Preparing to follow jesus


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Preparing to Follow Jesus

I. Jesus gave advice to some folks who wanted to follow Him, found in Luke 9:57-62.

A. Count the COST of discipleship. (v.57- 58)

A. B. Consider the PRIORITY of God’s Kingdom. (59-60)

C. Clear the DISTRACTIONS of earthly life before committing. (61-62)

II. Will you follow Jesus?

A. No one is FORCED to follow Jesus.

1. Jesus INVITES us to follow Him.

2. We can say, “YES” and follow with head, heart and hands

3. We can say, “NO.” (Luke 10:22-23)

4. We can say, “YES,” but choose to LEAVE. (John 6:66)

B. If you follow Jesus, you need to have the right MOTIVATION! (John 6:22-70)

1. WRONG MOTIVATION: Some were following because of what Jesus could GIVE them: Free FOOD! Not even because you saw miracles!

They were focused on PHYSICAL blessings. 6:26-27) Today: We ask, “What will You do for me?”

2. RIGHT MOTIVATION: Jesus told them to seek “SPIRITUAL bread” found in Him. (6:35, 41, 48, 51, 53-58)

3. At this point many who followed Jesus found it too DIFFICULT and left Him. Jesus asked the 12 if they would leave him too. (6:66-67)

4. Peter gave the RIGHT answer that showed he was properly (SPIRITUALLY) motivated. (68-69) See Rom. 8:5-13

To whom else shall we go? There is NONE like You! He alone satisfies our deepest needs!

You are the HOLY ONE of God.

You have the WORDS of eternal life. He is the bread of life. He alone gives us hope!

We BELEIVE them.

Note: This was a TEST for the disciples. Would they follow Jesus or the crowd?

Application: Will you follow Jesus all the way to the cross, or leave Him when it gets confusing or difficult?
