — and then some. Our distributed architecture extends QoS, security and mobility services to the APs so your customers get better direct routing and network resilience. That means no bottleneck at the wireless controller, no latency issues for voice applications and no jitter in streaming video.

3. unmatched flexibility to deliver applications at the edge: The innovative modular design of the AP 8232 lets your customers add new capabilities by simply snapping on up to two modules to the base. The result is a new level of cost efficiency for the technology infrastructure. Your customers no longer need to run separate network and power cabling to add new functionalities. They can simply leverage the wireless infrastructure they already have.


Platform features

802.11ac 802.11ac technology builds on advances of 802.11n, offering up to four times the bandwidth through additional technology advancements:

• Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) enables data to be sent in multiple streams (known as “spatial streams”) to a single device simultaneously to better utilize bandwidth.

• While MIMO exists in both 802.11n and 802.11ac, the bandwidth per spatial stream is nearly tripled, increasing from 150Mbps in 802.11n to 433Mbps.

• 802.11ac operates only in the 5 GHz band, interference from 2.4 GHz devices like Bluetooth headsets and microwave ovens will no longer impact Wi-Fi network performance

As a result, your customer’s WLAN can support an unprecedented number of users and applications — including voice and video — allowing them to confidently deploy Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) initiatives.

dual radio: supports 2.4 ghz and 5 ghz Motorola’s 802.11ac access points give your customers an easy upgrade path to 5th generation 802.11ac Wi-Fi. The 802.11ac radio enables support for new 5 GHz mobile devices, while the 802.11n radio ensures support for all existing mobile devices — including legacy 2.4 GHz clients. The radios work together to allow your customers to migrate to 802.11ac at their own pace — without having to replace their client devices all at once.

PARtnER BRIEf AP 8222/AP 8232

tEchnIcAl fEAtuRES And BEnEfItS Following is a summary of the key technical features for the AP 8232 and AP 2222 and what they mean to your customers.

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PARtnER BRIEf AP 8222/AP 8232


Platform features, continued

Standard 802.3af/at Simplifies and reduces total cost of installation using standard Power-over-Ethernet (PoE)

voice over wireless lAn (vowlAn) quality of service (QoS)

Motorola’s 802.11ac access points ensure toll-quality voice, even with many simultaneous calls on a single access point.

guest access Since you can prevent users from accessing authorized networks, sites and applications, it’s easy to provide hotspot and guest access.


comprehensive integrated security features: • Layer 2-7 stateful packet filtering firewall

• AAA RADIUS services

• VPN gateway

• Location-based access control

Motorola’s 802.11ac access points secure all your customer’s wireless transmissions, ensuring compliance with the government or other industry regulations, such as PCI in retail and HIPAA in healthcare.

AP 2222: one of the radios can serve as a dedicated wireless IPS sensor

Offers around-the-clock rogue protection, without the need for standalone hardware and additional power or Ethernet cabling.

AP 8232: snap-on wireless IPS sensor module Brings a new level of simplicity and cost-efficiency to dedicated wireless IPS sensor networks for rogue detection. Customers just need to snap on a module to let the AP 8232 also function as a dedicated wireless IPS sensor. There is no need to purchase and deploy standalone hardware, and no need to run additional power or Ethernet cabling.

modules (AP 8232 only)

modular architecture The innovative modular architecture of the AP 8232 allows your customers to add new capabilities by simply snapping on up to two modules to the base. The result is a new level of cost-efficiency for your technology infrastructure. Customers no longer need to run separate network and power cabling to add new functionalities to improve operations — they can simply leverage the wireless infrastructure they already own.

wireless Intrusion Protection module Snap-on module enables the AP 8232 to also function as a dedicated wireless intrusion protection sensor for superior security.

Environmental light sensor module Snap-on sensor detects when the lights are off and workers have gone home. The information can be used to automatically power down the access point into low power mode to reduce access point power consumption by as much as 50 percent when the business is closed.

Helps your customers improve their “green” score and reduce their energy bill.

4g backhaul module LTE backhaul module provides primary or redundant failover WAN connectivity over the 4G LTE broadband network for superior network resiliency. Your customers won’t have to worry about any downtime in the event of a wired network outage.

Superior scalability

wing 5 family of wlAn infrastructure Motorola 802.11ac access points integrate with your customers’ property-wide Motorola Solutions WiNG 5-based wireless LAN. The access points can be adopted and centrally managed by Motorola Solutions NX/RFS controllers, further simplifying initial deployment as well as everyday monitoring and management. No matter how many access points and controllers your customers need, or where in the world they are located, they can deploy, monitor, troubleshoot and manage them all from a single location.

Our distributed WiNG architecture extends QoS, security and mobility services to the APs so your customers get better direct routing and network resilience. That means no bottleneck at the wireless controller, no latency issues for voice applications and no jitter in your streaming video.

wing 5.5 When your customers use our NX/RFS Series controllers to manage their Motorola adaptive access points, they get:

• Content caching: automatically recognize and cache frequently requested data (such as a video) on a controller at the local or corporate location to protect network bandwidth

• Content caching analytics: provides visibility into the content users are requesting to help determine which content to cache and for how long

• One View management: control and manage local NX/RFS controllers as well as the access points they control, all from a single NX9500 controller in the NOC

kEy SEllIng Po




PARtnER BRIEf AP 8222/AP 8232

• Are you interested in reducing access point power consumption by as much as 50 percent? (if so, mention the AP 8232’s Environmental Light Sensor Module)

• Do you intend to allow customers, vendors, and guests to wireless access?

– Do you want this access to be secure?

– How many individual customers/vendors/guests do you typically have visiting your facilities?

– Are you interested in understanding what websites they visit?

– Are you interested in understanding how many times they visit your facility, and have notification when each time they arrive?

– Are you interested in providing location-based services, or tracking guests when while they are in your facility?

QuEStIonS foR SERvIcE-RElAtEd oPPoRtunItIES:• What level of post-sales service and support do

you expect?

• Is turnaround time flexible? Is cost more important than turnaround time?

• What is the impact of downtime on your business?

• If we could offer you a service plan that covers your AP 8222/AP 8232 investment from accidental breakage for a one-time upfront cost, would you be interested?

• Do you have the tools, resources and expertise necessary to manage your devices?

QuAlIfyIng youR cuStomERuncovER thE BuSInESS PRoBlEm:• Are you looking to upgrade your WLAN from your

legacy 802.11a/b/g network?

• How well does your current network infrastructure support your employees’, guests’, or customers’ wireless access and bandwidth needs?

• How many devices do you have to support on your network? Do you have dense client environments?

• Have you implemented, or are you considering implementing, BYOD policies? If so, how will this impact your current WLAN infrastructure?

• Do you intend to support voice and video with your wireless infrastructure? Does your current network offer the bandwidth and QoS necessary?

uncovER thE oPPoRtunIty And AREAS whERE thE StREngthS of thE AP 8222 And AP 8232 ARE kEy SEllIng PoIntS:• How important is the quality and availability of the

voice and HD video services?

• Do you have 802.11b/g/n client devices that use the 2.4 GHz band in your environment today? How important is it that these devices are supported by your next generation Wi-Fi network?

• What are your security requirements for wireless communications? Are there any regulations you need to maintain compliance to, such as PCI?

• Do you want to manage each location individually or have the entire network centrally managed?

• Do you need to install access points in public, customer-facing areas where aesthetics are important? (if so, mention the sleek aesthetics of the AP 8222)



g Qu


S Uncovering opportunities


PARtnER BRIEf AP 8222/AP 8232

motoRolA gloBAl SERvIcES Motorola’s comprehensive portfolio of services is built upon a lifecycle approach to our customers at every phase: Plan, Implement and Run. We help both with their immediate mobility needs and in building successful long-term strategies. Our deep domain expertise in government and enterprise technologies, along with more than 6,100 service professionals and 25,000 world-class channel partners gives us the unique ability to provide our customers with best-in-class solutions.

As our partner in selling Motorola products, you can benefit from offering your customers a complete solution that includes Enterprise Mobility Services. Selling services up front with the product results in a higher attachment rate. In addition, it provides a unique opportunity to increase your profit margin while providing a renewable revenue stream for your business.

Motorola’s flexible, channel-ready services are designed to give your customers the services they need — when and where they need them. In addition, Enterprise Mobility Services benefit your customers’ businesses by:

• Providing expert product repair and telephone technical support

• Helping to ensure they get the most value from their Motorola investment

• Protecting their investment in our technology

Motorola’s comprehensive portfolio of Services offerings is built upon a lifecycle approach to help you at every phase: Professional, Integration, Support and Managed Services. We help you with your immediate mobility needs and to build successful long-term strategies. Our service-led solutions for video, network security and resiliency, next-generation command and control and public safety services, including LTE, TETRA and P25, can transform technology into powerful solutions.

For enterprises and government agencies that are challenged with rising operational costs, increasing complexity and optimizing efficiency, Motorola’s WLAN Enterprise Mobility Services allows your customers to:

• Reduce risk

• Lower capital investment and operational costs

• Deliver higher grade of service

• Tailor networks to reflect organizational needs

• Free organization to focus on its core mission

mAnAgEd wlAn SERvIcESManaged WLAN – Resolve is part of our full portfolio of Managed Enterprise Mobility Services, solutions designed to let you choose the right combination of expert management, monitoring, security and optimization for your wireless network and devices. For customers with special outsourcing needs, we also provide customized services to help ensure you get maximum performance from your Wireless LAN. Ask your Motorola representative about Managed WLAN solutions.

At A glAncE: mAnAgEd wlAn SERvIcES — RESolvE

Service Initiation

To establish your Managed WLAN service, we will:• Assign a project manager to manage logistics and

review the solution with your technical team• Develop an operational plan, including any Key

Performance Indicators (KPIs)• Establish connectivity with your network, including

preparing event forwarding server(s) as needed• Work with your team to transition to your managed

service solution

Single Point of contact

Your Motorola customer service manager will be your single point of contact once the recurring phase of service delivery begins

Service delivery

Your ongoing Managed WLAN service will include:• 24x7x365 live remote monitoring of your WLAN,

including notification to your response team when actionable events occur, with information that will help them to take appropriate corrective action

• Routine remote testing and adjustment of the monitoring solution

• Management of wireless infrastructure configuration updates and firmware releases, including timely reports on deployment, exceptions and remediation actions taken

• Hardware service dispatch of on-site field engineer (where available) or repair as contracted

• Remote assistance by phone to help your IT technical support staff investigate WLAN availability issues

• Monthly management reports on WLAN availability and summary event activity, analysis and trends

management of Airdefense Services Platform Solution

From the Motorola NOC, we will:• Install ADSP server software and sensor firmware

updates, as needed• Maintain up-to-date device inventory, including

adding or deleting Wireless LAN products• Maintain alarm policies to appropriately

authorize devices and minimize generation of unexpected alarms

• Manage updates for sites and WLAN infrastructure devices in the ADSP appliance as your system evolves



l SERvIcES Support services


AP 8222 SERvIcES

Enterprise mobility Services Service description time of Purchase length of coverage Service Part number

Service from the Start Advance Exchange Support • Advance replacement of devices requiring repair

• Includes Comprehensive Coverage

• Access to non technical support resources

Up front with the hardware (prepaid) or within 30 days


Three years SAEX-AP8222-30

Advance Exchange Support

Anytime One year AEX-AP8222-10

Service from the Start on Site System Support

• Fast response time: Field Service Representative responds on site next business day

• Includes Comprehensive Coverage

• Access to non technical support resources

Up front with the hardware (prepaid) or within 30 days


Three years SOSS-AP8222-30

on Site System Support

Anytime One year OSS-AP8222-10

wlAn Software Support

• Full access to technical support resources

• Rights to download and use software releases and supporting documentation

• Covers both the APs and the controller when the AP is purchased for use in dependant or adaptive mode


One year


Three years


PARtnER BRIEf AP 8222/AP 8232

You have an excellent opportunity to up sell Service from the Start programs with the AP 8200 Series. Service from the Start programs provide enhanced support for your customers’ critical mobility operations. Customers can pay “a little now” for extended services or pay “a lot later” in the event of a repair and lost downtime.



l SERvIcES Support services


AP 8232 SERvIcES

Enterprise mobility Services Service description time of Purchase length of coverage Service Part number

Service from the Start Advance Exchange Support • Advance replacement of devices requiring repair

• Includes Comprehensive Coverage

• Access to non technical support resources

Up front with the hardware (prepaid) or within 30 days


Three years SAEX-AP8232-30

Advance Exchange Support

Anytime One year AEX-AP8232-10

Service from the Start on Site System Support • Fast response time: Field Service Representative responds on site

next business day

• Includes Comprehensive Coverage

• Access to non technical support resources

Up front with the hardware (prepaid) or within 30 days


Three years SOSS-AP8232-30

on Site System Support

Anytime One year OSS-AP8232-10

wlAn Software Support

• Full access to technical support resources

• Rights to download and use software releases and supporting documentation

• Covers both the APs and the controller when the AP is purchased for use in dependant or adaptive mode


One year


Three years


Please visit Solution Builder for the most up to date information on part numbers and pricing. (https://solutionbuilder.motorola.com/)

PARtnER BRIEf AP 8222/AP 8232



l SERvIcES Support services


tRAInIng couRSES foR AP 8200 SERIES

course number course title and description mode duration

wSE1614Enterprise wireless Sales EnablementSupports the sales process for selling wireless solutions across various markets

OLT 2 hrs

ASE0201Access Point Sales Enablement Positioning of the access points for use whether 802.11ac, indoor, outdoor or multi-purpose

OLT 1 hrs

AAE1304System overview for controllers and Integrated Services Platform Positioning of the suite of controllers and service platforms and their targeted applications

OLT 1 hr

AEE1607wlAn technical EnablementFoundations for WiNG including architectures, basic setup for demonstration purposes

OLT 3 hrs

wln1003Advanced wing featuresNew repository for learning individual WiNG features across releases (5.3 thru 5.5)


wln2001Setup and configure for wing 5.x InfrastructureSupports setting up a complete WiNG system including hands-on simulated labs and self-paced labs

VILT 10 hrs

wEl2307design for wing 5.x InfrastructureScenario based design activities to provide practical experience in all aspects of design

ILT 16 hrs

wEl2304deploy for wing 5.x InfrastructurePractical application setting up virtual controller, campus and centralized deployments, along with installation considerations, optimization, and testing

ILT 20 hrs

wln2004nEw: Administration for wing 5.x InfrastructureSupports customer administrators in managing all aspects of a WING system, including using WiNG capabilities for monitoring and management, as well ADSP tools

ILT 16 hrs

wln2005nEw: Service/troubleshooting for wing 5.x InfrastructureSupports self-servicing customers and partners in resolving common problems within a WiNG environment. Practical examples and application.

ILT 24 hrs

PARtnER BRIEf AP 8222/AP 8232

SAlES toolSThis section details the product classification, where you can find additional information, available training and certification programs, and dates of availability.

kEy dAtESFirst Customer Shipment (FCS): 12/2/13 General Availability (Rev A): 12/16/13

SAlES And REfEREncE mAtERIAlSFor the latest information and sales support materials, please visit the following resources:

Partner central: https://partnercentral.motorolasolutions.com

AP 8222 and AP 8232 Product home: www.motorolasolutions.com/wlan

Enterprise mobility Services:Public: http://www.motorolasolutions.com/enterprise/services

Partners: https://partnercentral.motorolasolutions.com/product_services/services/index.aspx

learning Portal:http://my.mot-solutions.com/portal/site/mu

Solution Builder:https://solutionbuilder.motorolasolutions.com

PRoduct clASSIfIcAtIon And cERtIfIcAtIonThis is a product requiring training and certification in certain regions prior to selling. Product access codes for the regions are as follows:

• North America: Category 2

• EMEA: Category 1 (allows for open selling)

• APAC: Category 2

• Latin America: Category 2

OLT – Online training VILT – Virtual Instructor Led Training ILT – Instructor Led Training

SAlES to



PARtnER BRIEf AP 8222/AP 8232

Part number: PB-AP8200SERIES. Printed in USA 10/13. MOTOROLA, MOTO, MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS and the Stylized M Logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Motorola Trademark Holdings, LLC and are used under license. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. © 2013 Motorola Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved.

why motoRolA SolutIonSOn any given day, every moment matters to someone, somewhere. And every moment, Motorola Solutions’ innovations, products, and services play essential roles in people’s lives.

We help firefighters see around buildings and police officers see around street corners. We make supply chains visible to retailers and entire power grids visible to utility workers. We provide the situational awareness first responders need when a moment brings catastrophe. And we help companies deliver shipments at the moment they’re promised.

We do this by connecting them to seamless communication networks, applications and services, by providing them with real-time information, and by arming them with intuitive, nearly indestructible handheld devices.

We help people be their best in the moments that matter. This is our purpose.

contAct InfoRmAtIonFor more information on the AP 8232 and AP 8222, 5th generation access points that support more users, more functionality and lightning fast data at a lower cost, please contact us at 1.800.722.6234 or +1.631.738.2400, or visit us on the web at: www.motorolasolutions.com/wlan
