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Hindus and Buddhists have been residing in Kashmir, side by side, since many thousands of years. A few hundred years ago Islam invaded Kashmir, and then everything changed.

Genocide of Kashmir pundits and Buddhists were carried out by Islamic terrorists Around 300000 Hindus were either butchered or forced to leave their own fatherland, Kashmir. The invaders thus took over Kashmir.

Hindus are not allowed in their own historic, most sacred pilgrimage place, because they are not Muslims.

And non-Muslims are illegal in Mecca. so you decide, who is racist now

Muslims are rioting in Kashmir, India because they are against Hindu pilgrims to holy amaranth, and any temporary resting place for pilgrims

How would Muslims feel if we attacked and killed them on their Mecca pilgrimage? This is exactly what's being done to Hindus pilgrims have reported, The terrorists kept saying “If you come for the PILGRIMAGE, YOU WILL MEET THIS FATE”.

How would Muslims feel if we Hindus took over Mecca and denied them right to visit there

Amarnath is as sacred and holy for us, as Mecca is for Muslims.

Amarnath is one of the most sacred shrines in Hinduism, dedicated to the God Shiva, located in the Indian state of Jammu & Kashmir. The shrine is over 5,00 years old.

Amarnath is situated on an area where Islamic terrorists have been very active recently and thus the pilgrim have been always victims of terrorist attack

INDIAN GOVERNMENT spends Rs.500 Crores every year to send Muslims for HAJ.

We house them in Hajji Houses built & paid by government money.

We Fly them

So they can perform there religious duty. What do Muslims give Hindu pilgrims in


Congress govt will spend Rs.1800 crore for a total of 25 lakh Muslim students each year!!!

For Below?

All this riots & killings by Muslims for what?

A small piece of land to house Pilgrim on their way to Amarnath.

Will the secular Muslims Please stand up ?

Will the secular media please stand up?