New tech trends for recruiting 2016


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New Tech Trends for Recruiting 2016

For most recruiters and hiring agencies' technology is an essential part of their daily routines. It plays an increasingly important role in the process of a company's approach to the talent search and hiring process. Here are some new tech trends any recruiter or hiring agencies should consider.

1.Video Recruiting

Video recruiting is a growing trend in the current recruitment market, it saves time and money for the hiring company. The concept for this trend is simple, companies replace the first round interview with video recruiting. Questions about expertise, language skills or personality are pre-recorded and the candidate is given 48 hours to answer it.

➢ With the Video interview candidates can't stop, pause, redo or review their video responses, so the recruiters will get an accurate and immediate insight about the candidate's character.

➢ Video interviews are the power of new technologies to improve the recruitment process and it provides all the benefits through an easy and accessible online service.

➢ No need to travel or schedule the

interviews for candidates across multiple time zones. All the candidates will get same questions, same instructions and the same time limits. All will record their interviews at a time and location of their choice.

➢ With this affordable technology, recruiters can easily and efficiently review all applicants and so guarantee the best candidates are selected.

2. Mobile Recruiting

Mobile Recruiting referred to as hiring the required candidates through mobile platforms, such as mobile career pages and online recruiting strategies. Recruiters are often utilizing various methods including mobile search engine optimization, mobile career pages, apps and more for job seekers to be involved in the hiring process anytime and anywhere they want.

➢ Mobile Recruiting will play an important role in the competition of hiring and the behaviour of job seekers with the popularity of mobile devices rising.

➢ Mobile recruiting is necessary for any recruiting agency, because more than half the population in the world owns a Smartphone and over half of their time is spent on mobile internet.

➢ 90% of job seekers are searching for

new job opportunities through mobile devices and more than three in five job seekers browse the job page of company from a mobile platform.

➢ Mobile Recruiting is easy and convenient, job seekers are able to search smarter, connect faster and hunt anywhere, at anytime. Recruiters can also benefit from receiving more resumes and applications through mobile platforms.

Recruiting CRM's are the best source to engage with required applicants, it will help the recruiters and hiring agencies to build relationships with qualified candidates in order to continuously meet the hiring demand.

3. Recruiting CRM’s

➢ CRM's are the key source to the recruitment strategy, with this ,companies can easily and quickly fill jobs with required candidates. Building relationships through online and offline communication with candidates, also helps to retain and build a strong database of candidates this assists recruiters to successfully continue to meet the needs and requirements given to them via the Employers

➢ Recruiters can automate all business processes including Job postings, Employers, CV searches and staff operations.

Social Recruiting is referred to as hiring required candidates by using social media platforms. The most popular social media sites using for recruitment include LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and more.

4. Social Hiring

➢ Social Hiring is a fast growing recruitment trend, recruiters need to be able to reach required candidates and recruit them.

➢ More than 80% of companies are using social networks to recruit the best talent.

➢ Most of the recruiters and hiring

agencies saying are that, Social channels are the best source to understand candidates beyond their skill set.

➢ Social networks have now become a new online job portal for job seekers to find their desired job.

Final WordsIt is always important to keep up to date with the most recent trends in recruiting, as it is a fast- paced industry that requires allot of work and allot of consistency. Implementing the latest trends will only benefit you the recruiters, as it will allow you to work with total ease and efficiency. So why not give these trends a try in your recruitment business you may be fairly surprised at the results you achieve.
