Personal Elevator Pitch


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Personal Elevator Pitch

 Become a Trusted Advisor

What is the Salesforce personal elevator pitch?

60 second introduction to you and your role and the contributions or value you offer.

Your personal pitch is your first impression and the foundation of building trust with customers.

An effective pitch increases the impact of your interaction, the audience’s perception of you, and the opportunity to develop relationships, trust, and influence with others inside and outside of the company.

Why is this important for a Trusted Advisor?

 Build your brand with Customers

 Ensure they are aware how you can help

 Build an open and transparent relationship

 Understand their business vision

 Become their go-to person for solution guidance

5 keys to a successful elevator pitch

Inspire confidence

Make it personal

Use examples

Communicate with ease

Propose next steps

 Tips to keep in mind







Let’s review the pitch: why was it Great?

Did the pitch….

… inspire curiosity?

… make it personal?

… use examples?

… communicate with ease?

… provoke next steps?

Build Your Own Elevator Pitch

Master Your Elevation Pitch

Questions to Create the Pitch

Who am I?

Why am I in this meeting with you today?

What value can I add to the conversation?

Elevator Pitch Worksheet

Criteria Your Narrative Do you inspire curiosity? Speak within context of the other person’s needs. Share relevant, unique information that is useful to your audience.

Do you make it personal? Choose success stories that ‘prove’ your capabilities and value in an understandable way. Explain how you did something unique. Focus on building trust.

Do you use examples? Choose success examples that are specific, current, and relevant to the other person. Your personal and role benefit should be clear to the other person.

Do you communicate with ease? Be clear, concise, and genuine. Use language that is your own. Keep it simple. Relax, be confident, and speak naturally.

Do you propose next steps? Think about what you want to do next that will progress your cause. Focus on starting a relationship.

 Start here to collect your thoughts and draft your personal elevator pitch

What Next? Key take-away

1.  Write your own personal elevator pitch

2.  Ensure you practice this internally with colleagues

•  Say it out loud

•  Phone a friend to get feedback on your delivery

3.  Schedule time with your manager and deliver your pitch

4.  Introduce your elevator pitch to Customers


Upcoming Success Services sessions

•  Introduction to Salesforce Success Services

•  Day in the life of a Customer Success Manager

•  Premier Success positioning & Objection Handling

•  Working on Customer Renewals early

•  Managing Customer Escalations

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