Vision, Identity, Transition: how to do visioning in a transitional setting



Even in the midst of transition, it is important that congregations and agencies plan for the future. This workshop based on Bill Kemp's Reality Check 101 work book, provides tools for vision casting in times of change.

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  • 1. Vision, Identity, Transition The dynamics of doing visioning in a transitional setting by Bill Kemp a Reality Check 101 Presentation

2. 5 Developmental Tasks Task 1. Coming to Terms with History * Task 2. Discovering a New Identity * Task 3. Allowing Needed Leadership Change Task 4. Rethinking Denominational Linkages * Task 5. Forming a commitment to New Directions in Ministry 3. Role Clarity Clergy Itinerate: They move from congregation to congregation, sharing with each the common understandings about faith and order that are held across the denomination 4. Role Clarity Congregations Locate: They become rooted in their context, discovering how to be the kind of church that is vital and transformative for their community 5. Who is responsible for vision and identity in the local church? 6. Interims Heal Restore healthy group process Rebuild relationships Interpret clergy/laity roles They teach by example listening skills, discernment, and consensus building 7. Things to remember You dont have to call what you do visioning or goal setting The process is more important than any one result For many congregations, the intentional interim minister is their last hope. They need a vision to justify the next appointment 8. Implementation Range Process Time Leadership expectation Authority Soon Short Decisiveness Majority Weeks or Months Medium Fairness Discernment Long Long Resource provider 3 ways to make a decision 9. Deciding a Congregations future: Discernment is appropriate for issues relating to vision and identity Let an expert decide? Take a vote? Try discernment? 72 84 96 108 120 132 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 National average Your Church 10. Our Mission is to get... a heart Bacon a braincourage 11. 3 Questions 1.What is the real nature of Church? 2.Where is society taking us? 3.How can we do Gods will? * 3 business questions in Confronting Reality by Larry Bossidy and Ram Charan 12. 1) What is the nature of the church? How should we design our life together so that the church becomes what Christ had in mind? 13. Which is more Church ? a) 200 people gathered for one hour on Sunday in a religious building... b) 20 groups of 10 people, meeting in coffee shops, nursing homes, workplace lunch-rooms, etc... 14. For Jesus, all healing happens in community Christianity is inherently congregational 15. Church is:* A gathering of people for prayer, study, and worship, who relate to each other and to the world as Christ desires. Seek a definition that is both universal, flexible, and relevant 16. 2) Where is society taking us? How is your church changing to remain relevant to the people of this neighborhood? 17. Youre halfway there... 18. A shift in focus: 19. A shift in focus: 20. W W A A D What Would Ansel Adams Do? 21. The innovation involves seeing a problem or need in the world and implementing a solution for it. Churches that Innovate seek to fully understand their neighbors needs, and then offer some aspect of the Gospel as a relevant response. 22. Postmodern Religious Changes cause Church Size & Structure Transitions resulting in The need to rethink your churchs target demographic and discerned vocation 23. 3) How can we do Gods will? What specific vocation does God have for your church? You know, Maybe were stuck here for a reason 24. Play the hand you have been dealt 25. The Roundabout A church can... Take pride in leaving a Legacy Adapt so that they can attract the next generation Love like Jesus in Mission Strive for Quality 26. Enter here Best Road Lovely Heart Highway Tomorrowland Pike Chapel Road 27. Exit 1: Chapel Lane This slow meandering path leads you towards fixing your building(s) and caring for your members. 28. Legacy (Hospice) ChurchesShift focus from building as idol to building as gift Look for ways to balance care for current members with wise stewardship of kingdom resources Stop looking for savior and start looking for 29. New poorly marked road is headed towards doing the things that will attract the next generation to church. Exit 2: Tomorrow Land Pike 30. Ordained Expert Material Concerns Hierarchy Friend Relationships Networks 31. Toll road; you must be willing to spend time and money to help others. Exit 3: Loving Heart Highway 32. This expressway leads the church into the marketplace, where you will advertise the one or two things that you do better than other churches in the region. Exit 4: Best Road 33. What will cause people to drive by other churches to come to yours? Best Road Churches Market Themselves: 34. OZ UMC Mission Statement: Our goals is to keep what we have, connected with young people through contemporary worship, give our all to mission, and attract new people to pay the bills. 35. As transition nears completion, the mirror becomes a window 36. 1. Promote healing and understanding by interpreting the reason for this time of transition Example acceptance and hope while both listening to history and advocating change Restore appropriate administrative and decision making processes Guide a nucleus in the congregation through the Three Questions If possible, reconnect the church leadership with United Methodist polity and identity Kemps Tasks for Transition: 37. Simplicity Simplicity, simplicity, simplicity! I say, let your affairs be as two or three, and not a hundred... Simplify, simplify. Instead of three meals a day, if it be necessary eat but one; instead of a hundred dishes, five; and reduce other things in proportion. - Henry David Thoreau 38. Check out: twice weekly blog Tuesday - Lectionary Insights Thursday - Fixing Church @ Other Resources @ a Reality Check 101 Presentation Vision, Identity, Transition 39. The Spiral Rule Congregations that focus Outward, Travel Upward Congregations that focus Inward, Travel Downward