How to interact with the word



The word of God is God's creative power that has the ability to make an impact on the life of an individual. I have shared in this slide, details on how it affects a person and how you can begin to take steps towards enjoying that impact in your life now.

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THE WORDFriday 19th September, 2014


• During the last Sunday Service, we talked about developing the inner man. • We stressed the fact that man is a spirit that has a soul and lives in a

body and so the inner man is more important than the outer man

• We established that God values the beauty/quality of the spirit over the outer man and whatever he may represent in this world.

• We saw that the blessing of God is a force that resides and functions in the human spirit but can impact upon all that a man is involved with.

• We also talked about the fact that there are certain things you can do to help cultivate your spirit for maximum productivity.


• The term interact with the word refers to associating and communicating with the word to the extent that it has an impact or effect upon you.

• So to understand its full import, lets look at a few characters of the word and see what kind of impacts it can make on your life.


“All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for

instruction in righteousness:” (2 Tim 3:16)

“Every Scripture is God-breathed (given by His inspiration) and profitable for instruction, for reproof and conviction of

sin, for correction of error and discipline in obedience, [and] for training in righteousness (in holy living, in

conformity to God’s will in thought, purpose, and action)” [AMP]

• There will be no better scripture to learn the impact of the word of God other than this one that says it all.

• The Amplified version puts it better when it explains that being inspired by God means God–breathed. The scriptures are the very out breathings of God. In other words, while we exhale gas, God exhales the word!

• The difference is that while we exhale waste products that are useless to us, the out breathings of God are extremely important.

• As a matter of fact, Jesus said man cannot live by bread alone but by these out breathings of God! (Matt 4:4)

• No matter how much bread a man eats in this world, he can never truly live like God will have him live without the Word. The word is the only true source and sustainer of life in this world!

“Every part of Scripture is God-breathed and useful one way or another—showing us truth, exposing our rebellion, correcting our mistakes, training us to live

God’s way.” (MSG)

• According to the Message Translation, the word is useful one way or the other to everyone of us. It is either useful for:


• DOCTRINE: Showing us the truth, instruction or information

• This refers to teachings or precepts as you would use in educating a little child. It means that the Word of God can be trusted and depended upon to give you the right upbringing as a child of God.

• You may be a new convert and be wondering where to start from. You may not know how to pray or how to do anything at all, if you will follow closely, the Word will inform you on the path of life that you should go.

• It will indoctrinate you on kingdom principles and lifestyle so to say.


• REPROOF: Exposing our rebellion, correction of sin,

• This is a little more technical but it refers to a proof or conviction.

• It applies to a situation where someone is wondering whether or not a path of life, an action or a decision is correct. And while he is there wondering and not sure, the Word comes to prove to him and convince him of what the truth really is.

• In other words, the Word is the true clearer of all doubts …


• CORRECTION: Correcting our mistakes, correction of error and discipline in obedience.

• This time around, assuming that you didn’t quite get the reproof of the Word and have gone in the wrong direction, the Word is still there to correct you.

• By this I mean it straightens you up again, rectifies, reforms and restores you to an upright state.

• It also improves your life and character as a whole


• INSTRUCTION: Training us to live God’s way, training in righteousness

• There is no better way to explain what instruction in righteousness means than to look at how the amplified version puts it.

• It says it is training in holy living and in conformity to God’s will in thought, purpose and action.

• Instruction in righteousness is that process by which the word of God cultivates your mind and morals to conform with the will of God until you begin to think in line with the word, have your inspiration, motivation and purposes guided by the word and in turn take actions on the grounds of the word!


• Every message you receive and every scripture you come in contact with will do one or more of these for you.

• If its not teaching, informing and instructing you about life, it is proving something or clearing up your doubts concerning a matter.

• If it is not clearing doubts concerning a matter, it is straightening and restoring you to an upright position after you must have erred.

• If it is not restoring and straightening you up, then it is cultivating and working on you in other to have your thoughts, purposes and actions aligning with the Word standard.

• Or better still, it is doing several of these at the same time!!!

• No wonder Paul the apostle said …

• “Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and

do count them but dung, that I may win Christ,” (Phlip 3:8)

• And David advised his son Solomon saying …

“Wisdom (The Word) is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get

understanding.” (Prov 4:7)

Wisdom = The Word


• What part of the impact/ministry of the word (for doctrine, reproof, correction and instruction in righteousness) have you least benefited from in your life?

• Itemize at least three occasions and incidences in your life where you did not maximize the doctrine, reproof, correction, or instruction in righteousness that a particular scripture communicated with you.

• How do you plan to take FULL advantage of the Word from now onwards?

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