How to use self help for depression


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How to Use Self-

Help Methods

For Depression


When coping with depression, every little bit to alleviate the malady

goes a long way. Furthermore, experts related to the problem have stated

that the use of an arsenal or a combination of techniques may perhaps be

the best approach for handling the situation.

Now, although this problem is manifested more in the mental versus

physical realm of things, it still does not change the fact that like most if

not all diseases, some self-help, ‘home’ or easily accessible remedies

could come in handy to deal with depression.

Taking that into consideration, here are some steps one could use:

1. Engaging in exercise:

Folks, this could come in handy for coping with depression as

intentional physical activity has the tendency to exercise the motor

centers of the brain, which may bring about a blood flow away from the

emotional activity centers. When this occurs, you become more

receptive to positive thoughts.

I would recommend doing those physical activities you enjoy that cheer

you up. However, to get into more detailed choices, if left to me, I will

suggest Yoga, jogging (outdoors), sports, playing with your kids and the

family dog (if applicable).

2. Purposely combat depression in you speech and thoughts. Uttered

words and thoughts are powerful, thus what and how you say things, do

have an effect on your thoughts and vice versa. Therefore, it is

recommended that in times of depression (or intense sadness that may

aggravate or lead to it) be careful to make sure the words uttered and

thoughts pondered are pleasant, uplifting and optimistic. If need be, this

would be a good time to cut out all negative media overload.

3. One of the greatest gifts given to us as humans is the ability to laugh.

It has been said that man is the only animal that laughs (and weeps), so

in times of despair, if possible, seek out the company of friends and

family that can cheer you up and at all cost avoid those who do the


4. If you have the mental fortitude, are of a firm spiritual background

and know what it is and how to do it; engage in a fast.

But be advised, for this step, you may have to be physically alone.

So if that’s not something you think you can cope with, then I will not

recommend it.

So, do not disregard the methods that may be within your reach in

dealing with depression, as with all ailments, perhaps the one who may

be able to help alleviate the malady may be the one you see when you

look in the mirror.

Here’s to happiness.

# # #

Foras Aje is an independent researcher and author of “Fitness:

Inside and Out”, a book on improving physical and mental health

naturally with a Bible-Based Diet and Exercise. For more

information on this book or other natural health tips, visit his site at
