Instrumenting Go (Gopherconindia Lightning talk by Bhasker Kode)


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panic/recover try/catch? monitoring

existing patterns abstractions statsd/statsite metrics

instrumenting go

GopherCon India 2015

#metrics #erlang #golang #clojure

past entr’pr

#erlang #products


product/engg @helpshift

GopherCon India 2015


• 0 exp in go to crawler running 24/7 in production in 30 days. push data into kafka(read data from kafka via storm)

• learnt a lot reading from great golang repos: coreos/hashicorp/docker code bases

Instrument channel data & panics

GopherCon India 2015

counters gauges timers unique

how to start instrumenting go

Instantiate the client

counter eg: requests

gauge eg: speedometer

Try & TryCatch(“crawl.site1”, ….)Try running this function

Log a metric if it fails

GopherCon India 2015

Usage: TryFunc(“crawl.site1”,…) go TryFunc(“crawl.site1”,…)

quipo/statsd channel traffic panics grafana

udp only alphanumeric underscore dot

in conclusion…

GopherCon India 2015


go go go

#metrics #erlang #golang #clojure

past entr’pr


product/engg @helpshift start

instrumenting today

GopherCon India 2015
