10 Ways to Improve Your SEO by Blogging



After Google's Penguin and Panda updates, creating great content is becoming more and more important for your Search Engine Optimisation (SEO). The use of blogging and social media to achieve a better search ranking for your business is possible. These tips will help your blog rank higher on Google, Bing and other search engines.

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10 Ways to Improve Your SEO Through Blogging

Improve your blog’s ranking in the search engines by following our

simple tips.

Don’t use a free domain

• Every prospective blogger faces a simple choice: use a standalone url (such as blog.yourwebsite.com) or use a

free platform such as blogger.com.

• Using free blogging sites is easier to set up but it is likely your new blog will be swallowed up in the millions created every year.

• Using a custom domain allows you to take control of your own seo destiny. Key to this is the ability to build your own domain authority (a reputation on Google).

• A custom domain also gives you more design options.

Install Wordpress

Reasons to use Wordpress:

– It’s the world’s most used CMS so allows easy


– It lends itself to SEO changes without in-depth technical knowledge.

– There are Thousands of great add-ons including Yoast SEO which is the perfect plug-in to help boost your technical SEO without specialist knowledge.

– There are hundreds of thousands of great themes available.

– It‘s free!

Choose Links Carefully • Remember, links are the most valuable commodity you can

give out as a blogger and, if they haven’t already, the

requests will soon come flooding in.

• From an SEO point of view, a link is equal to an

endorsement in the eyes of Google.

• Links must be natural and relevant to avoid punishment from Google.

• Only link to websites that are genuinely useful to your readers.

• Never accept payment for links!

Make Navigation Simple If your blog is hard to navigate you won’t just turn off

readers. You’ll turn off Google.

– If your blog is difficult for a human to read and navigate, it’ll be hard for the Google spiders too.

– This includes making sure that your menu structure is well thought out, accessible and ordered by

importance to the reader.

– Above all, think about the reader. If a design feature impacts on user experience, don’t use it.

Don’t over advertise

• If you want to use advertising to bring in some revenue, by

all means do. But use them in moderation and in the right positions.

• Ideally, position adverts so that they are only visible

when you scroll down the page. This gives your readers a better overall experience and tells the search engines that you are more interested in advertising than good,

original content.

• Remember that Google deems the top of the page to be much more important than the bottom.

Do use analytics

Analytics tools are key to ensuring your blog is healthy.

• Google Webmaster Tools is free to use and will be used as a contact point by Google. This means that it will notify you if Google spiders are struggling to access your site.

• Google Analytics is free and will provide insight into your blog’s performance and how visitors behave once

they get there.

• Google isn’t everything. It is also well worth signing up

for Bing Webmaster Tools.

Content: It Is Key

• The most important advice we can give you is to produce high quality content for your blog page. Write for humans, not spiders.

• High quality content allows you to increase your position in the search engine results by increasing the authority of your blog.

• Google’s key aim is to provide the user with the best

quality content relevant to their search. The top results will be both the highest quality and most applicable to the searcher.

Get Social • Social Media is a great way to share your content and

Linking your social media profiles up with your blog will ensure your SM accounts also show up in relevant searches.

• By allowing readers to easily locate you on Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and the like, you will increase the size of your audiences.

• the use of Google Authorship (connecting your content with Rel=Author tags to your personal Google+ account) has lots of value from an SEO perspective. It proves to Google that you are human and allows you to carry authority from one blog to another.

Keep Sharing

It is absolutely key to generate buzz and traffic. You need to get people’s attention.

– Find out who the key influencers are in your field. build relationships with them over social media, phone, email and in person at events. This

is an invaluable resource that might promote you to their own audience via social media or a blog post and may give you a valuable backlink.

– If you think your content would be useful to somebody or somebody’s audience, tell them.

– As your influence grows, you may be invited to guest post on other people’s blogs. This is a great opportunity: Consider ways to creatively link back to your own blog, for example by citing previous

posts you have written.

Don’t Fall Behind

Forgotten-about blogs are the scourge of the internet. There are millions of them. Some ideas to avoid undoing all your hard work: – Appoint a staff member the specific task of updating your blog at

least once per week.

– Set aside an hour every day to work on blog posts – preferably one per day for the first few weeks. Never wait much more than a week.

– Hire an in house content manager to overlook your blog and social media presence.

– Consider outsourcing your work. We provide a blog and social media management service for a fixed monthly fee at GoGo Social.