The Overflow Of Our Hearts - Luke 6.43-45



Your words reveal what's in your heart. The message was given on October 13, 2013 at New City Church in Calgary by Pastor John Ferguson. For more info, go to

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of our


~ Luke 6:43-45

image: qthomasbower

God Gives Us His Words of Eternal LifeLuke 6:43-45

Found on page 863 in our guest Bibles.

Today’s Scripture:



of our


~ Luke 6:43-45

image: qthomasbower

Why do you see the speck that is in

Luke 6:41-42

your brother’s eye, but do not noticethe log that is in your own eye? Howcan you say to your brother, “Brother,let me take out the speck that is inyour eye,” when you do not see the

log in your own eye? You hypocrite,

Luke 6:41-42

first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly totake out the speck that is in yourbrother’s eye....

For no good tree bears bad fruit, nor

Luke 6:43-44

again does a bad tree bear good fruit, for each tree is known by itsown fruit. For figs are not gatheredfrom thornbushes, nor are grapes picked from a bramble bush....

The good person out of the good

Luke 6:45

treasure of his heart produces good,

heart produces evil, for out of the abundance of the heart his mouthspeaks.

and the evil person out of his evil

“For from within, out of the heart of man, come

evil thoughts, sexual immorality, theft, murder,

adultery, coveting, wickedness, deceit,

sensuality, envy, slander, pride, foolishness. All

these evil things come from within, and they

defile a person.”

~ Jesus of Nazareth inThe Gospel of Mark





evil thoughts





There is a living, organic connection between the

people we are on the inside and the lives we lead out in the world.

Whatever fruit we produce—whether good or evil—

is rooted in the true condition of our souls.

We can only produce the kind of spiritual fruit that

it is in our nature to produce. The reason we

say the things we say and do the things we do is that we are the people we are.

The good person out of the good

Luke 6:45

treasure of his heart produces good,

heart produces evil, for out of the abundance of the heart his mouthspeaks.

and the evil person out of his evil

Your wordsreveal

your heart.

Your words





give you an idea

let people see

what is in your heart.

My wordsreveal

my heart.

“[Our mouth] is the hinge on which the door into our souls swings open in order to reveal our spirit. In effect, our words are like so many media people rushing to file their reports on the condition of our soul.”

~ Sinclair Ferguson“The Power of the Tongue”

Examine your fruit


image: darwin Bell

“How can you speak good when you are evil.

For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.... I tell you on the day of judgment

people will give account for every careless word

they speak...”

~ Jesus of Nazareth Gospel of Matthew,


Trace the fruit...2 the root

“Word problems reveal heart problems. The people and situations

around us do not make us say what we say;

they are only the occasions for our hearts to reveal

themselves in words.”

image: Nina Matthews

Cry out for a good heart


The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,

gentleness, self-control.

~ The Apostle Paul Galatians 5:22-23


darwin Bell:

Nina Matthews;

flickr images courtesy of:

other images: Orlando Rosu / 120694184
