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September 11, 2001

Will America ever be safe again?

What will happen next?

Will there be a WW III?

How can I provide for my children’s future?


Cloud GazingVisions by CandleMirrorsBody Language

(Sun – September 3, 2002)

What does the Bible say?


1. How can we know what will happen in the future?

Amos 3:7

2. What method does God often use to show His prophets the future?

Joel 2:28

3. What other heathen

king had a

significant and

troubling dream?

Daniel 2:1

4. What did King Nebuchadnezzarask his wise men to do?

Daniel 2:5

5. What happened when

they could not

tell the dream?

Daniel 2:13, first part

6. Who was among

the wise men

sentenced to death?

Daniel 2:13, last part

7. What did Daniel

request of the King?

Daniel 2:16

8. Who did Daniel say

revealed to him

the dream

and interpretation?

Daniel 2:28

9. What was


dream about?

Daniel 2:31

10. What did the image

look like?

Daniel 2:32,33

11. What happened to the image?

Daniel 2:34

12. After the stone struck the image, what did the stone become?

Daniel 2:35

13. What did the parts

of the image


Daniel 2:37-41

a. Verses 37,38 – The head of gold

b. Verse 39

Arms and chest of silver

c. Verse 39

“Then another, a third kingdom of bronze,

which shall rule over all the earth.”

d. Verse 40

Legs of iron

e. Verse 41

Feet of iron and clay

14. During the kingdoms of iron and clay,

will the kingdoms ever unite to

rule the world?

Daniel 2:43

15. Was Daniel’s interpretation

of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream correct?


605 BC to 539 BC


331 BC to 168 BC

16. What does God say

will happen in

the days of the

divided kingdoms?

Daniel 2:44

17. How can we know

that the stone

really represents

Christ’s kingdom?

Daniel 2:45

18. Does John the Revelator agree with the prophecy of Daniel?

Revelation 11:15

19. Considering the progression

of time, what part of

the image would the

world be in now?

Daniel 2:42

20. Has God revealed when the day of Christ’s coming will be?

Mark 13:32

21. What should we do until Jesus comes again?Mark 13:33

22. What should we

watch for?

a. Matthew 24:3

b. Matthew 24:32,33

23. What assurance

did Jesus give

to help us

face the future?

John 14:1-3




“I will receive you”

If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves,

and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will

forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

2 Chronicles 7:14

2 Chronicles 7:14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
