The 6 Principles of the Law of Attraction


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I am rooted, but I flowVirginia Wolf

 The Law of Attraction is always at work.

We’re constantly emitting signals to the Universe through our thoughts and our emotions, and the Universe responds giving us back experiences, events and people that match that vibration.

In order to live the life we want, we need to energetically align with the vibration of what we envision.

Aligning and maintaining that vibration is in essence a simple thing, but because we have been so conditioned by education, religion, parental and other belief systems, we need to first break through all the patterns that are not truly yours, layer by layer, so the real you is revealed.

This can be a truly beautiful journey, because the purpose of all of us in this planet is joy.

Is to live in a place of truly enjoying our life and how we live our days, with circumstances and people that match our inner truth.

In this eBook you’ll find the 6 Law of Attraction principles that will help you to energetically align and maintain that vibration.

Some of these things you’ll do it for the first time in your life, so get some time to get used to them.

And enjoy the journey!


Listen to your intuition

In a world so full of noise and distractions it can become difficult to properly listen to your inner voice.

And what happens is that you tend to listen more to what others say or to the thoughts in your mind that very often come from your ego and are not on the best of your interests.

Our intuition on the other hand, comes from our true self. It is the “knowingness”, the “knowing without knowing how I know”.

It’s that inner voice that comes from source, or your higher self, and is trying to guide you in the best direction.

The only real valuable thing is intuitionAlbert Einstein

Everything you’re living now is all you have at the present moment. And your intuition is there to guide you so you take the right decisions for you at all times, because it is precisely that what will make you live an enjoyable and happy life and make you feel free.

You’re not dependable anymore on facts, figures or other people to help you take a decision because you know that you have in youSpend time in solitude

In order to properly listening to yourself and your intuition is

important to take some time daily to be in solitude.

It doesn’t mean that you have to meditate or to any activity.

Sometimes you just need to do anything. Just sit still and be with yourself in your living room or go outside and sit around nature.

Spending quality time in solitude is a way of silencing the noisy world outside and inside your mind and just giving yourself permission to relax and reflect, alone.

And it’s only by listening to yourself that you can hear your intuition and your inner voice.

That you know who you truly are, that you feel centered and truly connect with yourself. And also, it sparks your creativity too.

A man can be himself only so long as he is alone, and if he does not love solitude, he will not love freedom, for it is only when he is alone that he is really free.A. Schopenhauer

Being in solitude doesn’t mean being lonely. Being in solitude is being in your own company, which is something very different.

And you can never be alone when you have yourself.

Just go with the flow

In order to live our lives in a happy way, we need to have a well balanced masculine and feminine energies, whether you’re a man or a woman.

Masculine energy is all about getting things done, and it’s how many of us spend our days. It’s the “go get it” or the “make things happen”.

And although this is necessary in many occasions, living too much in your masculine energy can also disconnect you from life itself, because you’re just “doing” all the time and not “being”.

And we’re human beings, not human doings.

In order to live a balanced life, you also need to tap into your feminine energy, whether you’re a man or a woman.

Feminine energy is all about going with the flow, knowing that the law of attraction is always at work and that sometimes it’s better to just stop wanting to control everything and just let things unfold naturally.

This doesn’t take the power away from you, on the contrary. When you’re aware that everything is connected and you’re truly listening to yourself and living your truth, you stop worrying.

And when you stop worrying and controlling, you leave space to let things happen naturally. And they do happen.

Going with the flow doesn’t mean not doing anything, it means doing what you need to do and being open to whatever comes next, trusting that everything is for your higher good.

It means living your life with acceptance, and that everything is as it should be.

Live in the present moment

The present moment is all you’ve got.

When you start realizing that you’re much more than just the story of your life and that what you’ve had in your past were mere experiences that are not here anymore, you understand that who you truly are is what you choose to become… now.

And that will free you to let go of your past and let go of your future as well.

When you live your life from your true self you don’t need to worry about your future either.

You know you are where you should be, that you’re being taken care of and never alone, and that things will just unfold each day.

Past and future are just illusions and if you’re not living in the present, you’re living in illusion.

The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, worry about the future, but to live in the present moment wisely and earnestly.Buddha

Living in the present moment means that your awareness is completely centered in the here and now, where your life is happening.

Stay in a place of joy

You deserve to live your life from a place of joy.

When you know who you are and live your life from your truth you’re free to enjoy life.

Living a life full of stress, struggles, worries, that is not your natural state and is not what reality should be. That just means that you’re disconnected from yourself and not listening.

You do deserve to have work that gives you joy, relationships that give you joy and living your days full of joy, giving joy to others as well.

Living a life full of joy is not just for some “special people”, it is available to everyone that chooses to live it authentically and true to who they really are.

When you decide to live a life full of joy and consciously choose joyful situations as you go about in your days, also surrounding yourself with what you love and discarding all the rest, you’re raising your vibration.

The more you choose joy, the more things to enjoy the Universe will keep bringing to you. Because you’re open to receive them!

And when you do that, you’re helping raising the vibration of the entire Universe.

A joyful life with peacefulness is your birth right and it should be your natural state of being!

Accept and love who you are now

If you truly want to live your life feeling free, you have to accept who you are, the whole of who you are, including the good, the bad and the ugly.

Let go of your past, but accept it because it made you who you are today.

Acknowledge the things you want to improve in yourself, but accept that you’re whole already and love yourself in the now.

Accepting and loving who you are will give an infinite freedom to live your life fully and to also accept and love others for who they are.

Because you let go of the need to be perfect and you choose to become real instead.

This is also an important step in healing yourself and giving space to be who you truly are.

By accepting and loving who you are, you’re coming from a place of love and not from fear.

You are aware that we’re souls in bodies having an earthly experience and that as souls we’re whole already.

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