Tracy Thomas – What I lost and how I gained


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What I lost and how I gained

The power of shifting perspectives

in life and in coaching


• Part 1: The story of the experience

• Part 2: Life Lessons

• Part 3: Discovering the gift

• Part 4: Relevance to coaching

• Questions

Part 1:

The experience

South America Adventure

O.R Tambo 31st March, 2013

Buenos Aires

9 de Julio

Part 2:

Life Lessons

Grief Cycle

Different Forms

• Non-attachment – belief

that everything is transitory

• Less attached to the ego –

you are transitory

Letting Go

“The teacher comes

when the student is

ready.” – Gregory David Roberts (2003), Shantaram

Part 3:

Discovering the gift

Loss versus Gain

Becoming More Ourselves

• Pre-planned life


• Crumbling masks

• Discovering our

authentic selves

• Passionately curios

Part 4:

Relevance to coaching

“Of course, the alchemy that transmutes

bad experiences to good ones, emotional

lead to gold, doesn’t happen by default. It

requires a particular kind of magic”

– Martha Beck (2008) Steering by Starlight

I can learn anything I want to.

When I’m frustrated, I persevere.

I want to challenge myself.

When I fail, I learn.

My effort and attitude determine


I’m either good at it, or I’m not.

When I’m frustrated I give up.

I don’t like to be challenged.

When I fail, I am no good.

If you succeed, I feel threatened.

My perceived abilities & past

determine everything.

Mindset & Thinking ProcessForward ThinkingStuck

Our Lens

•Past experiences

•Fixed assumptions

•Challenge habitual




Powerful Questioning1. What have you learnt from this experience?

2. What do you believe the lessons were from this


3. Is there anything new that you discovered about

yourself that surprised you from this experience?

4. What have been the positive outcomes from this


5. If anything, what about this experience are you

grateful for?

6. What is the most helpful thing you could do next?

7. What are your key takeaways from this


8. What parts of your personality will be helpful tools

to help you move forward?

The Future

• Everything happens for a reason

• Acceptance

• Developing insights

• Deeper understanding

• Cultivating gratitude

• Bulking up our tool kits

