Central Congo Visits in 2016


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Central Congo United Methodists will Visit us

next year!

Jacques Akasa Umembudie, Pilot for Wings of Caring and Valentine Poto Tshusta will be

itinerating in our conference next Spring prior to the General Conference in Portland.

Perhaps one of these District Superintendents seated with Lori Miner will be a delegate to General Conference Visiting the WNCC from the close of General Conference

through the close of our Annual Conference in 2016

Bishop Gabriel Unda visited us in 2008. He and Bishop Yemba will most likely be visiting WNCC during the next conference year,

especially if the Council of Bishops Meeting is held at Lake Junualuska.

To schedule a visit or find out more, visit our display next to the Chapel or contact

Mahalia McGee @ 336 312 4155
