Andy Thomas Slide Show 2


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1. Personal Profile

2. What is an Astronaut?

Who is Andy Thomas?

3. Questions and Answers

4. Leadership skills

5. What are the long-lasting effects of Andy Thomas?

What is NASA?

6. Why I think he has been successful?

7. The Launch of The Discovery

8. Collage

9. Bibliography


Nationality Australian/American

Age 57 years old

Born December 18, 1951

Place of Birth Adelaide, South Australia

Occupation Astronaut for NASA

Time in Space 177days 9hours 14minutes

Education University of Adelaide

First trip to space May 19, 1996

Family He is married and has no kids.

Acording to the Maquaried Dictionary Third Edition

An astronaut or cosmonaut is a person trained by a human spaceflight program to command, pilot, or serve as a crew member of a spacecraft.

Andy Thomas is a South Australian born American ASRTONAUT.

He is the only Adelaide born man to ever go to space…three times in fact.

He has been a major help to scientists at NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration).

He enjoys every bit of being an astronaut.

Do you have a nickname ?Andy andAndy Thomas, Australia's Astronaut 

Is it noisy in space?Initially, there's no atmosphere to carry the noise so it's very quiet.

Just when do you get the feeling that you're actually in space?There's a clear answer - eight & a half minutes after lift-off...everything just floats up and you find yourself in zero gravity.

I think some of the long-lasting effects of Andy Thomas would be his influence on young people who want to be astronauts.

The fact that he is Australian gives the message to other young Australians that ‘If I can become an astronaut then so can you’.

NASA is a space organisation which stands for National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

To become someone who can work there you can’t just fill out an application and start. It takes years of studying at university.

To get into NASA you must have perseverance and determination.

I think Andy Thomas has been successful because he is the only South Australian to ever become an astronaut and the only Australian to ever become very successful in America and at NASA.

Another success for Andy would be the influence he gives out to people around the world.

Mrs T click on the URL and if it isn’t blocked YouTube should come up and play the video.

Google Images: Andy Thomas Pictures

Yahoo Images: Ady Thomas Pictures
