He is not here!


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Jesus is Risen!He is not here!

Resurrection of Jesus

The most important SOLEMNITY of the Church.

“Had Christ not risen from the dead then our faith is useless

-St. Paul

EASTER proves beyond reasonable doubt that JESUS

is not only man but GOD!

Proves his power over DEATH.

Resurrection of Jesus

O death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting?

-1 Cor. 15:55

Proves his power over SIN.

What is EASTER?

E- xultationRejoice! Alleluia!

Jesus is Alive!

We are REDEEMED from SIN


A- cceptanceof Christ

God who hascreated us

cannot save us

Without us!

S- urrenderto Jesus

Our Response… Take off the Old Self Take on the NEW LIFE!

The Transformation of our daily lives is a

demonstration of his risen life.

T-hanksgivingGod loved us so much that he gave us his only son so that we might have life:

ETERNAL LIFEWe are loved..

We are worth dying for..

Thank you Lord!

Our faith is not just a gift but a



It is not just ours to keep, but ours to share with OTHERS.

R-enewalSince then you have

been raised with CHRIST, set your HEART on things

above, where Christ is seated at the right hand

of GOD. Colossians 3:1

ReflectionEaster is the season of life and hope. The life and hope only the resurrected Christ can bring. The same life and hope that strengthened the faith of the frightened disciples after the crucifixion. That same life and hope reminds us that the trials and misfortunes of our present life are nothing compared to the unending glory of the life to come. Easter is the celebration of life eternally transformed by love, “life beyond life”, “love beyond love”. Easter is the celebration of hope in the midst of a world often submerged in doubt and despair. It is this Easter faith, faith in the Lord’s resurrection, that becomes the sustaining force that directs our steps with courage into the challenges of everyday life, into the question marks of the unknown, and the uncertainty of the future. It is this Easter faith in the resurrected Lord that reminds us that we do not walk alone in life. Like on the road to Emmaus, the resurrected Lord is walking with us, in us, and through us - leading us to the life that never ends and the love that never fades away. The Lord is Risen! Alleluia! Alleluia! Risen indeed! Alleluia! Alleluia!Have a happy and blessed Easter season!

If Easter is truly the focal point of HIS-STORY...

Then we have a choice to make:

Believe in Jesus, or dismiss Him?Accept His claims, or reject Him?

You have to make a choice!
