


"There are two ways to live: you can live as if nothing is a miracle; you can live as if everything is a miracle." How do Spiritists understand miracles? Healing? Find out more and share your thoughts.

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  • 1. Genesis, The Gospel According to Spiritism, The Spirits Book, The Spiritist Magazine 1

2. "There are two ways to live: you can live as if nothing is a miracle; you can live as if everything is a miracle." 2 3. Miracles are transgressions of the law of nature, attributable to the Divine will or to the interference of some invisible agent". (David Hume) Aristotle rejected the idea that God could or would intervene in the order of the natural world in order to produce miracles. 3 4. Etymologically, the word miracle (from mirari, to admire) means admirable, something extraordinary, surprising. Its also defined as an act of divine power contrary to the known laws of nature. 4 5. If a miracle can be defined as an extraordinary event that is not explainable by natural or scientific laws, this could very well imply that God would be willing to make an exception against all the laws of nature to benefit one or a few individuals in a particular situation. Anisio Resem (The Spiritist Magazine) 5 6. 1. What is God? God is the Supreme Intelligence, the First Cause of all things. 6 7. 4 - Where may we find proof for the existence of God? In an axiom you apply to all your sciences: There is no effect without a cause. If you would search for the cause of whatever is not the work of human beings, then reason will answer your question. To doubt Gods existence would be to deny that every effect has a cause and to believe that something could have resulted from nothingness. 7 8. As far as miracles are concerned the main objective of the studies is solely to show that as extraordinary as spirit phenomena, healings, manipulation of fluid, etc. may be, they do not in any way derogate from the natural laws, nor is there any miraculous much less extraordinary or supernatural character about them. The Mediums Book Therefore, they are not miracles, but rather simple effects that have their reason for being included among general laws. 8 9. 10. Then, a woman who had been afflicted with a loss of blood for twelve years, who had suffered much at the hands of several physicians, and who, having spent all her assets without having received any relief but had only gotten worse, having heard about Jesus, came up from behind the crowd and touched his garments, for she said to herself, If I could only touch his garments, I would be healed. At that instant, the source of the blood she was losing dried up and she felt within her body that she was healed of the illness. At the same instant, Jesus felt that power had gone out of him, and he turned to the crowd and asked, Who touched my garments? His disciples said to him, You can see that the crowd is pressing in on you from all sides and you ask who touched you? But he was looking all around to see who had touched him. However, the woman, who knew what had happened to her, trembled with fear and came to throw herself at his feet and told him the whole truth. Jesus said to her, My daughter, your faith has saved you; go in peace and be healed of your illness. (Mk. 5:25-34) The Gospel According to Spiritism 9 10. One should understand that faith here is not some mystical virtue as certain people understand it, but a truly attracting power; those who do not possess it oppose the fluidic current with a repelling force, which paralyzes the action. 10 11. When he came to meet the people, a man approached him, fell to his knees at his feet and said to him, Lord, have mercy on my son, who is insane and suffers much because he often falls into the fire and often into the water. I presented him to your disciples but they could not heal him. Jesus answered, saying, O disbelieving and perverse generation, how long will I be with you? How long must I endure you? () Then the disciples came to Jesus in private and said to him, Why could we not expel the demon? Jesus answered, Because of your disbelief. For verily I say to you: if you had faith as a mustard seed, you would say to this mountain, Move from here to there and it would move, and nothing would be impossible for you. (Mt. 17:14-20) 11 12. Through faith, humans act upon the fluid the universal agent modifying its qualities and giving it an impulse that is irresistible, so to speak. Therefore, those who combine a normally large fluidic power with an ardent faith can, solely by their will directed toward the good, perform the remarkable phenomena of healing and other phenomena formerly regarded as miracles, but which are nothing more than the consequences of a natural law. 13. Universal fluid is the primitive element of both the corporeal body and the perispirit, which are merely transformations of this fluid. By its very nature this fluid, condensed in the perispirit, can supply aiding and reparatory elements to the body. The healing occurs by replacing an unhealthy molecule with a healthy one. The curative power is a direct result of the purity of the injected substance; it also depends on the energy of the will, which causes a more abundant fluidic emission and gives the fluid a greater penetrating power; finally, it depends on the intentions that animate the one who wants to do the healing, whether a person or a spirit. The fluids that emanate from an impure source are like adulterated medicinal substances. The effects of the fluidic action upon the ill are extremely varied, depending on the circumstances. 14. Jesus is the perfect standard that God has offered to humankind as a guide and model. (S.B. 625) 15. It is also by means of the good it does that Spiritism proves its providential mission. It heals physical ills, but heals moral infirmities especially, and therein lies the greatest wonders through which it affirms itself. 16. Miracles: You do not have to look for them. They are there, 24-7, beaming like radio waves all around you. Put up the antenna, turn up the volume - snap... crackle... this just in, every person you talk to is a chance to change the world.