3 tier architecture


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3 Tier Architecture

Software Components

• We are in to building complex software applications and as you are

well aware most of the software will have a

– User interface (UI)

» Is what a user sees and interact with. Eg: GUI

– Business logic

»On which the programming logic has been build. Eg: Reports

– Backend

»Mechanism to store data permanently. Eg: Database

Software Architecture

• In order to achieve maintainability, Scalability and security we

may need to separate those components in to different layers and

tiers and there comes the relevance of software architecture

• Software architecture is the Process of defining a structured

solution that meets all of the technical and operational


1-Tier Architecture

• Code for all the required component to run the application are

coupled tightly together.

• Ie. User interface, business logic, and data storage are all located

without any logical and physical separation

« Eg: MS Excel,

• Advantages

– Simple

– Easy to design

• Disadvantages

– Difficult for multiple users ie .Not Scalable

– Because they are not part of a network, they are useless for designing

web applications.

1-Tier Architecture

2-Tier Architecture

• All the required component to run the application are coupled

within client and server.

Client Applications

Database Server


Presentation + Business LogicServer




Database + Business Logic


Client Applications

2-Tier Architecture

Database Server

Select * from tbl_cutomer

Some application developed in java/c++/.NET and installed

on clients computer

Points to be noted

• It is possible to implement the 2 tire architecture in a single

system as well. I.e. it’s not necessary to be in a client server model


• The only thing is that there should be a logical separation between

database and presentation with business logic coupled with any of

the other two layers

• By doing so, software installation will also includes installation of

the database

• Advantages

– Simple to implement compared to 3 - tier

– Easy to use

• Disadvantages

– Performance will be degrade upon increasing the users, since the

database server has to handle the business logic

– If client beholds most of the application logic, problems arise in

controlling the software version and re-distributing of new versions.

– Any change in an application should reflect all clients. If higher number

of users exists in the system

2-Tier Architecture

• All the required component to run the application are logically

separated ( and hence can be physical)

3-Tier Architecture

Client Browser – eg:Chrome

PresentationWeb Server Eg:Apache,IIS

Business LogicDatabase Server Eg:Mysql


Returns data

Request from Presentation layer

Apply business logic on the data




Connect with database server



Processed data to be disaplyed in browser

Browser Database Server

Working of 3-Tier architecture

• Advantages

– Scalability – Each tier can scale horizontally

– Better Re-use

– Easy to maintain and modification is bit easy, won’t affect other


• Disadvantages

– Increase Complexity/Effort

3-Tier Architecture

Points to be noted

• It is also possible to implement the 3 tire architecture in a single

system as well. I.e. it’s not necessary to be in a client server model


• The only thing is that there should be a logical separation between

database and presentation and business logic


“A good question deserve a good grade…”

Self Check !!

End of day

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