Level Up Your Automated Tests


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Trisha Gee (@trisha_gee)Developer & Technical Advocate, JetBrains

Level Up Your Automated Tests

Using <Technology X> Will Fix Your Problems

•Write Tests?•Write Readable Tests?•Write Meaningful Tests?

How can we:

Why Don’t We Write Tests?

What Are Tests For?

What Are Tests Actually Good For?

How Can We Change Attitudes?

How Can We Change Behaviour?

Having a Champion

Quality becomes a habit

This can only get you so far

Remaining Problems

It needs to be easy

Possible Solutions•EasyMock / Mockito / JMock•Home-grown mocking / stubbing•Hamcrest matchers•DSL – Domain Specific Language•Standards / Examples

Along came Spock

An Example Test

How it fixes our problems

Hard to read

Horrible Test Names

Lots of setup

No Unit Tests

Too many similar tests

Testing too many things

Testing too many things

Complicated Matrix

Proving itself

Remaining Issues

Still more to be done

a) write tests?

How can we:

b) write readable tests?

How can we:

c) write meaningful tests?

How can we:


Make it easy

Automate everything

Zero tolerance for failures

Have a champion

Let it go

Pairing or code review

Focus on the purposes of testing


