A Banapple Legacy Chapter 1

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Follow Stifler Banapple as he arrives at Sim State!

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With the Sims 2 Exchange down Slideshare and LiveJournal have become my new best friends, letting me bring this new legacy to you.

‘Banapples’ comes from not being able to think of a decent last name and ending up combining the names of two fruits which is questionably

weird but hey!So grab some snacks, relax, and enjoy!

Every legacy must begin with a founder, and it just so happens that Stifler Banapple had recently arrived on campus.

A romance sim to say the least , at first glance you would never suspect Stifler to be a hardworking student, and he wasn’t. He considered College more of a way to build up his reputation, rather than an opportunity to study his own Major.

Smoothing back his chestnut ponytail, admiring his tanned and baby soft skin he was all set. Wedging his over-sized mirror impossibly into his bottom pocket, Stifler lent against the wall waiting for his guest to arrive.

Seemingly shuffling up the path, the woman made her way towards the man leaning against the dorm. Pandora had made many visits to numerous romance sims in Sim State University and Plumbob Springs but more so to Stifler Banapple. He was new on campus and relied on Pandora to give him a helping hand to find the ‘women’ for him.

But Pandora hoped that Stifler would stop his womanising ways. He had never spoke much about his Elven heritage which Pandora hoped to hear about, but Stifler made it clear that he never wants to hear of it, let along talk about it.

‘Well Pandora here we are again. I can’t tell you how good i feel! Like a new person!’

‘May i take it then that i’ll be giving you advice of changing that aspiration of yours?’

‘Not today, not tomorrow, not ever. Born a romance sim, die a romance sim my orange Love Guru!’

‘Well it was worth a try. What will it be then Mr Banapple? A love potion maybe?’

‘Just the good old fashioned blind date, and make it a good one!’

‘I’ll do my best.’

Holding her crystal ball in one hand and waving the other whilst mumbling which seemed to be complete giberish, the crystal ball began to glow, much to Stiflers delight.

‘I give you Georgina, another girl who’s heart you await to break.’

‘Oh Pandora your exaggerating. I must say i've seen better yet i’ve seen worse, but i’ll work my magic. Your dismissed now Pandora.’

‘You’ll have to give up your ways one day young Banapple, you have responsibilities to live up to.’

‘Well Georgie, you’ll have to work on changing the hair and the outfit but this romance sim has time for you in his life baby.’

‘The hell i do! Who do you think you are?!’

‘Anyone you want me to be Georgie, you name it! This founder will do anything for your satisfaction!’

‘Founder? A romance sim? You have no hope! And if you think i want anything to do with a weirdo like you, your pathetic!’

Things didn’t seem to improve and the date was over before it even had a chance to begin. It seemed that this was one girl that Stifler couldn’t charm as a lover.

‘Yeah Georgie Baby what do you call that huh?!’

‘Gorrr! Like anyone would want to be with you, you pointy eared freak!’

Wearily having watched the whole comotion Pandora gave the founder a last glance before walking off, tutting words of disgust she muttered under her breath., ‘He has no idea’.

Even though it was his first day College it was already far from what Stifler was expecting, not only had he just had his first fight of the semester but he was soon realizing the sheer amount of studying needing to be done to just get through the first term. But to be honest it was the only thing to do seeing as everybody else seemed to have classes to attend or places to be.

But in the corridor the last sim to check into the dorm seemed to be taking a break from studying. Tapping on the buttons furiously she seemed oblivious to the student trying to study next door.

Returning the book to its shelf, Stifler chose to investigate.

‘I hate to put it to you blondie. But it seems like you just lost.’

‘I didn’t lose. That was a practice round, and who made it your business anyway?’

‘Nobody, but it seemed like a good time to interupt.’

‘Fair enough. I’m Angel.’

‘Ha! A name you well deserve, beautiful names given to beautiful ladies. I’m Stifler.’

‘Sweet-talking me before you even know me? You must be a romance sim.’

‘Too right! And don’t say you don’t like it.’

‘The guy who made a fool out of himself this morning by having a fight with Georgina Taylor? Not really.’

‘Well if your not interested, i guess i’ll have to return to my studies...’

‘Hey hey wait. You, studying?’

‘Yeah, i’m all into the studying and majors and Collegey stuff’

‘Now you see that can’t be true because i’m a knowledge sim and i’m smart enough to know when somebody’s lying.’

‘Now how does that work? A knowledge sim who plays video games? I think you’re the one lying’

‘Oh you do huh? Well who’s to say a knowledge sim can’t play video games?’

‘Who’s to say romance sims can’t study?’

And after that line, Angel was actually lost for words; and she liked it.

‘So Angel. What do you have to say to that?’

‘Take me out for a drink. We can discuss it there.’

The saying ‘You win some, you lose some’ really stood for today Stifler would say. Unfazed from the havoc of that morning Stifler in his eyes was back to what he does best. Whether he really had strong feelings for Angel were questionable but for now he was in his prime.

Stifler stayed up till 5am that night. 1am looking through his Facebook messages a number of them caught his eye ‘Hey it’s Michelle. Remember me?’ , ‘It’s Anna we should catch up sometime’ all of them were from people he had obviously probably never met before but since watching ‘Good Luck Chuck’ Stifler had wondered whether suggesting that he had that lucky charm would help him in the romance department.It obviously did.Scrolling down to the bottom of the page, the last message made him look twice ‘Not sure that this lucky charm will work for this legacy do you? Lulu Lounge 3am.’

This was a message that Stifler put before all the rest. He wasn’t meant to be meeting Angel later that morning for an ‘early’ drink but whether he would have the energy after tonight was another matter.

Jumping in the taxi, it started it’s descent Downtown where this Sim would be waiting.

3:01am and nobody, noone expet the DJ and Bartender and Stifler doubted whether any of them would have wanted to meet up with him in response to his so called ‘lucky charm’.Stifler couldn’t resist a party even if he was the only one there. A good smustling calls to every man once in a while.

And it does, Stifler soon had a few onlookers looking to smustle beside him.

And when ‘Thriller’ comes on nobody can resist those moves!


3:47am Totally forgetting about the original reason he came Stifler became totally emersed in the crowd of people alongside him, it was no longer a one man crowd...for two reasons.

‘Hey! You the founder?!’

‘How do about that?!’

‘Heard from Pandora that he’s the one with the Elf ears, and you kinda fit the bill.’

‘Right. You sent me that message?’

‘Course i did. How about we go somewhere abit quieter?’

‘Took the words right out of my mouth.’

‘So why did you want to meet?’

‘Well Pandora’s been looking out for you, and this legacy your in. She wants you to face up to your responsibilties.’

‘Oh yeah? Well i’m in College, i’m enjoying my life and to be honest i don’t really feel like settling down.’

‘But your in a legacy! Doesn’t that mean anything to you?’

‘Not really. I mean i get dumped in the middle of nowhere and then get carted off to Sim State with no idea why. I don’t know what to do, nobody’s told me anything! So why should it matter?’

‘It should matter because the next generation depends on you Stifler! Without you there is no legacy! You play every woman you charm and have no intention of having a stable relationship, how do you expect a legacy to survive on that!’

‘If you think your going to try and tell me what to do think again lady! You don’t even know me!’

‘Well from the things i’ve heard so far i think i know you pretty well!’

‘You hear what you want to hear but i didn’t ask for this! Any of it! Maybe i just want to live the life i choose but who cares about that huh?! Maybe i would’ve seen things differently if i wasn’t abandoned!’

‘Well what are you planning to do then?!’

‘How the hell should i know!’

Storming off Stifler slammed his fists down on the bar, leaving the argument behind. The Bartender who seemed to suddenly appear from under the bar cautiously.Stifler gave the Bartender a glare before looking away.

Stifler had no idea why the woman had wanted to tell him this now or ever. He was perfectly happy with the way things were going, and seemed to have no interest in his legacy. But thinking to himself he wouldn’t have minded if somebody had given him some warning, he felt like a puppet. His life being controlled and he didn’t like it.

Signalling the Bartender for a drink he felt the presense of the dark-haired woman behind him.

He didn’t look up once. Not even after she sighed, before sitting down near enough next to him.

Smiling as he took a sip of the drink, her angered feeling seemed to lighten as she studied him, and giggled as he studied her back out of the corner of his eye.

‘Look. I’m sorry for shouting. I just can’t understand why you’d want to throw away an opportunity like this that’s all.’

‘How’d you know Pandora anyway?’

‘I know her daughter, who’s kind of like a clone of her on the legacy front. When i heard what hey had to say, i had to meet up with you. You are pretty cute.’

‘Thanks. Look i’m sorry for shouting too, i just lost it. I do want to change you know, deep down. Maybe i do need to start acting my age.’

‘Yeah. You shouldn’t feel too down though, i mean settling down may seem like a big thing to you, but maybe you should start realising it’s not so bad.’

Nobody could have predicted the outcome, neither of them until after they had been speaking normally to one another. It wasn’t until he had time to think, but Stifler realised that not once had he thought about quickly seducing her as he would of done to any other woman which told Stifler that this one was special. They were meant to meet that night.

And for the first time of his life he actually felt asthough he could be falling in love, yes he may have only known her for an hour or two but Stifler couldn’t have just said goodbye and walked away.

Stifler stayed up till 5am that night.

They went their separate ways afterwards, neither of them felt that they had to go back to one another's place. It probably wouldn’t have been a great idea anyway, with the sun rising near enough after Stifler arriving back he’d noticed Angel and a few other of the dormies up early for their morning classes.

‘What were you up to last night then? Someone said that you’d just got back.’

‘Oh i was online and...remembered...that...i had this assignment. So i went to the library.’

‘Wow. Must’ve been a hard assignment to make it last all night.’

‘Yeah well...i’m a slow worker. What can i say.’

‘Well try and get a few hours sleep, i have a two hour class and some stuff to do so you aren’t tired for that drink you promised me.’

‘Oh! Damn! I totally forgot! Sorry.’

‘Don’t worry we’re still going...right?’

‘Well i...’

‘If you don’t want to go i’ll...i’ll find something else to do.’

‘Angel wait....sure i’ll take you for that drink.’


And before Stifler could get away Angel pulled him in for a kiss. He was enjoying it, until he realised what he was doing. Pulling away he made an excuse about going to sleep, before hurrying outside.

It really hit Stifler at that moment. He didn’t have feelings for Angel at all, had he been leading those kind of relationships all his life? Reality struck and he realised who he wanted to be with.

But he didn’t want to hurt Angel. So those two could never meet!

‘So mother would like to you to clarify that you are definatly not going back to those old ways of yours’

‘Nah i don’t see me in that way anymore’

‘The question is, will Mary?’

‘You can shut up!’

‘You were-’

‘No i wasn’t!’

‘Well if you were or weren’t it doesn’t matter, because i’m a totally new man!’

‘Mmm well that’s good to hear!’

‘No guys if you don’t mind?’



‘You are a bit mean you do know that’

‘Yeah well i wanted some time alone at least. Sorry about Andora, she is slightly like her mother.’

‘Just a little bit. But it doesn’t bother me anymore.’


‘Nope, actually i’m warming to the idea of this whole legacy.....and....lots...of woohoo.’

‘And babies.’


‘Well i am a family sim silly!’

‘But i’ll settle for your type of woohoo for now.’

College had seemed to fly by. Three years had given Stifler to turn his life onto the right track. He had a girlfriend he loved, things were going well in his Major and he had grown to accept his responsibilities.There was one thing though. Angel.

‘Hey baby.’

‘Mary? What the?’

‘Come here to show you my new haircut, like it?’

‘To show me-What the hell do you think your doing?!’

‘Excuse me?! I can’t come and see my boyfriend whenever i like becauseee?’

‘You know why! If, if the Professers catch you here i could be thrown off campus!’

‘Yeah well i don’t see any professers!’

‘Just get out of here, you can’t be here!’

‘Why are you being like this!? You know what, if you want me to go! I’ll go! Your acting like a complete bastard Stifler Banapple!’

‘Mary, wait!..I’m sorry it’s just. I don’t want to lose at the final hurdle, i’m not a good loser and you know that; i just want to make it through this last semester.’

‘Well you only had to say so, you don’t need to shout it out to the whole dorm. Anyway i’ll ask you again, like the hair?’

‘Course i do baby, it’s as beautiful as always.’

Maybe Stifler had hoped nobody would’ve noticed his outburst the night before but he was severely wrong, as Mary was right nearly the whole dorm heard it. From sniggers and dirty looks given by students who were woken by the argument, Stifler was praying that Angel wasn’t there to hear. She was still under the impression that Stifler still had feelings for her, and she had absolutely no idea of the woman who had really stolen his heart; and Stifler intended to keep it that way.

‘Had a little disagreement with the missus did you Stifler, hope she isn’t ruining that reputation of yours, haha!’

‘Don’t listen to them lot. They don’t know what they’re talking about.’

‘It’s not them i’m worried about.’

‘You know you should just tell her your seeing somebody else.’

‘It’s not that simple mate.’

‘Why not? You know you can’t see them both!’

‘I know! Angel just feels really serious and i don’t want to hurt her.’

‘Well i hate to break to you but, at some point you’ll have to choose.’

And did Stifler know it! Tapping his pen down ferociously on his assignment sheet Stifler was wishing that the last semester could be over there and then. He had, had enough of College and enough of the people in it. As the only other occupant of the table packed up ready for class, Stifler whispered in response ‘I know.’

Stifler tried to keep a low profile for those last months but soon enough, graduation was on the agenda and Stifler used it as an excuse to throw one last party. He would normally have dreaded walking through the corridors at the risk of bumping into Angel, but today she was nowhere to be seen leaving Stifler to be able to enjoy himself.

‘Stifler only you would be mad enough to throw a graduation party right in the middle of the dormitory corridors!’

‘Course mate do you expect any less from me!’

It was fact! No other student would have the guts but they did decide they’d skip their next class to give the hopeless romance sim a proper send off.

Stifler wasn’t the only student graduating that day, Andora who had been supervising the goings on of Stiflers legacy matters had been making sure that Angel was nowhere near the party. Stifler had made his descision and Andora couldn’t risk somebody like Angel ruining everything.

‘Well i haven’t seen her. Let’s hope it stays that way for the next hour or so.’

‘Andy you need to relax! She’s probably still in class or something and what do you mean an hour?’

‘To leave to get to your new house Banapple!’


‘Yes, so you should get a move on and do the things you’ve always wanted to do in this place.’

And Stifler did just that, much to the shock of numerous party goers.

This was sure to be a party that would live in the legacy history.

After saying his goodbyes, it was time to age up and catch the first taxi back to Plumbob Springs, where his legacy would really begin.

He looked at the nothing but the door labelled exit, not even the scowling blond girl walking past him.

Angels blood was boiling, she was invited, she wasn’t paid any attention, and was completely ignored by the man she loved. ‘This isn’t over!’

The heat of summer was shining down as Stifler stood in awe, gazing and the house laid in front of him. Thinking to himself that if he knew a fully furnished home would be waiting for him, he would have dropped out ages ago.

Maybe somebody up there did care.

Nothing but a change of clothes is what Stifler wanted at first. He didn’t even get a chance to see much of the place, because he was eager to get out of those clothes he was wearing.

It was the first time in four years that he was living in a house without the disturbance of 20 or so other sims.

He heard nothing, except...

‘Your here? I didn’t even see you come in!’

‘I didn’t even see you come in.’

‘I was here early, i was just shoved in a taxi and sent to this address. Weird huh? You must be starving!’

‘So what do you think? Nice place isn’t it?’

‘Yeah, who built it?’

‘I don’t know, Pandora wouldn’t say , so i guess we aren’t supposed to know.’

‘Well if they don’t want us to know, so be it. But seeing as we were both sent here, it sounds like fate. And i have something to ask you.’

‘You do?’


‘Oh Stifler! Really?!’

‘If you want.’

‘Oh my it’s beautiful!’

‘Is that a yes?’

‘Yes, yes, yes!’

And seeing as they were now both alone, living with each other. They could both woohoo as much as they wanted, not in fear that there would be any uninvited guests.

A wedding was held 3 months later.

A white arch draped with red roses and a red carpet laid majestically beneath them. Guests watching with silent smiles as the couple lovingly exchanged their vows.

After the case with the vows and rings were over Mary hurried over to cut the cake, and just as Stifler arrived by her side a handful of cake shoved to his face.

As the party got underway the couple lovingly fed each other a slice of cake, giggling as they stayed close to one another.

Andora one of the Guardians of the legacy had made it her duty as head DJ to make this wedding a roof raiser, she may have seemed to be a legacy geek but she knew how to have a good time.

‘Hell yeah! Let’s get this partay started!!’

Lonely sipping a drink, an certain guest stayed quite as Mary made her way to wash some dishes. Watching her with a stern expression there was an awkward silence.

‘You must be Mary.’

‘Oh. I didn’t see you there. Yeah i’m Mary, and you are?’

‘I’m Angel, i’m a friend of Stiflers.’

‘Really? He hasn’t spoken about you.’

‘Not to you maybe, but me and him were closer than you think!’

‘Excuse me?’

‘You think your so great because your wearing that wedding gown?! You wait! After the excitement is all over he’ll be coming right back to me!’

‘If your so close then why aren’t you the one he proposed to?! I’m sorry Angel but this is my wedding day, not yours!’

‘Oh and am i ruining it for you? Well maybe i’ll just stay for a little longer, introduce myself to a few people.’

‘I don’t think so, your leaving!’

‘What’s all the shouting? Angel!’

‘Hiya baby.’

‘What are you doing here?!’

‘Trying to ruin our wedding day! Stifler who is she?!’

‘Baby, i’ll deal with this, you just go back to the party ok?’

‘I don’t know who she thinks she is..’

‘Angel you can’t be here! Look, i’m sorry for leaving you like that but, me and Mary have been in a relationship and now we’re married. I’m not interested in you.’

‘What? But we were....we were in love.’

‘I’m sorry Angel but i don’t love you. This is mine and Mary’s day and i think now we should just go our separate ways.’

‘You’ll come round. You’ll know someday that we should be together.’

‘I’m sorry, but i’m not interested. Please leave.’

‘Is she gone?’

‘Yeah. She won’t be coming back.’

‘Who was she Stifler?’

‘Nobody important. Your the one i love.’

‘But Stifler-’

‘Let’s not talk about it now. This is our day, nobody else's.’

‘Alright. But promise me that we’ll never have to see that woman again.’

‘I promise. I love you Mrs Banapple.’

‘I love you too.’

And they spoke no more of Angel, though Mary had questions she’d just have to talk about them to somebody else. For now she was enjoying that moment where she felt that the world had stopped for them two.

But all was not to be well. Angel was a fighter, and she wasn’t going to give up on Stifler Banapple that easy.

‘I have no idea who she was Andora. She just waltzed into my house she could’ve been anybody! She said that she was close to Stifler....what do you think? Physco ex-girlfriend?’

‘What did Stifler tell you?’

‘He just said that she wasn’t important, which to be honest doesn’t really tell me anything at all.’

‘Mary. I’m not going to lie to you. Stifler kind of hit on Angel before he met you, promised her a drink. But then he met you, and fell totally head over heels in love with you and totally forgot about Angel who had decided to take things to the next step and consider herself his girlfriend. Stifler didn’t want to hurt her feelings and didn’t know what to do so tried to avoid her while having a relationship with you. Now it seems she’s trying to get him back.’

‘So....she’s his other girlfriend?!’

‘No. He loves you not her. Just consider her what you said Physco Ex.’

‘Umm. Ok.’

Mary spoke nothing more of Angel, though she was curious about what kind of relationship her and her husband shared, she and Stifler had something more important to concentrate on.

‘How are you feeling?’

‘Good. It’s being a little pest but, i’m ok.’

‘Come sit with me?’

‘Are you sure your ok?’

‘If you ask me how i’m feeling anymore this hormonal lump will turn into something nasty Mr Banapple!’

‘I’m sorry. It’s just, i’m becoming a father and i want you and the baby to be alright.’

‘We’re fine, so you don’t need to worry. It may have happened earlier than expected but, hey!’

‘Yeah well in my opinion you can never plan these things. But it’s made me realise how amazingly beautiful you are.’

‘If you think your getting any action tonight think again mister. But continue the sweet-talking if you want.’

Now that the first of the second generation was on it’s way Stifler had even more responsibility. Yes he and Mary may have an expensively built house, but they still had to work for now that was left up to Stifler.

He was cautious though, whether he was working days or nights he couldn’t shake off the feeling that he and his family were being watched, but he didn’t want to bother Mary with his feelings she was in too delicate a state.

As the months past, Mary’s swelling stomach grew bigger. There were times while Stifler was out working where she could reminise in how lucky she was. She had never pictured herself being in a legacy and to her she didn’t even really feel like she was in one.

She had a husband she adored and their first baby on the way. To her they felt like a normal everyday family.

They paid the bills, did housework, earned a living, had dinner together, went to bed at night. Why should they have been considered any different?

‘Why the hell do you have to be at work at this very moment Stifler Banapple!? Can’t you see i need you!’

The baby certainly wasn’t ready to wait, Stifler or no Stifler the baby was coming and Mary would have to have this one alone.

‘Oook this hurts!!’

But it was over before she knew it. Not the most pleasant experience but Mary couldn’t deny that she loved what she got in the end.

A son. A light skinned, brown eyed, chestnut haired baby boy. Named Jazz Banapple. A peculiar name to some but Mary and Stifler thought it would fit their child’s title wonderfully.

After getting the call from Mary, Stifler got home straight away. Gently scooping up his son into his arms Jazz’s brown eyes lit up as he caught gaze of his father.

Stifler couldn’t explain the love and the bond he felt. Cuddling his son many fathers would be thinking about playing football with him when he would get older; but Stifler didn’t. He wanted to treasure everyday of his sons life and not just look straight away to the future.

‘Well little fella, your lucky enough to look just like your mother, we love you so very much.’

Life in the Banapple household changed dramatically, everything was focused on Jazz. Feed Jazz, bathe Jazz, change Jazz. The couple hardly had any time to themselves.

But whilst Jazz was sleeping. They found time. Both of them knew that Jazz would be growing up quickly and even though a baby did seem to take over their lives, they knew that they would miss it. So they were eager to start trying for another.

And while the arrival of new life was blessing for some it was a curse for others.

1 year after his birth, it was time for Jazz to make his way into the second phase of life. No party was held, he was too young to notice so his parents promised ‘Next time son.’

Growing up with noticably all of his mothers features the only reconisable thing Jazz inherited from his father was his chestnut brown hair. He was definatly a romance or popularity sim in the making, flashing a cheeky smile at everybody who would walk past.

‘Bubye guys!’ Mary sure loves being pregnant! O_o---------------------------------And this is where Chapter 1 will end. I can’t believe how long it took to organise all the pictures for this chapter, writing it was slightly challenging, seeing as i took the pictures a couple of weeks ago and more or less forgot what i had to put under them all. But it went better than i thought.

So how far will Angel go in trying to get Stifler back? Will Jazz inherit any of his fathers traits? How many more additions to generation 2 will there be?

‘Blue spew?! What in the name of Simlish have i been feeding you?!’

A quick introduction to Nymph Patriarch! ^-^

Thanks for reading! I hope to have Chapter 2 out in a month or two!