What professional events can learn from the Arab Spring. Presented at The Fresh Conference,...



A pecha cucha style presentation given at The Fresh Conference, Copenhagen 2014 at a session on the future of events. I'm not really interested in politics, but have always been fascinated by movements and the avantgarde. It turned out to be a fun reminder of what good professional events are actually about - meaningful human encounters centred around a purpose. I also wrote a related blog post about the same topic http://www.thefreshconference.com/5-ways-the-arab-spring-could-revolutionize-the-meetings-and-events-industry/

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What professional events can learn from the Arab Spring

Martin Ferro-Thomsen Founder & CEO, Conferize

@ferrogate @conferize

Let me know if I used any images without permission and I’ll adjust.

Revolutions & movements = life/society changing events

Remember your best event? It changed your life

Bottom-up power structure!

⌁ Open Space & UnConference

The law of the two feet = Power to the people

But taken to an extreme! No venue, no program, no host

Just purposeful participation

And a sense of belonging 

“I am the content.”

Extending the life cycle of an event

From days to months! 

Expanding the place of an event - virtually!

“The Revolution Will Not Be Televised”

Use your vulnerability: Ask what people want

Be the change you want to see

Be completely transparent about everything

Undersell. Overdeliver.

Good technology = as little technology as possible

Thank you! martin at conferize.com

