Web architecture - overview of techniques

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Talk about architectural patterns in modern web applications on Developers Day Odessa Innovation Week webcamp

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Web application architecure: overview of techniques Ruslan Shevchenko. <ruslan@shevchenko.kiev.ua>!

GoSave, Inc: http://www.gosave.com!

Themes❖ What are current architecture patterns, which !

❖ can be used!

❖ can be reused ( in other languages or frameworks other than origin)!


❖ Client/Service interaction. !

❖ Reactivity

What is in mainstream now ?❖ Sinatra-like frameworks!❖ Server:!

❖ REST !❖ Client: MVC!

❖ yesterday: backbone!❖ today: angular!❖ tomorrow: react.js + something

shiny• http://shiny.rstudio.com/!

• live example: http://shiny.rstudio.com/gallery/telephones-by-region.html!

• R language!

• X LOC : server!


shiny• http://shiny.rstudio.com/!

• live example: http://shiny.rstudio.com/gallery/telephones-by-region.html!

• R language!

• 8 LOC : server!

• 12 LOC: UI

shiny: UI.Rlibrary(shiny) library(datasets) !shinyUI( fluidPage( titlePanel("Telephones by region"), sidebarLayout( sidebarPanel( selectInput("region", "Region:", choices=colnames(WorldPhones)), hr(), helpText("Data from AT&T (1961) The World's Telephones.") ), mainPanel( plotOutput("phonePlot") ) ) ))

shiny: Server.R

library(shiny) !# Rely on the 'WorldPhones' dataset in the datasets # package (which generally comes preloaded). library(datasets) !shinyServer(function(input, output) { output$phonePlot <- renderPlot({ barplot(WorldPhones[,input$region]*1000, main=input$region, ylab="Number of Telephones", xlab="Year") }) })

Shiny: notes

❖ DSL for HTML!

❖ Reactive!

❖ Websocket transport instead request/reply (?)

Shiny: notes

❖ DSL for HTML!

❖ Reactive!

❖ Websocket transport instead request/reply

❖ Predefined UI skin (twitter bootstrap)!❖ Narrow applicability

Conway law

Organizations which design systems ... are constrained to produce designs which are copies of the communication structures of these organizations ……! (Conway, 1968)!

Organization communication !structure

Software structure

Shiny <=> existence of data analysis department

max. enterprise: Java

❖ dropwizard: https://dropwizard.github.io/dropwizard/!

❖ spring: http://www.spring.io!

❖ J2EE %-)


max. enterprise: javaRelative good and applicable:

@Path(“/users”) @GET @Produces({MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON}) @ApiOperation(nickname = "getUsers", value = "get list of users", httpMethod = "GET", response = UsersSortDTO.class, responseContainer = “List") public List<UserDTO> list(@ApiParam SelectorDTO selector) { CriteriaQuery<UserDTO> = … ………. return q.getResultList(); }

max. enterprise: javaRelative good and applicable:

❖ Jersey: https://jersey.java.net/!

❖ request bind to method.!

❖ routing is set via annotations.!

❖ Jackson: https://github.com/FasterXML/jackson!

❖ annotation-based json serializer with good defaults!

❖ Swagger: https://helloreverb.com/developers/swagger

Client/Server API issues.REST - is not fit for all

What we do with operations, other than CRUD over resources ?

❖ RPC on some language on top of javascript [?]!

❖ adopt IDL protocol [?]!

❖ fix REST [?]

Ideal solution yet not exists….

Client/Server API: One Language

• Javascript (node.js) !• ClojureScript/ Clojure: http://clojure.org/!• Kotlin: http://kotlin-web-site.jetbrains.org/ !• Scala (!

• scala.js [http://www.scala-js.org/], !• jscala [ https://github.com/nau/jscala ] !

• R !• etc …

Many implementations

❖ Conway law, !❖ Not one ‘ideal’ language for all

Client/Server API: IDLIDL == Interface Definition Language

struct ProfileInfo!{! 1: required string uid;! 2: optional string firstName;! 3: optional string middleName;! 4: optional string lastName;! 5: optional string email;! 6: optional string phone;! 7: optional string addrPostal;!}! !

service SelfCare!{! ProfileInfo getProfileInfo(required string authToken)! throws(OperationException)! …………


thrift: http://thrift.apache.org/!

RSDL, WADL (xml-based)

Client/Server: Fix RESTREST without PUT

RPC call = create event (i.e. POST /event )! seqence of events instead PUT

CQRS = Command Query Responsibility

Events State



Client/Server: StreamingExample: sparkle. https://github.com/mighdoll/sparkle

Visualization of data stream, ! coming from server via websocket transport

Server (scala)

Client (javascript)

Server -> Client : Data Stream, !(reply to control messages)!

!Client -> Server: Control messages!


Reactivity: client.Shiny: one circuit with client and server.

More common: client-only reactive interactions, ! REST/RPC with server

❖ Angular.js [2/way binding]!

❖ React.js [1/way binding] !

❖ (model => view)!

❖ OM: https://github.com/swannodette/om!

❖ RFP!

❖ backon.js [ http://baconjs.github.io/], RxJs!

❖ ELM (language) http://elm-lang.org!

Reactivity: client: Omhttps://github.com/swannodette/om


Application state = Tree, bound to clojure atom!!UI component state = path inside application state!!Use React.js for updating UI from change in application state!

Reactivity: serverReactivity on server - more about C10K !

• http://www.reactivemanifesto.org/!

• http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C10k_problem

No blocking ….!event oriented …

Unreactive pseudocode: 1def listUsers(r: Request): RequestResult = listForm.bind(request){ ! success(form) => Ok (ToJson( users.filter(_.name contains form.q). page(form.offset,form.limit) ) ), ! failure(f,message, ex) => Error(403, message) !}

Unreactive pseudocode: 1def listUsers(r: Request): RequestResult = listForm.bind(request){ ! success(form) => Ok (ToJson( users.filter(_.name contains form.q). page(form.offset,form.limit) ) ), ! failure(f,message, ex) => Error(403, message) !}


Nonreactive: 1

Application ServerClient Database

Nonreactive: 1 / overload

Application ServerClient Database

Reactive code: 2

def listUsers = Action { request => listForm.bind(request){ ! success(form) => Ok (ToJson( users.filter(_.name contains form.q). page(form.offset,form.limit) ) ), ! failure(f,message, ex) => Error(403, message) !}

latest Play:

Reactive code: 2

def listUsers = Action { request => listForm.bind(request){ ! success(form) => Ok (ToJson( users.filter(_.name contains form.q). page(form.offset,form.limit) ) ), ! failure(f,message, ex) => Error(403, message) !}


latest Play:

Non-reactive: 1 / overload

Application ServerClient Database

Reactive: 2 / overload

Application ServerClient Database

Reactive pseudocode: 3

def listUsers = Action { request => listForm.bind(request){ ! success(form) => Ok ( db.query( users.filter(_.name contains form.q). page(form.offset,form.limit) ) map ( x => ToJson(x) ) ), ! failure(f,message, ex) => Error(403, message) !}

Imagine, we have reactive db driver:callback


Reactive: 3 / overload

Application ServerClient Database

Server: reactivity

• 2 callbacks instead sequential code!• (welcome to callback hell ?)!• functional programming is really needed!

• Infrastructure is not mature yet.!• reactive-mongo, reactive-postgres,!• but we have no reactivity suport in jdbc!

Server: reactivity

Other computation models:!• Actors [Erlang, Scala Akka]!• Channels [Go, Closure core.async]!• Language reactive extensions!

• [RxNet, RxJava, RxScala]

Web architecture: overview of techniques

❖ Can’t say that we have some ‘Canonical ideal architecture’.!

❖ Non-ideal techniques are still interesting.!

❖ Invention/Reinvention cycle => !

❖ Hope we will see something new!

❖ Take care

Web architecture: overview of techniques

Thanks for attention.!


Ruslan Shevchenko, <ruslan@shevchenko.kiev.ua>!



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