Parshat Breishit power point




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(5th Grade Edition)

At first there was nothing…

On the first day Hashem said He wanted light……

And there was light!

On the second day He separated between the waters below and the waters above.

On the third day He separated the dry land from the waters.

On Day Four Hashem filled the night with the moon and the stars.

On the fifth day He filled the water and the skies with all sorts of life.

The sixth day He filled the land with all sorts of animals…

And topped everything off with the greatest creation:


And on the seventh day…

Hashem rested.

Hashem took dust and turned it into man, and gave him life.

And God placed him in a garden filled with trees.

Hashem told Adam of two specific trees: One he could eat from, and one he’s

not allowed to eat from.The Tree of Life The Tree of Knowledge of

Good and Evil

And if you eat from the wrong tree, the penalty is DEATH…

Hashem determined that man should not be alone, so He took a part of Adam’s side, and made a woman: Chava.

Originally Adam and Chava had no clothes.

A serpent tricked Chava

into eating from the forbidden fruit.

She then got Adam to eat as well.

And they realized they were naked, and covered themselves

with leaves.

Because of this they were kicked out of the Garden of Eden.

And men would have to work very hard.

And women would have

intense difficulty with

child birth.

Adam and Chava had two sons:Kain and Hevel (Cain and Abel).

Each son brought a sacrifice to Hashem.

First Kain brought some produce.

And Hevel offered some of the best animals of his flock.

Hashem favored Hevel’s offering.

So Kain killed his brother, Hevel.

And was punished by Hashem to wander around like a reject

for the rest of his life.

Adam had two more sons, Seth and Enosh,

and lived a total of 930 Years.

And ten generations after Adam (who died at age 930),

a man named Noach was born.

Noach was a good person.Everyone else… not so good!

Noach Other people

And Hashem wished to wipe out the whole world.

The End