Sermon Slide Deck: "The Inside Out Revolution Of Jesus" (Luke 11:37-44)


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revolution of Jesus~ The Gospel of Luke, 11:37-44 ~

God Gives Us His Words of Eternal LifeLuke 11:37-44

Found on page 870 in our guest Bibles.

Today’s Scripture:

…you have to make your vision apparent

by shock -- to the hard of hearing you shout,

and for the almost blind you draw large and startling figures.

Flannery O’Connor


revolution of Jesus~ The Gospel of Luke, 11:37-44 ~

37 While Jesus was speaking, a Pharisee

Luke 11:37-44

asked him to dine with him, so he went in and reclined at table. 38 The Phariseewas astonished to see that he did not first wash before dinner.

39 And the Lord said to him, “Now you

Luke 11:37-44

Pharisees cleanse the outside of the cupand of the dish, but inside you are full ofgreed and wickedness. 40 You fools! Didnot he who made the outside make the inside also?

~ The Gospel of Luke, 16:14-15

The Pharisees, who were lovers of money, heard all these things, and they ridiculed him. And he said to them, “You are those

who justify yourselves before me, but God knows your hearts.”

We spend too much precious time and energy managing

perception and creating carefully edited versions of ourselves to

show to the world.

“”~ Brené Brown

41 But give as alms those things that

Luke 11:37-44

are within, and behold, everything is clean for you.

Christ says, Give me all. I don't want so much of your time and so much of your money and so much of your work: I want You…. No half

measures are any good. I don’t want to cut off a branch here and a branch there; I want to

have the whole tree down…


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Hand over the whole natural self, all the desires you think innocent as well as the ones you think wicked—the whole outfit. I will give you a new self instead. In fact, I will give you

Myself: My own will shall become yours.“

”~ CS Lewis

Mere Christianity


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42 But woe to you Pharisees! For you

Luke 11:37-44

tithe mint and rue and every herb, and neglect justice and the love of God. These you ought to have done, withoutneglecting the others.

43 Woe to you Pharisees! For you love

Luke 11:37-44

the best seat in the synagogues and greetings in the marketplaces.

“How can you believe if you accept praise

from one another, yet make now effort to

obtain the praise that only comes from God.” ~ Jesus of Nazareth in

The Gospel of John, 5:44 (NIV)

44 Woe to you! For you are like unmarked

Luke 11:37-44

graves, and people walk over them with-out knowing it.

“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like whitewashed tombs which outwardly appear beautiful, but within are full of dead people’s bones and all uncleanness. So you also outwardly appear righteous to others, but within you are full of hypocrisy and lawlessness.”

~ Jesus of Nazareth in the Gospel of Matthew 23:27

Why does Luke record this account in his historical

biography of Jesus?

Important Question

We try to impress others with the outside, but God knows

what’s on the inside.

“Revelation” by

Flannery O’Connor



“What is the real you really like?”