Helping Ukraine's troubled young people get their lives back on track



Many thousands of children and teenagers in Ukraine have been failed by their families and society, their young lives blighted by neglect, violence, crime and addiction. The Ukrainian Bible Society is working with churches and other organisations to bring them hope and healing. Meet some of the young people who are trying to get their lives back on track, and who are finding guidance and strength in the Bible. (You can also read the story here:

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Helping  Ukraine’s  troubled  young  people  get  their  lives  back  on  track

Tens  of  thousands  of  children  and  teenagers  in  Ukraine  have  been  failed  by  family  and  society,  their  

lives  blighted  by  violence,  crime  and  addic<on.  

Around  1,500  teenagers  are  held  in  juvenile  

deten<on  centres.  

Of  Ukraine’s  8  million  children,  around  96,000  live  in  state-­‐run  orphanages  and  


The  Ukrainian  Bible  Society  is  working  with  churches  and  other  ins<tu<ons  which  care  for  young  people  from  disadvantaged  backgrounds.  Together  with  

its  partners,  it  provides  thousands  of  Bibles  and  other  Scriptures  to  give  troubled  young  people  the  chance  to  learn  that  God  loves  and  cares  for  them.      

A  group  of  local  Chris<ans  regularly  visits  this  juvenile  deten<on  centre.  Many  of  them  are  former  inmates.  As  well  as  sharing  their  stories  and  teaching  the  boys  about  Jesus,  they  also  offer  prac<cal  help,  such  as  repairing  the  leaking  roof.

 During  this  visit,  they  brought  Scriptures  from  the  Bible  Society.  

AQer  listening  to  a  Chris<an  message,  the  boys  are  asked  if  they  would  like  to  receive  a  Bible.  About  half  of  them  raise  their  hands.

One  of  them  is  Nikolay,  19,  who  has  been  in  the  

deten<on  centre  for  2  years.

I  was  brought  up  in  a  Chris<an  family  but  I  

made  some  bad  choices  in  my  life.  I  am  very  sorry  for  that.  When  I  found  

myself  in  prison  I  realised  I  had  to  change....

I  taVooed  my  arms  with  the  Cross  to  remind  me  to  keep  God  central  in  my  life  and  to  remind  me  he  is  always  with  me,  protec<ng  me.

I’m  being  released  in  two  months  and  I  can’t  wait  to  go  home  and  start  my  life  again.  I  dream  of  studying  to  become  a  doctor.

I’ve  been  reading  the  Bible  every  day  but  this  youth  Bible  has  lots  of  notes  that  will  really  help  me  understand  what  I’m  reading.

A  thoughWul  moment  during  a  Bible  camp  for  teenagers  at  risk.  Many  who  come  live  at  home  but  have  difficult  

family  backgrounds.  

The  kids  come  to  the  camp  to  have  fun  and  learn  important  life  skills,  such  as  how  to  be  responsible  with  money.  During  Bible  study  sessions,  they  also  learn  about  God’s  love  for  them,  and  

the  important  role  they  have  in  building  his  kingdom.

Slavik  (leQ)  was  16  when  he  and  his  mother  were  thrown  out  of  their  home  by  his  drunken,  abusive  grandfather.  He  began  drinking  heavily  and  behaving  destruc<vely.  Thanks  to  Misha,  the  youth  pastor  who  runs  the  Bible  camps,  Slavik  has  started  afresh  

and  is  about  to  finish  school.  

I  read  a  verse  that  said  you  can’t  be  half-­‐hearted  about  following  God.  I  decided  to  give  my  whole  life  to  him.  I’m  not  sure  yet,  but  I  think  I’d  like  to  go  to  Bible  school  and  become  a  youth  pastor  and  help  kids  who  

face  tough  situa<ons.

Olena  has  had  a  very  unhappy  childhood.  With  her  mother  judged  unfit  to  look  aQer  her  

daughter,  Olena  was  sent  to  live  in  string  of  different  orphanages.  She  frequently  ran  away.  Now  15,  she  lives  in  a  rehabilita<on  

centre  for  children  with  psychological  problems.  

She  was  happy  to  receive  a  youth  Bible  and  promised  to  read  it.

I  leQ  home  when  I  was  far  too  young.  I  wanted  to  be  the  ‘director’  of  my  life.  I  had  only  two  desires:  drinking  and  taking  drugs.  But  I  started  to  

wonder  about  the  purpose  of  my  life.  I  decided  to  come  to  this  drug  rehab  centre  because  I  needed  peace  in  my  heart.  Now  I  have  this  Bible  I  have  a  

feeling  I  will  finally  find  it.

-­‐  Yura,  19

I  grew  up  in  a  normal  family  but  I  wanted  the  freedom  to  live  my  life  how  I  wanted,  so  I  

leQ.  I  didn’t  make  good  choices.  That’s  how  I  ended  up  here  (in  a  drug  rehab  centre).  I  want  to  change  but  I  can’t  do  that  on  my  own.  I  need  God’s  help.  I  will  be  reading  this  Bible  

for  help  and  guidance.

-­‐  Natasha,  25

‘For  I  know  the  plans  I  have  for  you,’  declares  the  Lord,  ‘plans  to  prosper  you  and  not  to  harm  you,  

plans  to  give  you  a  hope  and  a  future.’Jeremiah  29:11


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