Gratitude for the little things in life! - Daniel Lindström


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Gratitude for the little things in life

"Each person should make it a custom with himself to be grateful for the many things that he has been taking for granted. (You should think) "That exists solely for me and if I don't appreciate it then it is all wasted, which is just not right." Wherever you go, feel grateful that these things exist for you. Even if it takes much conscious effort to understand, we have to learn this lesson of being grateful for every situation." - True Father

"Do you each have a handkerchief? If you don't then you should buy one and use it to train yourself. One way is to fold it around your hand; then on a normal day if you feel like complaining, look at the handkerchief and let it remind you of this morning's resolution [to be grateful]. This kind of technique is necessary." - True Father

"It is worth spending the rest of your life learning this one thing, to be grateful under all circumstances." - True Father

Open you heart to the gift of life!
