Running Agile for a startup and a hard truth

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How can you combine LEAN Startup, the creation of an MVP, Agile development and an all changing environment around you? The hard truth is that you may setup the best plan in the world on how to work, but as a startup, anything may break it. It could be our own human nature or a major change in the startup life. As a startup you are not prepared for everything or be that agile.

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a 'startup' is a company that is confused about:

What its product is.

Who its customers are.

How to make money.

As soon as it figures out all 3 things, it ceases being a startup and becomes a real business.

-- Dave McClure

Scrum Master co-organizer of the

Agile Greece and API Athens Meetups

not dogmatic on SCRUM & KANBAN

running LEAN

inspired by Henrik Kniberg’s magic

experimenting… a lot…

Scrum and Kanban are both empirical in the sense that you are expected to experimentwith the process and customize it to your

environment. In fact, you have to experiment.

Neither Scrum nor Kanban provide all the answers – they just give you a basic set of

constraints to drive your own processimprovement.

-- Henrik Kniberg

Dissect Features into smaller User Stories

Not for every Feature, only those upcoming


Tech stories are tasks like “setup the CI server”