Survival Strokes

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Survival strokes

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Survival Stroke

• Crawl Stroke• Side Stroke• Elementary Back Stroke• Modified Breast Stroke• Tireman’s Carry

Crawl Stroke

Commonly regarded as the fastest swimming style

Also known as freestyleThe initial position for the front crawl is on the

breast, with both arms stretched out in front and both legs extended to the back. Then while one arm is pulling/pushing, the other arm is recovering. The arm strokes provide most of the forward movement, while the leg kicking in a flutter movement only provides some.

Crawl Stroke

How To Execute:

Step 1 – Initial Position: From the initial position, the hand is held flat and the palm is turned away from the swimmer. The hand is then lowered into the water thumb first, this is called “catching the water”.

Crawl Stroke

Step 2 – Pulling:The pull is a semicircle movement from the water level to the chest. The arm is kept straight and the hand points towards the body center and downward.

Crawl Stroke

Step 3 – Pushing: The push is the completion of the pull, the swimmers arm is pulled back up to the waters level. The palm is moved backward through the water underneath the body at the beginning and at the side of the body at the end of the push.

Step 4 – Recovery: The recovery moves the elbow in a semicircle in the swimming direction. The lower arm and the hand are completely relaxed and hang down from the elbow. The recovering hand moves forward, just above the surface of the water. During the recovery the shoulder is moved into the air by twisting the torso. It is important to relax the arm during the recovery as having your hand higher than your elbow will result in drag and loss of balance.

Crawl Stroke

Step 5 – Kicking: The legs move alternately, with one leg kicking downward while the other leg moves upward. Ideally, there are 6 kicks per cycle. The leg movement is important for stabilizing the body position. The leg in the initial position bends slightly at the knees, and then kicks the lower leg and foot downwards. After the kick the straight leg moves back up. Try not to kick too much out of the water.

Step 6 – Breathing: The face is kept down in the water during front crawl. Breathing is done through the mouth by turning the head to the side of a recovering arm at the beginning of the recovery. The head is rotated back at the end of the recovery and points down in the water again. The swimmer breathes out through mouth and nose until the next breath. Most swimmers take one breath every third arm recovery, alternating the sides for breathing. Other swimmers instead take a breath every cycle so they can always breathe from the same side.

Crawl Stroke

Step 6 – Turn and Finish: A tumble turn can be used to reverse directions in minimal time. The swimmer swims close to the wall as quickly as possible. In the swimming position with one arm forward and one arm to the back, the swimmer does not recover one arm, but rather uses the pull/push of the other arm to start the tumble. At the end of the tumble the feet are at the wall, and the swimmer is on their back with their hands over the head. The swimmer then pushes off the wall while turning sideways to lie on the breast. After a brief gliding phase, the swimmer starts with a flutter kick before surfacing, usually around 15 m from the wall.

Step 7 – Finish: For the finish the swimmer has to touch the wall with any body part, usually the hand. All competitive swimmers sprint to the finish, usually taking fewer breaths than normal.



• So named because the swimmer lies on one's side with asymmetric arm and leg motion and it is helpful as a lifesaving technique and is often used for long-distance swimming

• Allows the swimmer increased endurance because, instead of working both arms and legs simultaneously in the same way, the side stroke uses them simultaneously but differently


HOW TO EXECUTE• Stand in the water, and then turn your body to the side with one arm

under the water, and the other on top. Your top arm should be down by your thigh, while your lead arm extends out in front of your body in the water.

• Push off with your legs, keeping them close together. Your leg motion will be like scissors, with one leg going forward while the other goes back, and then switching. While your legs are kicking, your lead arm should push down into the water, drawing toward the body and then back out. Keep the hand of your lead arm turned with the palm facing out in front of your body and a little downward.


• While the lead arm pulls your body forward, the power of the sidestroke really comes from the legs. The more powerful they are, the faster you will swim.


• A basic swimming technique that is easy to learn and therefore useful for improving your water confidence as a beginner.

• As its name indicates, it is swum on the back and uses a simple arm stroke in conjunction with the breaststroke kick for propulsion.


HOW TO EXECUTE• To begin, you’ll have to face upwards. While bending your elbows,

draw your hands from the side of your body. Extend your hands to full length at armpit height. Push your hands downwards via the water; this will in effect propel your body through the water. You will be able to move on the water using this movement and incorporate it with leg movement.


• The elementary back stroke involves you drawing your knees up and out while the heels are touching, then you should stretch out your legs to the sides thus pushing you through the water. Lastly you should bring your legs straight together in order to start the next movement. This movement allows you to avoid wetting your face, breathing freely and being able to freely move in the water.


• One of the four competitive racing strokes characterized by the distinctive frog-like kick and undulating motion. 

• The oldest of the four competitive strokes, it is performed in a front prone position with simultaneous and symmetrical leg kick and pull.  




You must keep your body face down in the water. You cannot roll onto either side or onto your back.


You must lift your head above the surface of the water during each cycle of arm and leg movement. During the rest of the cycle, your head can remain submerged.

Order of Movements

You must maintain the same cycle of arm and leg movement throughout the race. A leg kick must follow each arm stroke. You cannot complete two arm strokes before completing a leg kick or two leg kicks before completing an arm stroke.



You must move your arms at the same time. You cannot pull one hand through the water ahead of the other. You must keep your elbows under the water except during turns. Your hands can only break the surface of the water at the point of the stroke closest to your chest. Your hands cannot pass behind your hips except on the first stroke at the beginning of each length.


You must move your legs at the same time. You cannot move one leg in advance of the other or at a different angle. Your feet must point outward as you push your legs away from you. You can only use a butterfly kick at the start of each length. Otherwise, you cannot move your legs in a scissor or butterfly motion.



