130804 chi shift series (part 4) by ps. cathryn loh


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第四部第四部 Part 4Part 4

遇见 Encounter - 被圣灵充满 Filled with the Spirit



遇见 Encounter - 被圣灵充满 Filled with the Spirit

充实 Enrich - 圣灵的恩赐 Gifts of the Spirit



遇见 Encounter - 被圣灵充满 Filled with the Spirit

充实 Enrich - 圣灵的恩赐 Gifts of the Spirit

授权 Empower - 圣灵的能力 Power of the Spirit



遇见 Encounter - 被圣灵充满 Filled with the Spirit

充实 Enrich - 圣灵的恩赐 Gifts of the Spirit

授权 Empower - 圣灵的能力 Power of the Spirit

怀抱 Embrace - 在圣灵中行走 Walk in the Spirit



怀抱 EMBRACE乐意并热情地接受与包括

Accept and Include willingly and enthusiastically

与圣灵同行 WALK in the SPIRIT

生活在圣灵里Have a Life in the Holy Spirit!


不同类型的行走拥有不同的动力There are different kinds with different


休闲漫步 LEISURE WALK享受周围 To enjoy the surrounding

劲走 POWER WALK燃烧卡路里 To burn calories

快步行走 BRISK WALK快速地到达某处 To get to somewhere quickly.

夜晚丛林漫步 NIGHT JUNGLE WALK克服恐惧 To overcome fear

在沙上漫步 WALK IN THE SAND放松和思考 To relax & reflect

在火上行走 WALK ON THE FIRE得到快感 To get the thrill.

我们与上帝的行走是什么类型 ?What kind of Walk do we have with God?

我们的动力是什么 ? What is our motivation?

我们是否 Are we…

• 享受祂的同在 Enjoying His presence?

• 享受祂的同在 Enjoying His presence?

• 想从上帝得到些好处 Wanting some

benefits from Him?

我们是否 Are we…

• 享受祂的同在 Enjoying His presence?

• 想从上帝得到些好处 Wanting some

benefits from Him?

• 需要克服我们挣扎 Needing to overcome

our struggles?

我们是否 Are we…

• 享受祂的同在 Enjoying His presence?

• 想从上帝得到些好处 Wanting some benefits from Him?

• 需要克服我们挣扎 Needing to overcome our struggles?

• 思考并反映上帝对我们说的话 Reflecting on what He

is saying to us?

我们是否 Are we…

我们是否 Are we…

• 享受祂的同在 Enjoying His presence?

• 想从上帝得到些好处 Wanting some benefits from Him?

• 需要克服我们挣扎 Needing to overcome our struggles?

• 思考并反映上帝对我们说的话 Reflecting on what He

is saying to us?

• 想要经历属灵的动悸 Wanting to experience spiritual

thrills ?

在创世纪里,与上帝同行的人 People who walked with God started in Genesis…

亚当和夏娃ADAM & EVE

创世纪 Gen 3:8天起了凉风,耶和华神在园中行走,那人和他妻子听见神的声音,就藏在园里的树木中,躲避耶和华神的面。

上帝寻找他们 God looked for them.


创世纪 Gen 5:24 以诺与神同行,神将他取去,他就不在世了。

如此紧密直到他被带去天堂 So closely that he was taken to heaven.

在创世纪里,与上帝同行的人 People who walked with God started in Genesis…


创世纪 Gen 6:9挪亚的后代记在下面。挪亚是个义人,在当时的世代是个完全人。挪亚与神同行。

相信并追随上帝直到最后 Believed and followed God all the way.

在创世纪里,与上帝同行的人 People who walked with God started in Genesis…

亚伯拉罕 ABRAM

创世纪 Gen 17:1亚伯兰年九十九岁的时候,耶和华向他显现,对他说:“我是全能的神,你当在我面前做完全人。

忠实,甚至对死亡,被称为上帝的朋友 Faithful even to death. Known as a friend of God.

在创世纪里,与上帝同行的人 People who walked with God started in Genesis…


They ALL had a personal and intimate Walk with God.

为什么 WHY?这是上帝渴望与人们拥有的同行

This is the Walk God desires to have with man.

约翰福音 John 14:16-17

“16 「我要求父,父就另外赐給你們一位保惠师,叫他永远与你們同在, 17 就是真理的圣灵,乃世人不能接受的,因为不见他,也不认识他。你們卻认识他,因他常与你们同在,也要在你们里面。 18 我不撇下你们为孤儿,我必到你们这里来。”

16 And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever— 17 the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept Him, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him. But you know Him, for He lives with you and will be in you.

今天上帝仍要与我们个人和亲密地同行 !

God still wants to walk with us personally and intimately


三种人们在生活中行走常见的方法THREE common ways people Walk in life:

三种人们在生活中行走常见的方法 THREE Common Ways People Walk in Life

凭着眼见而行Walk by SIGHT

哥林多后书 2 Cor 5:7 For we live by faith, not by sight.

什么对人们来说最有意义 What makes most human sense?

凭着眼见而行 Walk by SIGHT

• 根据我们人类的感官 Based on our human senses 我们所看到的,听到的,想到的,感觉到,嗅到的和尝到的 what we see, hear, think, feel, smell & taste.

• 根据过去的经验,正规的培训,育养,我们阅读的等等 Based on past experiences formal training, upbringing, what we read etc.

• 限制 Limitation我们越经历生活,越发现我们对生活的无知 the more we live life, the more we realize how much we don’t know.

• 压力 Stressful

什么对人们来说最有意义 What makes most human sense?

三种人们在生活中行走常见的方法 THREE Common Ways People Walk in Life

凭着肉体行走 Walk by FLESH

• 基于满足我们肉体的欲望 / 肉体的情欲 Based on satisfying our carnal desires / lust of the flesh

加拉太书 Gal 5:16-2119 情 欲 的 事 都 是 显 而 易 见 的 , 就 如 奸 淫 、 污 秽 、 邪 荡 、 20 拜 偶 像

、 邪 术 、 仇 恨 、 争 竞 、 忌 恨 、 恼 怒 、 结 党 、 纷 争 、 异 端 、 21 嫉 妒 ( 有 古 卷 在 此 有 : 凶 杀 二 字 ) 、 醉 酒 、 荒 宴 等 类 。 我 从 前 告 诉 你 们 , 现 在 又 告 诉 你 们 , 行 这 样 事 的 人 必 不 能 承 受 神 的 国 。

什么能带给我们世属的享受 What brings me worldly pleasures?

三种人们在生活中行走常见的方法 THREE Common Ways People Walk in Life

凭着灵行走Walk by the SPIRIT

是什么让我们在基督里得享自由What gives me freedom in Christ?

三种人们在生活中行走常见的方法 THREE Common Ways People Walk in Life

凭着灵行走 Walk by the SPIRIT

加拉太书 Gal 5:16-25

16  所以我说:你们应当顺着圣灵行走,这样就绝不会去满足肉体的欲望了; 17  因为肉体的欲望与圣灵对立,圣灵也与肉体对立。这两者彼此反对,使你们不能做自己所愿意做的。 18 但如果你们被圣灵带领,就不在律法之下了。

22 然而,圣灵的果子是:爱心、喜乐、和平、忍耐、仁慈、良善、忠信、 23 温柔、自制。这样的事,没有律法反对。 24  那些属于基督耶稣的人,已经把肉体与肉体的 [e] 渴望和情欲一同钉上十字架了。 25  我们既然藉着圣灵而活,就让我们靠着圣灵行走。

如何 HOW?

1. 认知我们的无助 Acknowledge our helplessness圣灵的工作让我们的灵重生 Being born again /made alive in our spirit is the work of the Holy Spirit.

加拉太书 Gal 5:25“我 们 若 是 靠 圣 灵 得 生 , 就 当 靠 圣 灵 行 事 。”

If we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit.

凭着灵行走 Walk by the SPIRIT

如何 HOW?

2. 寻求圣灵的带领 Ask for His Leading 我们需要圣灵的权能来生活 We need the same enabling power of the Holy Spirit to live this life!

当我们的灵产生属神的欲望强过肉体的欲望,那么上帝的命令不再是负担,而是喜乐。 When the Spirit is producing godly desires that are stronger than the flesh, then the commands of God are no longer a burden but a joy.

凭着灵行走 Walk by the SPIRIT

如何 HOW?

3. 在神的话语里激活信仰 Activate faith in God’s Word 相信上帝对于罪,恩典,继承和呼召所说的 , 并且相信祂是说到做到的 Believe in what God said.

凭着灵行走 Walk by the SPIRIT

罗马书 Rom 6:11 “ 这 样 , 你 们 向 罪 也 当 看 自 己 是 死 的 ; 向 神 在 基 督 耶 稣 里 , 却 当 看 自 己 是 活 的 。” In the same way, count yourself dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus.

2 Tim 3:16 All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness.

凭着灵行走 Walk by the SPIRIT

提摩太后书 3:1616  圣经都是神所默示的,对于教导、责备、规正、在义中的训练都是有益处的,

2 Tim 3:16All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness.

凭着灵行走 Walk by the SPIRIT

约翰一书 3:1你们看,父所赐给我们的是何等的爱,为要使我们被称为“神的儿女”,而我们就是神的儿女。世人之所以不认识我们,是因为不认识父。 1 John 3:1See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!

凭着灵行走 Walk by the SPIRIT

约翰一书 3:99 凡是由神所生的,不继续犯罪,因为神的种子住在他里面;他也不能继续犯罪,因为他是由神所生的。

1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.

凭着灵行走 Walk by the SPIRIT

雅各书 1:5 5  如果你们中间有人缺乏智慧,他就应当向那慷慨赐予万人又不责骂人的神祈求;神就会赐予他。

James 1:5

If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.

凭着灵行走 Walk by the SPIRIT

约翰福音 16:3333  我把这些事告诉了你们,好让你们在我里面有平安。在世上你们有患难,然而你们要鼓起勇气!我已经胜过了这世界。”

John 16:33

“ I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

凭着灵行走 Walk by the SPIRIT

如何 HOW?

4. 根据上帝的促使行事 Act according to His prompting 行你知道是对的事 Do what you know is right.

腓力比书 Phil 2:13 “ 因 为 你 们 立 志 行 事 都 是 神 在 你 们 心 里 运 行 , 为 要 成 就 他 的 美 意 。” For it is God who works in you to will and to act according to His good purpose.

凭着灵行走 Walk by the SPIRIT

生活在圣灵里 !Have a life in the Holy Spirit!

第四部第四部 Part 4Part 4