10 Signs You Have Nomophobia



Mobile devices have become a prominent fixture within our lives. They have become so entrenched within our everyday routines that we use them somewhat habitually and unconsciously. But when does it cross the line from convenience to obsession or from addiction to phobia? Nomophobia, the fear of not having ones phone, has become a common ailment within modern society. Technology is important, mobile devices have become fundamental to the maintenance of numerous facets of our lives. I am not against the use of phones, just remember – you control the technology, don’t let it control you!

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Photo By: Dixie Lawrence (via Flickr)

Presentation By: Kasey K.



you don’t have your phone with you?Do you feel anxious when 1

Photo By: Bada Bing (via Flickr)

2Do you


check your

phone for


Photo By: Matthew (via Flickr)

3Do you get

phantom vibrations?

Photo By: Ladislav Beneš (via Flickr)

Are you constantly recharging your phone in

fear of running out of battery? 4

Photo By: Sebastian Anthony (via Extreme Tech)

5 Do you have fears about

losing service?

Photo By: Mark McQuade (via Flickr)

Do you

sleep with your phone?


Photo By: Paul Stocker (via Flickr)

7 Is it the first thing you check when you wake up?

Photo via The Luxury Spot


Do you bring your phone into the

Photo By: Eustace McKnight (via Highlight Press)


9If you forget your phone

must you turn around and get it


Photo by: Lotus Carroll (via Flickr)


losing track of conversations Are you constantly

that happen in person?

Photo By: Héctor García (via Flickr)

You’re Not Alone!

If you answered ‘yes’ to the majority of those questions,

Photo By: Taco Ekkel (via Flickr)

“no mobile phone


Nomophobia, also known as the

is more common than you think!

Photo By: Leslie Brown (via Flickr)

“People with nomophobia actually

experience feelings of fear, anxiety and

some people actually report

~ clinical psychologist Dr. Elizabeth Waterman

panic justat the thought of not havingtheir phone,”

Photo By: Bee Collins (via Flickr)

Photo By: Anant Nath Sharma (via Flickr)

A survey conducted by SecurEnvoy revealed …


showed signs of nomophobia.

77% of individuals 18-24

68% of individuals 25 -34

The prevalence of this phobia is steadily rising. A study conducted in 2012 found that the phobia plagues

Photo By: Bruno (via Flickr)

65% of Canadians.

of individuals admit toMore than 50% using their phones while driving.

Photo By: DeeAshley (via Flickr)

Checking one’s phone has become a

it is an unconscious and habitual response in

uncomfortable situations.

digital pacifier -

“It’s also a don’t know what to do with

your hands, check your phone.” ~ Dave Thier

nervous tic -

Photo By: Alex Proimos (via Flickr)

“Another survey found that would rather

than cellphone for an entire week.”

~ Sara Latta

Photo By: Mark Koeber (via Flickr)

22 percent of people give up their toothbrush

Is this a epidemic?


…but the blame should not rest on technology.

Photo By: Virgle Kent (via Nexxtlevelup)


Experts suggest that nomophobia may arise due to . The blame is

frequently displaced onto technology, when it is the and

deeper psychological issues

anxiety compulsivebehaviours that

should be addressed.

Photo By: Johan Larsson (via Flickr)

Photo By: William Hook (via Flickr)

If you find that you’re struggling with

nomophobia try…

Don’t fall asleep to the screen! Turn off your phone when you’re ready to go to sleep. If you have trouble focusing on conversations in person, try turning your

phone off when with family, friends or on dates.

(a.k.a. the shower!)

The more you do this, the easier it will become!

creating “no-phone zones”

turning your phone off

and your nomophobia is interfering with your everyday life

They might recommend relaxation techniques,

exposure therapy and in worst case scenarios medication may be


If these tricks do NOT help

consult a therapist.

Photo By: eelke dekker (via Flickr)


control the technology,

don’t let it control you!Photo By: Stuart Richards (via Flickr)


Works Cited

Photo By: Harold.lloyd (via Flickr)

KjArcher, Dale. 2013. “Smartphone Addiction.” Psychology Today. July 25. Retrieved May 20, 2014. (http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/reading-between-the-headlines/201307/smartphone-addiction).

Latta, Sara. 2014. “We’re not in the stone age anymore but we’re still scared stiff: 7 phobias of the modern age.” Huffington Post. February 11. Retrieved May 20, 2014.


“Nomophobia.” All About Counseling. Retrieved May 20, 2014. (http://www.allaboutcounseling.com/library/nomophobia/).

R., Maxwell. 2012. “Cellphone addiction has a name, and yes, there is formal treatment for it.” Phone Arena. September 25. Retrieved May 20, 2014. (http://www.phonearena.com/news/Cell-phone-addiction-has-a-name-and-yes-there-is-formal-treatment-for-it_id34866).

Thier Dave, 2012. “Do You Suffer From Nomophobia” Forbes. May 8. Retrieved May 20, 2014. (http://www.forbes.com/sites/davidthier/2012/05/08/do-you-suffer-from-nomophobia/_).

Wrenn, Eddie. 2012. “The biggest phobia in the world? ‘Nomophobia’ – the fear of being without your mobile – affects 66 perfect of us.” Mail Online. May 8. Retrieved May 20, 2014. (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2141169/The-biggest-


2012. “Seen At 11: Nomophobia Sufferers Fear Life Without Their Mobile Device.” CBS New York. November 15. Retrieved May 20, 2014. (http://newyork.cbslocal.com/2012/11/15/seen-at-11-nomophobia-sufferers-fear-life-without-their-mobile-devices/).

2013. “Study finds majority of Canadian cell phone owners suffer from nomophobia.” CTV Calgary. January 4. Retrieved May 20, 2014. (http://calgary.ctvnews.ca/study-finds-majority-of-canadian-cell-phone-owners-suffer-from-nomophobia-1.1101692)

