Ten Commadments 5 - 10


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Ten Commandments

(1- 4)

Commandment 1

“Have no gods before me. There is only one God.

Pray to God alone.”

Commandment 2

“Worship no idols. Worship

God only.”

Commandment 3

“Don’t misuse God’s name”

Commandment 4

“ Keep the Sabbath Day Holy. Take time to rest and think

about God.”

Ten Commandments

(5 - 10)Drama

Commandment 5

“Honor your mom and dad.”

Commandment 6

“Do not murder.”

Commandment 7

“Do not commit adultery.”

Commandment 8

“Do not steal.”

Commandment 9

“Do not lie.”

Commandment 10

“Do not covet.”

BV ChallengeBV Challenge

Love your neighbor as

yourself.Matthew 22:39
