Power Point George


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HI EVERYBODY. We are Amparo and Jose. We are

Vero’s friends.

Amparo is her cousin and I was born in the same

hospital one day before. I was waiting for her until

she was born.

It was long ago... Later on destiny brought us

together in the same street.

And now we’d like to show our joy to see this beautiful thing. The

wedding of Veronica and George.

Vero asked us to do something for the

wedding. She knows our ability to organize events

and she knew that we would do a good job...

but she couldn’t imagine this... She asked for many things but we thought that whatever we would do she

would like it. And you George... Too!!! She trusted us!!!

the first problem was the language!!!

Valencian, Spanish, English??? Because

GEORGIAN, we can’t!!!

First of all, Vero is a good, honest person... Not so


With a great strength, optimist, idealist and she

works hard to reach success... Brave ...

Friendly and in difficult moments she gets high

and tries to get along with the problems in the way

Now she needs one person on her side, that’s why

George appears....

An extraordinary man... Nice, romantic and really thoughtful. And so on... Who met Vero and he

didn’t let her go away!!!

He came here with us and everybody is here in their


We learnt so many things together that we’d like to give

you a present. To both of you... These words that we’d like you

to remember ... Forever...

We will talk about LOVE

you are following the love that came to you. Love is everywhere,

if you search for it...

Follow it althought the path will be hard. You are surrounded by its wings. Love at the beggining is like an explosion of light withouth getting blind of


It will get you high and then it will get down and

shake the earth...

It will get you if you fall, and it will guide you...

love will do all of this for you!!!

the moment has arrived... We are going to tell you

the truth about VERONICA and GEORGE’s story!!!

Are you ready!!!???


in the same house they lived

without realising that a love at first sight they had

Distance took them appart like the wind

but their hearts beated at the same time,

their journeys made them happy and like each other

ever after... (And eat partridges)

Husband and wife they wanted to be

and to this wedding they wanted us to be

in the registration when I had to sign I did it getting

on with it

Now the wedding rings and the wedding cake will come and we all will go

with them in these beautiful moments

Now you don’t have to cry all together because if you do, you will not be able to see the YES WE

ACCEPT moment

You have to know that great stories will never

end. Now it’s your turn to go on with your story...

You have so many things to enjoy, to live, to do... You are the ones so don’t give up and go on




CONGRATULATIONS.... You Both are really good,

great and beautiful...

A big kiss

Thanks for coming...familiy, friends, …




I told you with the wind, playing like an animal with

the sand...

I told you with the sun, that get our young bodies tanned and laugh about all

the innocent things

I told you with the clouds, that support the sky

I told you with the plants, transparent creatures that

hide suddenly

I told you with the water,

I told you with the fear, I told you with joy,

Bnut it’s not enough: far away the life,

i want to tell you with the death;

far away the love, i don’t want to leave it all

