Intro to Functional Programming with RxJava

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With RxJava

Mike Nakhimovich

Feb. 23, 2015

+Tonight’s Agenda

■What is Reactive

■Learn By Example

■Walkthrough sample app

+What is


+Reactive Programming

■“Reactive Programming is

programming with

asynchronous data streams.”

(Andre Staltz)

■Data Stream: a sequence of


+What does this mean?

■Programming Model based on the

principle of push rather than pull

■Values are emitted when ready,

not when asked for in a non-

blocking manner

■Allows for actions to be performed

in parallel, rather than in serial

■ ie: shopping in person vs online

+Functional Reactive


■Takes reactive

programming to the next


■Applying functions to the

data stream

■Ex. Map, Filter, Zip, Take





■Collection of helpful functions that

let you do reactive programming

■ReactiveX exists in more than 10

languages (JavaScript, .Net,

Objective-C, etc.)

■RxJava is the Java

implementation of ReactiveX

■Ported by Netflix team

+Building Blocks of RxJava

■ Observable: source of data stream (sender)

■ Observer: listens for emitted values (receiver)

■ The Observer subscribes (listens) to the Observable

■ Observers react to whatever item or sequence of items the Observable emits

■ Many observers can subscribe to the same observable

+Observable Observer Pattern

■Allows for Concurrent Operations:

the observer does not need to

block while waiting for the

observable to emit values

■Observer waits to receive values

when the observable is ready to

emit them

■Based on push rather than pull

+From Iterable

To Observable

+Before Observables

■No easy way to perform asynchronous operations if you needed multiple items

■Observables fill the gap as the ideal way to access asynchronous sequences of multiple items

+Iterable vs. Observable


■Observable is the

asynchronous/push dual to the

synchronous pull iterable

+Observables are…

■ Composable: Easily chained together or


■ Flexible: Can be used to emit:

■ A scalar value (network result)

■ Sequence (items in a list)

■ Infinite streams (weather sensor)

■ Free from callback hell: Easy to transform

one asynchronous stream into another

+Iterable Architecture

■ Before Reactive

1. Call a method

2. Wait for result

3. Store the return value from that method in a variable

4. Use that variable and its new value to do something useful

+Observable Architecture

■ The flow goes like this:

1. Define an Observer that specifies what to

do with each emitted value

2. Call a method that returns an Observable

3. Subscribe the Observer to the Observable.

This tells the Observable that it has a

subscriber waiting to receive values when

they’re available.

+In RxJava…

■ The Subscribe method connects an

Observer to an Observable

■ Once you Subscribe, no need to block the


■ Values will come to your Observer when they

are ready


The Observer

+Observer Interface

■ OnNext

■ onError

■ onCompleted


■ Observable calls this method whenever the

Observable emits an item.

■ This method can be called any number of

times (zero to many)

■ Always followed by onError or onComplete

(but not both)


■ Observable calls this method to indicate

that it has failed to generate the expected

data or has encountered some other error

■ This stops the Observable and it won’t

make further calls.

■ Takes as its parameter an indication of

what caused the error


■ Observable calls this method after it has

called onNext for the final time and it has not

encountered any errors.

■ A call to onComplete ends the subscription.

+Why RxJava?

■Schedulers that make threading a


■Operators that let you transform,

combine, manipulate, and work

with the sequence of items emitted

by Observables


Threading Shouldn’t be Hard


■ Schedulers are used to manage and control concurrency

■ observeOn: thread observable is executed on

■ subscribeOn: thread subscribe is executed on




+Available Schedulers


Let’s see some example

+Consuming Observables

+Consuming Observables

+doOn Operators

■ Note: if only passing on onNext action (without a doOnError) to the subscribe method OnErrorNotImplementedException will be thrown if an error occurs

+Explicitly Creating Observables

■ You can make an endless Observable by never

calling subscriber.onCompleted()

+From async to sync

Lifesaver during testing

synchronously test asynchronous data


+Need a List?

■Be careful with long/infinite streams

+Combining Observables


Map and Flatmap



+Transform One Observable into


1. Create on observable from a click event

2. Use flatMap to change that Observable to

another Observable

3. Subscribe to the result of the second

Observable (will emit 3 users)

+map vs. flatMap

map flatMap

When you transform to

a value

When you transform to

an observable


Filtering Observables





▪ No more sending multiple requests when a

user clicks too many times.


Error Recovery

+Recovering from Errors

■ Return a different value in an error case


Sample app



+How we use Rx

■ Treat all data as immutable singleton Observable Stores that know how to self-update and are backed on disk

■ Since we treat data as a stream, we can return 1 or more results for each subscription (if a cached value is available)

■ We can cross subscribe one Store to another

■ RxJava lets us transform and combine data on any thread and subscribe to updates for related values/collections

+Next to Explore

■Cold vs Hot Observables■Subjects■Creating Custom Operators

+Sources/Addl Reading

■Offical Wiki■Mastering Observables■Intro To Functional Reactive Programming

