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- As Occupation

- Styles

- Advantages Of Swimming

- Risks Of Swimming

- Questions

Swimming is a movement through water using one’s limbs and usually without artificial apparatus.

Swimming is an activity that can be both useful and recreational.

History Swimming has been known since prehistoric

times; competitive swimming in Europe started

around 1800, mostly using breaststroke.

As occupation

• Swimming is used to rescue other swimmers in distress. Swimming also has military purposes.

• Military swimming is usually done by special forces, such as Navy SEALS. Swimming is also a professional sport.

Styles A style is also known as a stroke. "Stroke" can also refer to a single completion of the sequence of body movements repeated while swimming in the given style.

Advantages of swimming The functioning of the heart and circulatory affected positively.

The increase in metabolism, stress and resistance of water during bathing have a significant effect on the heart and circulatory system It increases the functional capacity of respiratory muscles.

Swimming is directly linked to adequate and regular supply of oxygen.

Good breathing technique strengthens the respiratory muscles.

Risks of swimming There are health risks and dangers associated

with swimming. Most recorded drownings fall into one of three


* Panic where the inexperienced swimmer or non swimmer becomes mentally overwhelmed by the circumstances of their immersion.

Risks of swimming* Exhaustion, where the person is unable to

sustain effort to swim or tread water.

* Hypothermia, where the person loses critical core temperature, leading tounconsciousness or heart failure.

* Less common are salt water aspiration syndrome where inhaled salt water creates foam in the lungs that restricts breathing, and hyperventilation.

Swimming: an individual sport

Swimming is mostly an

individual sport, there is no team

involved in it as there is in football.

Swimmers compete as

Individuals in competitions, and

their fate relieson their own hands,

not the coach,not the “team” mates

but their own.

A very competitive sport The aquatic sport of swimming involves competition amongst participants to be the fastest over a given distance under self propulsion.

The different events include 50, 100, and 200 yards/meters in breaststroke,freestyle, backstroke and butterfly,

Regulation swimming pools are either 25 or 50 meters or yards across. Racing or training from one side to the other is known as a lap regulation private pools tend to be 25 meters/yards long and Olympic competition is always in fifty meter pools.

REWIEW- History

- As Occupation

- Styles

- Advantages Of Swimming

- Risks Of Swimming




