Healthy mind in a healthy code | Oleg Anghelov | CodeWay 2015


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Who am I?

❖ Anghelov Oleg

❖ iOS Team Lead


❖ I love board games and rope jumping

Today we’ll talk about…

Healthy mind in a healthy code

A story about beautiful functions and discipline

What is the plan?

❖ Why and how to clean methods

❖ Demo

❖ Q/A

Methods are essential in our job, lets take care of them


+ (CGRect)firstRectangleForCrossWithRect:(CGRect)rect lineThickness:(CGFloat)thickness

- (void)scheduleFadeoutRespectingMinimumDisplayDuration

What bother us deep inside?

Family life is hard. You are not alone anymore :(

Algorithms are thoughts

❖ Readable❖ Clear❖ Structured

One more thing… But what is “one”?

Our code gets divided in different levels of abstractions

Extract till the last drop!



❖ Keep methods as small as possible

❖ Not worry about function call overhead

❖ It saves you and your teammates tons of time

❖ Methods should do only one thing

❖ Extract to last drop

❖ If you can extract one thing from another - do it



❖ Thanks!