6 Must Have League Of Legends Champions


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6 Must Have League Of Legends Champions

So you are looking to buy league accounts from AussyElo? Well then you are at the right place. And to nail it from the first shot, here are some of the must own top champions of the unranked league of legends. Read on and get your fill today.


I love Shen, as far as tanks go he falls on the top ranks. He has a top cc and an ultimate that can basically control the map and make 2v2 situations into the 2v3s and simple put turn it in your favor.

To me, he is the frikin’ ninja and one of the top lane champions that the game ever had, Shen is just the bomb and no doubt if you can get your hands on him, it should be a deal.

Jax • Talk about Jax and all the unranked gaming thrill that I revere

come pouring down on me. Jax has one of the best laning phases and some cool assassinations. He is the kind of champion that if you came face to face with in combat trust me you could be the next enemy’s meal. And in fact if farmed Jax becomes the toughest and hardest squishy character to face. He will wreck it big!

Graves • Well Graves is the ranged carry,

ideally one of the best carriers in the game. He has top attack speed buff as well as great burst damage that every gamer needs.

• But what makes Graves unique is his “very high” base attack damage that makes it easy for him to make it to the last hit. So if you need a champion to push the lane and disrupt the ability to farm Graves is your guy.

Riven• Like Jax, Riven is one of those

champions that you must bring everything to the lane if you must face. She has a great laning phase and undoubted ability to escape ganks as well as survive them too. You don’t wanna be caught flat foot if you must face Riven. She does a great amount of disaster and her ultimate kill is a time bomb waiting to happen. She is one hell of a fighter!

Morgana • Anyone who has ever faced

Morgana must have chills racing down their spine right now. The one champion that can stun your entire team with epic snares that could be great game changers, Morgana is a champion to die for. She can win games single handedly. But just don’t play her in ranked games! But if you must know why, buy league accounts to find out.

Nautilus• Do you need a jungler? Nautilus is the best one the game has

ever had. Big N provides tons and tons of kills to the game like you would love it. His hook is great and very much ideal for anyone looking to win it big, Naut has the best jungler and a great tank too.

Conclusion • When you buy a great LOL account you could find some more

like Kennen, Galio, Ryze, and Twisted Fate, all these are great champions that make the unranked levels the bomb. Try

them today for maximum thrill.