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ConnectMe (CM)

Group Member:Usman Iqbal FA11-BCS-011

Usman Afzal Khan FA11-BCS-017

Supervised By:Dr. Usama Ijaz Bajwa

Department of Computer ScienceCOMSATS Institute of IT, Abbottabad

Project Introduction

• ConnectMe (CM) is a one stop social Communication android application.

• Forms new connections between people and helps keep in touch with existing friends.

• CM also provides the user: status, social updates ,check-ins with duration , etc. of their friends on a map.

• Through CM, user will be able to digitize and efficiently store huge collection of personal and official visiting cards.

• The application further provides the functionality of automatically updating the users’ contact info to all friends whenever a user makes a change in his/her contact info.

Scope of the Project

• The application will provide the user an ability to scan, digitize and store the visiting cards. Upon which the application asks the user whether to send a personal friend request or not provided the contact is already a user of this application. The application allows the user to keep track of their friends’ activities through social networks and place a visual marker on a map as to their location if he/she wishes to share it.

• The application consists of two parts; client and server.

Functional Requirements

• User Registration and Contact detailsi. Store users’ information like name, phone numbers,

address, emails, etc.ii. Set Username.iii. Set Password. iv. Ask for optional connectivity to third party social sites.

• Contact Infoi. Automatically update and display the latest contact

details of other users in user’s contact list.

Functional Requirements (Contd.)Visiting Card Scanner

i. Pre Processing: Analyze the input image of a visiting card for text regions and pass on those regions to OCR (Optical Character Recognition).

ii. OCR: The OCR will automatically convert the text regions into digital text format.

iii. Structural Analysis: Entities like names, address, phone no’s, are found based on the natural language processing principles.

iv. Text Pre-Processing: Analyzing the input text for special constructs of the language i.e. special treatment required for abbreviations, acronyms, date, time, numbers, currency amounts, e-mail addresses etc.

Functional Requirements (Contd.)Visiting Card Scanner

v. Post Check: After storing the information one final check is to ask the user for confirmation of the data that is read off the card by the application.

vi. Categories: A contact can be placed in multiple classification groups according to users’ choice like friends, family, co-workers, etc.

vii. Contact Information Storage: After the analysis of the extracted text the information is divided into parts and stored in its proper place.

viii. Friend request: Based upon the contact number, a friend request would be sent to that person, provided the details belong to an existing user of ConnectMe.

Functional Requirements (Contd.)• Social Center

• Friend finder: Place visual markers on a map for the last know location of a friend based upon a GPS network or the last check-in only if that friend wishes to share location details.

• Share My Location: Allows the user to share his/her current location based upon GPS coordinates.

• Monitor Friends’ Activities: This functionality allows a user to:

» Check if any friends are in the vicinity (a certain radial distance from the user’s location is considered) and contact them.

» Retrieve latest activities of friends from their social networks.

Use Case Diagram

Fully Dressed Use CasesUse Case 1: Register Account Scope: ConnectMe Level: User Goal Primary Actor: User Stake holders and interests:

- User: He/she want to improve communication channels.


- User has launched the application and has tapped the register button. Success Guarantee: Account is created successfully. Main Success Scenario:

Candidate System

This use case starts when the user want to sign up for the services.

1) User presses the sign up option from system’s main screen.

2) System prompts the user to provide account details which will be used as system credentials

3) User provides the information 4) The system saves the user information.

Extensions: 2a: The system asks if the user wishes to connect to third party social networks.

1) The user will be prompted to enter credentials for third party social networks.

Fully Dressed Use CasesUse Case 2: User Login Scope: ConnectMe Level: User Goal Primary Actor: User Stake holders and interests:

- User: He/she want to login to use application services.


- User has launched the application and is already a registered user. Success Guarantee: User Logged in successfully. Main Success Scenario:

Candidate System

This use case starts when the user wants to log in for the services.

1) User provides credentials and presses the login button.

2) User is logged in

Fully Dressed Use CasesUse Case 3: Scan Card Scope: ConnectMe Level: User Goal Primary Actor: User Stake holders and interests:

- User: He/she want to scan a visiting card.


- User is logged in. Success Guarantee: Card is scanned. Main Success Scenario:

Candidate System

This use case starts when the user want to scan a visiting card.

1) User presses the scan card option from system’s main menu.

2) System opens the camera app for the user to take picture of the card.

3) User takes a picture of the card 4) The system displays the image and asks the user to save or cancel it.

Extensions: 4a: The system asks if the user wishes to work on the image.

1) If user saves the image, further processing starts. 2) If user cancels, camera app is again opened.

Fully Dressed Use CasesUse Case 4: Process Image Scope: ConnectMe Level: System Goal Primary Actor: System Stake holders and interests:

- System: System tries to extract text from a scanned card.


- Image is available for text extraction. Success Guarantee: Text is extracted from the image. Main Success Scenario:

Candidate System

This use case starts when an image is passed to the system for processing.

1) Use case 3 has completed successfully 2) System performs operations to extract text.

System Sequence DiagramLogin User:

System Sequence DiagramCreate Account:

System Sequence DiagramScan Card:

Package Diagram

Sequence DiagramScan Card:

Sequence DiagramRegister Account:

Sequence Diagram

• User login

Class Diagram (Client)

Class Diagram (Server)

State Transition Diagram

Transition TableState 1 State 2

Open ConnectME Login/Signup Activity

Login/Signup Activity Home Activity

Scan Card Card Image

Process Image Extracted Text

Process Text Extracted Entities

Create Contact Contact Stored

Send Friend Request Friend Request Sent

Find Friend Friend List

Friend selection by user Location displayed on map

Share Location Location Shared

ER- Diagram








Deployment Diagram

Tentative Milestones Plan Milestone Project Deliverable

Entity Extraction module Contact is ready to be saved

Contact Based Friend Search Friends are added from saved contacts if they are a users of the application

Contact Info Updating Any change made in the contact info by the user is intimated to its friend.

Google Maps Api Integration The application is now able to place markers upon friends location.

Social Sites Api’s Integration The application is now able to retrieve social updates of friends.

Giant Chart
