Jupiter transit in virgo – 11th August 2016


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Acharya Raman Vedic & KP System Astrologer

ARIES As a planet, Jupiter in sixth house

will cause over indulgence in sex. You may start over eating and gain weight. You may become lazy. Jupiter is also the lord of 9th and 12thIt will cause some dent in your luck factor. It is advised that be careful before 10 days and after 20 days when Jupiter has entered Virgo. Otherwise you may face sudden defamation.

TAURUS The mool trikona of Jupiter

falls in your 8th This is why, many times, Jupiter fails to deliver as the 11th house lord for you. You will indulge more in your religious practices; your social circle will increase. People will prefer to consult you over others in matters of trust. You may do some things which will hurt your self respect.

GEMINI This is the other sign in which

major riots have taken place in India between Hindus and Muslims. You will have favors from seniors. You will get promotion in your work sphere; it can be increase in your stature or an actual promotion. You will be liked by your seniors. You may become more religious and God fearing.

CANCER Jupiter exalts in this sign. It

will be in the third bhava from this sign.you may feel that your average body temperature has risen above normal but there will be no fever. You are a religious bent of mind person already and now you may feel more inclined towards God and his virtues.

LEO The other royal sign, King of

planetary kingdom – Sun rules this sign. Jupiter owns 5thand 8th house for this sign. Your astrological skills or intuition will improve. You will get wealth from others. You may get a good spouse if you are planning to marry in this transit and Jupiter is benefic for you in natal chart.

VIRGO Those people awaiting marriage

will be married in this transit. This is not a wealth giving transit but gains giving transit which can be mental physical or both. Jupiter in ascendant is considered to be a blessing and this Jupiter is untainted, when it was in Leo – it was afflicted by rahu and Saturn aspect was also there.

LIBRA Twelfth house is not a good house in general but Venus

enjoys the most in this house. Both are “tamasik” in nature and thus the liking. Sun, Moon and Mars all three hold important houses for this ascendant. Mars being a maraka too. Jupiter holds 3rd and 6th bhava for this sign.

SCORPIO For Jupiter transit in Leo I had said

that this was the best transit for you and this year also you will be the one to reap the fruits most because Jupiter will be in 11th After this it will leave for your 12th bhava and will produce some undesired effects but there is a lot of time for that and you can prepare yourself now itself.

SAGITTARIUS To have the ascendant lord in

10th house is a very good thing. There will be rise in your career and fame. If you are unemployed then this is the time when Job will come to you, just keep posting your resume in the relevant places. Business people will see more rise in their profits and they will work harder.

CAPRICORN A good hearted person always tries

to do well of others even if he is holding a bad portfolio. Jupiter holds 3rd and 12th ownership and thus it is considered a malefic for this ascendant but in my experience I have seen it not to be so. Infact, it may do some good instead of giving bad results of 12th house, it may send you abroad or make you travel to places or fix you in a job which is too much travel oriented.

AQUARIUS 8th house is the most

undesired house and is feared just like Saturn or rahu-ketu etc. Jupiter in this house will surely bring some relief but mostly this will be a very bad transit for those who are going through DBA of Jupiter. It will also depend upon the star in which Jupiter is posited at the time of birth.

PISCES The lord of ascendant will be

in seventh house. This will strengthen your self esteem as the aspect of the lord will be on the ascendant itself. You may have an extramarital affair. If you are passing through a rough time in your married life then this could be the time to get divorced peacefully.

