300 400 trail of blood



Trail of Blood Studies 300-400

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Trail of BloodStudies

Church History As It relates To Missionary Baptists

Week 7 and 8 Century 301 – 400

Review of the History

275 NOVATIANS – 275 ANABAPTISTSNeed for purity

303 ROMAN Emperor GALERIUS directs persecution /destruction of Christian faith313 Persecution fails and now Emperor CONSTANTINE merges “Church and State”.325 Council of Nicea325 PURITANS and DONATISTS384 Title of POPE Claimed by SIRICUS, “Bishop of Rome” The New Testament Church practiced DisciplinePower of DisciplineCultural DisciplineCorrective DisciplineChurch Discipline

Assignments: Trail of Blood, Introduction, Pages 6-10, Study Trail of Blood Chart

Trail of Blood


“Nothing but Christ can draw the sinner. Nevertheless, as pictures are in the churches, let no violence be used, but of the preaching of the word let the people be instructed till they are in favor of their removal. … Among the reforms which he advocated are justification by faith only, the confession of sin, the marriage of priests, the proper support of ministers who preach the gospel, and the right of a congregation to dismiss a minister who does not preach the gospel. … He used to say: ‘Baptism stands for faith and the supper for love. If one knew no other word of Scripture, but understood the true meaning of baptism and the supper, he knows God and angels, faith aid love, law and prophets.’ ‘Where there is no baptism there is neither church nor ministry, neither brothers nor sisters, neither discipline, exclusion nor restoration.

brothers and sisters can mutually recognize each other.’ Replying to Zwingli, Hubmeyer said: ‘We must do as God pleases, consult the word, not the church; hear the Son, not Zwingli or Luther. … We are not condemned for not being baptized … but for unbelief. He that believes will be baptized if he can get to water and a baptizer.’


“What were sonic of the ideas that characterized the Anabaptist movement ….The following are especially worthy of attention:

(1.) That the Scriptures are the only authority in matters of faith and practice. (2.) That personal faith in Jesus Christ only secures salvation; therefore infant baptism is to be rejected. (3.) That a church is composed of believers who have been baptized upon a personal confession of their faith in Jesus Christ. (4.) That each church has entire control of its affairs, without interference on the part of any external power. (5.) That the outward life must be in accordance with such a confession of faith, and to the end it is essential that church discipline should be maintained. (6.) That while the State may properly demand obedience in all things not contrary to the law of God, it has no right to set aside the dictates of conscience, and compel the humblest individual to set aside his views, or to inflict punishment in case such surrender is refused.

Every human soul is directly responsible to God!.


“ … His numerous publications bear witness to his evangelical spirit and his devotion to Baptist principles. ‘Baptism,’ he says, ‘is an ordinance of Jesus Christ. It is not enough that one believes in Jesus; he must confess him openly. He who confesses Christ before men, Christ will confess before his Father. The divine order is, first, the preaching of the word; second, faith: third, baptism.’

Galerius Interesting facts about the life of Galerius

Galerius and the Christians

Galerius had a bitter hatred of the Christiansand encouraged his co-rulers in the persecutionof the Christian sect. The persecution of theChristians raged in the East under Galerius and Maximin Daza. Christians were hunted downlike wild beasts from one end of the empire tothe other.

The persecution of Christians began A.D. 303, and continued for nearly ten years. The persecution of the Christians raged in the East under Galerius and the Caesar he had appointed, whose name was Daza, but who called himself Maximin. The following link provides details of the Edicts of Diocletian and the persecution of Christians.

GaleriusThe word "Caesar" was originally the name of the famous aristocratic patrician family of ancient Rome and became synonymous with the Roman Emperors. Refer to the comprehensive List of Roman Emperors for the names of the most famous Romans, their dynasties and the historic eras of all the Roman Emperors and usurpers. Read about the life of Galerius who can be described or remembered as: "The Emperor who persecuted the Christians but eventually begged for their prayers..." Short Biography about the life of GaleriusShort Biography profile and facts about one of the most famous Romans of all, in the life of Galerius, Emperor of Rome and provinces of the Roman Empire.Name commonly known as: GaleriusLatin Roman Name: Gaius Galerius Valerius Maximianus Reigned as Roman Emperor / Caesar: Reign 293 - 305 as Caesar, under Diocletian and 305 - 311 as Augustus alongside Constantius ChlorusConstantius was Augustus in the westDynasty / Historical Period: In 285 the Roman Empire was split in half by Diocletian - The Western Roman Empire and the other half became known as the Eastern Roman Empire or the Byzantine Empire.

The preaching, the ordinances, the administration of discipline — all the work of the gospel — having been committed, not to a general, indefinable, intangible, invisible, body of men and women, with no places of meeting, no objects before it, but to organization, it is clear that, what-ever may be promised to a non-organization, the very mission and the very design of the church lead us to expect its preservation.

When Paul directed Timothy “how men ought to behave themselves in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth,” —

1 Timothy 3:15 — he spoke of organization with officers — “bishops” and “deacons” — see the context, in verses 1-13. The election of officers, the receiving, the discipline and exclusion of members, the keeping of the ordinances, — everything necessary for the work of the gospel and the salvation of a lost world was committed to “organized churches.”

Revelation 2:14; 3:10, in which it will be seen that the churches elected their officers, received, excluded members, preached the gospel, kept everything in order.

Galerius: Reigned as Roman Emperor / Caesar: Reign 293 - 305 as Caesar, under Diocletian and 305 - 311 as Augustus alongside Constantius

Page 16 -18 T of B:

1. A.D. 325 Council of Nicea2. A.D. 381 Council at Constantinople 3. A.D. 431 Council by Theodosius4. A.D. 451 Council at Constantinople (2nd time)

Mariolatry – Worship of Marry

5. A.D. 553 Council at Constantinople (3rd time)6. A.D. 680 Council at Constantinople (4th time)7. A.D. 787 Council at Nicea (2nd time)

Image Worship, Saints Worship

8. A.D. 869 Council at Constantinople (5th time) - Eastern Councils. Two Separate Branches of Catholicism… mend issues… Infant Communion.

325Council of Nicea: Page 16 -18 T of B: A.D. (Anno Domini is Medieval Latin - The Year of Our Lord) 6012, Ist ---- Egyptians ---- sotare (Salvation)

The year was 325 A.D. according to the Roman calendar. A council was convened by order of Constantine, the Roman emperor. He

had been a leader in the cult known as Sol Invictus (Invincible Sun) and now wanted to unite the Christian sects in the empire under his existing church; the Universal Church of Rome.

Many changes to the religion of Christianity were about to take place at that council, including:

1. Formulation for wording concerning the Trinity based on Anthanias (description of the formulation is mentioned below) Changing Verses of Bible eliminating certain verses and books from the Bible

2. Declaring Arian's "unitarian" (belief in the Unity of God) as heresy3. Changing the day of worship from Saturday to Sunday4. Changing the date of Jesus' birthday to December 25th5. Introduction of Easter (pagan worship called "Feast of Ishtar")6. Church of Roman "officially" became the "Universal Church of the

Holy Roman Empire" (the word 'Catholic' means 'universal‘)

Trail of Blood Studies

– Admit where we are on this journey!

– Knowing the history helps

– Study the history and bible

– Build confidence

– Commit to serving Jesus

– Tell others



2000 A.D.

1400 B.C..


Creation of world 2500

B.C.400 B.C..
