Vida cotidiana 8 méxico)


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Around 1940 ended more changes that left their mark on society, motivated by the Revolution, and daily life could develop quietly and peacefully.

The number of urban dwellers increased and it was necessary to build more houses. Then appeared buildings not previously accustomed in Mexico: the projects.

Previously, many families lived in neighborhoods, they had one or more courtyards around which were the homes or apartments.

When there were parties, they were organized into the courtyards and guests were all residents of the neighborhood. The inns were fun and some wore the piñata, other fruit, other punch and thus cooperated with all they could.

As the city grew and emerged multifamily, avenues and the dangers of the big cities, life became difficult and common people could not relate as easily as before.

Gradually life was modernizing cities and houses appeared previously unknown items.

Current citizenship is distracted with many things, football, concerts, festivals.

Before the influx was May in wing discs but as insecurity was down this creep
