Rev Fr Evans Episcopal Ordination



Presentation of the Episcopal Ordination of the Rt. Rev Evans Chinyama Chinyemba, OMI, on May 28, 2011 at Our Lady of Lourdes Cathedral, Mongu Diocese.

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Episcopal Ordination of

Rt. Rev. Evans Chinyama Chinyemba, OMI

Saturday, 28 May, 2011

Examination of the candidate (Evans Chinyemba, OMI) by the Principal Consecrator (His Eminence Medardo Joseph Cardinal Mazombwe)

Episcopal Ordination

Litany of the Saints Prayer of Consecration

Episcopal Ordination

His Grace Nicola Girasoli (Apostolic Nuncio for Zambia and Malawi)

Investiture with Ring (By Cardinal


Episcopal Ordination

Investiture Investiture with Miter

Episcopal Ordination

Investiture with Pastoral Staff

Girasoli congratulating Bp. Chinyemba

Episcopal Ordination

Bp. Georg Lungu leading Bp. Chinyemba to greet the Congregation

Bp. Chinyemba being congratulated by the Congregation

Episcopal Ordination

Bp. Chinyemba receving gifts of Bread and Wine

Bishop Chinyama Chinyemba

Episcopal Ordination

Part of the Oblates joining in the celebration

Part of the congregation celebrating

Episcopal Ordination

Fr. Freeborn congratulating Bp. Chinyemba

Bp. Girasoli posing for a photo with Bp. Chinyemba

The Bishops Emblem
